

Gojo’s character flaw isn't that being the strongest makes him lonely. His flaws is he thinks that being the strongest makes him exist in a category above all other human beings, and therefore he doesn't have to bother trying to empathize with them. He describes everyone else as plants, they're not even animals, they're unthinking plants.

It's a flaw that shows in all of his behavior. He throws his weight around, bullies people to get what he wants, generally doesn't respect other people's autonomy. He loves his students but he also uses them as tools for his scheme to reform jujutsu society. This actually hurts his students, especially Megumi. His students don't even realize they're being used because they all are indoctrinated into thinking they owe him. Gojo is actually pretty manipulative guys, he just happens to have very progressive ideals at the same time.

Literally, everything he did to Megumi. Gojo had the option of putting Megumi into foster care, because hey guess what human trafficking is illegal the Zen'in had no real claim on him. Making an eight year old work to earn room and board by selling away his future is bad actually, it's bad.

Megumi's mental health and well-being is like a tertiary priority to Gojo at best. He literally says out loud to Sukuna he feels no qualms about beating Megumi up. He literally said that. The whole fight he cared more about having a fun fight with Sukuna then the issue of saving Megumi.

Anyway all of this is good because if Gojo were a traditional good mentor he would be boring.


Dog toy plushies have fundamentally different souls than that of regular plushies. Unlike regular plushies, which are content with just existing (and just go to regular heaven when they get destroyed and don’t mind being resurrected), dog toys seek Valhalla. This is why you don’t need to feel bad when your dog/cat/especially strong bird rips it to shreds, because this was the warriors death they were seeking all their life


I'm really happy to see Sousou no Frieren gaining popularity. It means that there will be more people I can share the experience of The Macht Arc with.

I'm pretty sure the anime hasn't gotten there yet, because the screaming has not reached my dash through osmosis, but I look forward to the day when it does.

That arc changed me. I can never look at lighting a cigarette the same way. The phrase "partner in crime" will never be the same to me. I love the bastard & bastard action, and above all, Frieren's Clarity of Purpose underneath all her antics and eccentricities.

It's a wonderful experience when you resonate with all the characters involved in a complicated conflict and they're all extremely well-written and the foreshadowing is powerful but the story could still go one of several ways, and no matter how it goes, you know it will hurt.

It did hurt. I loved it.

I can't wait to see other people screaming and crying over it as well. We can all be in pain together =)


King Rhaenar Targaryen (97-146), the First of His Name, called "the Unworthy," by his wife, Queen Alicent, of House Hightower: Prince Aegon, Prince of Dragonstone, called "the Red," Princess Helaena, Princess of Dragonstone, Aegon's eldest son, Prince Jaehaerys, Aegon's daughter, Princess Jaehaera, Aegon's son, Prince Maelor, Prince Aemon, called "One-Eye," Prince Daeron by his alleged first mistress, Princess Daena, Lady Dowager of Runestone, dear companion to Lady Jeyne Arryn, his aunt, Aegon Darksister, Lord of Runestone, known to the world as Aegon Royce, son of {Yorbert Royce}, by his first recognized mistress, Mother Crista, formerly of House Cole, Mother of the Great Motherhouse of Stonehelm, Ser Joffrey Redstar, a most puissant knight, celibate, Septa Maegelle, a mystic by his second recognized mistress, Lady Laena, of House Velaryon, Baela Waters, his twin daughter, Rhaena Waters, the other twin, by his third recognized mistress, Lady Hostella, of House Strong, Jacaerys Breakbones, her eldest son Lucerys Breakbones, her son


Vlad, Dan and Dani move across dimensions to Gotham because of some bad stuff happening in their own dimension. Vlad has a lot of his money with him in cash, and they quickly get themselves fake id's as father and his two children. Vlad's plan is to keep low profile, wait it out and then return. Dan and Dani don't care about Vlad's plan.

Vlad is shady, Dan and Dani are causing shenanigans, and a bunch of coincidences leads to people believing that they're some sort of mafia family.

Some idiots try to rob Dani and she blurts out "Do you know who my dad is?". Dan emerges from the shadows, sends Dani off and makes extremely specific and detailed threats of slow and painful death to the would-be robbers. He finishes the speech by adding that they would be wishing for him to do all of that if his and Dani's father found out about the robbery.

