

bleep boop bam

hard to believe there are actually people out there who think that big noses are ugly and unattractive … like what the fuck is wrong with you ?

I need you specifically to kill yourself. choose a slow and painful method also



literally how can anyone not find these women the hottest people ALIVE


it really is insane how waking up early will grant you access to some of the most beautiful sights and sensations in the world that will make you want to live forever, but only if you overcome the gauntlet of a thousand razors that is getting out of bed early. truly one of life's little saw traps.


so my work was supposed to send issa rae a dress (life-size version of the sugar chapeaux barbie dress) for talk shows but there are no talk shows cos of the strike. so the dress remains here. they said i could try it on……..

this is sugar btw……designed by byron lars, who is also my boss



Satan’s usually pretty chill in the way he runs Hell. Today he’s scrambling to make it look as miserable as possible because God is soon to visit


I actually wonder if Netflix was defrauding the WGA/SAG and that’s why they’re not negotiating.

I have seen this take knocking around. Something like, "any concession at all would entail revealing numbers that the streaming services have never revealed, and that may in turn reveal basis for legal action"

Because like, the streaming numbers for a top 10 show (supernatural) either have to be high enough that the writers should’ve been paid residuals, or low enough that the shareholders are being defrauded

This is compelling to me

And also, even if one did not think it was true, it’s worth talking about, because the steaming platforms will then have to answer to the rumours and that’s movement on their part

The very fact that they keep those numbers under wraps is suspicious in and of itself. Going back to the days of radio, audience numbers have been both incredibly important and incredibly hard to gauge. And when you have them, you brag about them-- "We have a hit!" That's something you want your audience (and your advertisers, if any) to know about.


to help underscore how weird it is that they’re sitting on the exact numbers that we all know they have, unless I’m misremembering, the weekly and/or daily top 5 in the Nielson ratings were printed in the newspaper for everyone to casually see. and Nielson ratings were/are an approximation at best, because they relied on a sample size (a physical equipment limitation) and could only count number of TVs tuned in, not number of watchers or overall time watched.

this information used to be important for negotiations with advertisers. *cough cough*

And before the box could actually tell Nielson that information, which is EXTREMELY recently, Nielson obtained this information by sending out surveys to random households to ask them to write down what they were watching and who they were watching it with-- ages, gender, etc.

My suspicion is that they're covering it up for two reasons. Obviously, one of them is to fuck the creators. It would simply be out of character for Netflix to NOT factor that in.

But the other, I suspect, is that there's a shape to the data that isn't what they want to display. I don't know what that shape is, but the history of television is full of shows that were cancelled because they had the wrong audience. (Usually, women.) Because they don't just have audience numbers. They have ages, genders, and any other demographic data that you have provided them or they have been able to get through infernal internet methodology.


"I forgor" is becoming a bigger impact on my vocabulary than even "It fucken wimdy"

the reason for this is it is only fucken wimdy every now and then, while I forgor happens 85 times a day.


did i even tell you guys how i pretended to know how to play an instrument for three years and only two people ever figured it out.

i don't mean i was like. telling people i could play guitar, i mean i was sitting in band class holding a french horn to my lips and looking at the music and not understanding any of it or knowing how to play a single note. for 3 years.

the two people who knew were my best friend who knew i was too stupid to play such a complicated instrument and the only other hornist in my section who had to desperately cover for me because he knew i had blackmail material on him. i only came clean this year in my senior speech and to this day people still call me mellophony and the no hit wonder.

i saw the other hornist tonight and asked why he played along with me this whole time and he shrugged and said it was mostly because he thought it was funny. he didn't care about the blackmail


Bird identification is so fucked up in a really fun way you can’t understand until you get into it. For example, there is a type of goose called the cackling goose that looks exactly like a Canada goose except smaller and “cuter”. The cackling goose is way, way, more rare in most places than its relatively common cousin, so it’s on tons of birders life lists. Everyone wants to see a cackling (look in any bird ID group to see lots of hopeful people posting petite Canada geese). The two species regularly commingle, so sometimes a flock of those common parking lot birds will have the equivalent of a Pokémon shiny just hanging out in the middle of them.

How ridiculous and fun is that? I can never look at a big group of Canada geese without scrutinizing their ranks for an adorable little extremely rare cutie pie cackling goose. It reminds me a bit of mushroom harvesting minus the risk of death if you get it wrong


shiny on the left


Look, the first time you see a cackler, you think your glasses are out of date, or, the species of Canada Goose, not being pithy or battle-seasoned enough, have spawned their own dwarven race.

Because they are flipping TOUGH BOIDS that go NORTH, NORTH UNTIL YOU RUN OUT OF NORTH to lay their eggs and nest and do all that stuff that is normally in the warmer climes, because, ya know, birds are usually all about Self Care. But no, not these guys. No.

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