Then Dan accidentally recruits a group of goons by beating up their boss and feeling kinda responsible for the henchmen.

Then Dani steals the talons.

Dan has a fight over territory with one of the smaller rogues.

Dani steals Scarecrow's chemicals.

All the while they keep convincing people that this is all a part of some bigger plan of Masters family. First it's just a misunderstanding, then they keep doing it to annoy Vlad. Some people think that Masters is just a surname, some think that Master is a rogue's name. After a while everyone knows that there's an up-and-coming crime family.

Vlad is entirely oblivious. He doesn't know shit. He ends up making a small organisation (restaurant? car repair shop?) to hire people who keep coming to him. He's not sure why his children tell all these people that he can help but they are in trouble, so he helps. And then helps again, and again. All the places he opens look like crime fronts.

Vlad is still unaware that he's a mob boss.

Maybe at some point Dan and Dani think that Vlad figured this out (because its obvious) but doesn't say anything because the police has bugged their house or because he wants plausible deniability.

Obviously all of this ends with the Bats deciding to confront Masters. It's also the perfect moment for Danny to enter.

Here, have a shitty meme showing the moment.

Danny: I left you here fOR ONE MONTH

Vlad: It's not my fault!

Danny: I figured. Dani, if I give you a candy, will you tell me what the hell you've done?

Dani: What kind of candy?

Danny, handing out a Yellow Lantern ring: A Ring Pop.

Dani, snatching it: We accidentally started a mob family :D

I love the thougth that the above confrontation happens in front of the Bat family.

So they collectively go: Accidentally?

Vlad, who still didn't knwo what was going on: Mob Family?

Danny just looks tired.

Anonymous asked:

I read this thread on Twitter that talked about Alicent’s comparison to the Biblical Hagar and they associated Viserys with Abraham, and Aemma as Sara and I couldn’t help but think about how the logical comparison is Aegon and Ishmael but the stories are opposite. It had me thinking of anymore religious figures you might have that you would compare to asoiaf characters. As scandalous as that may be to George….

this is so interesting but about at the limit of the knowledge i have of the bible im not sure i could make any more comparisons? if anyone else has thoughts feel free to chime in


Supervillainess Looks

  • Theme Domme
  • Industrial Goth
  • Fetish Witch
  • Very severe lingerie model
  • Being An Evil Space Empress Means Never Having To Wear Pants
  • Sexy Authoritarian Regime Personnel
  • Kinky Nun
  • The costume designer’s libido was irrevocably shaped by silly sixties TV, so have an outfit inspired by Julie Newmar’s Catwoman or Emma Peel
  • Putting the “Femme” in Femme Fatale
  • Classic Hollywood Mystery Dame
  • Pre-Raphaelite Witch/Pagan Priestess/Morgan le Fay cosplayer
  • Culturally Appropriative International Bohemian Chic
  • Full Gothic Aristocrat, Steampunk, or Victorian, complete with morbid period accessories
  • Mutant Cyborg Space Princess from a high-concept music video
  • Armored ballgown
  • Scifi Byzantine Empress
  • Tasteful, stylish couture ensembles you really shouldn’t be able to afford, showcasing your ill-gotten gains to those in the know
  • They Look Just Like Everyone Else
  • Labcoat, rubber gloves, stylized goggles
  • Simple comfortable clothes under really fabulous outerwear
  • Power suits
  • Basic black, in simple, timeless, quietly severe styles
  • Sweet Lolita, Wholesome Fifties Teen, or other unthreatening styles to inspire maximum cognitive dissonance in your enemies
  • Mom jeans and a cozy sweatshirt, because nothing’s scarier to some people than a woman who only cares about her own personal comfort
  • Invest in some kind of high-tech holographic projector so you can adjust your appearance to the demands of the occasion, and then do evil in your pajamas.

this particular paragraph has stuck with me since i read it. recontextualizes everything. joffrey as the aggregate of a thousand thousand acts of violence every single one of which he has seen an adult in his life be rewarded for. and joffrey as an open wound. and joffrey as little boy who wanted to make his father proud of him so he opened up some poor thing’s ribcage and stole its babies because when robert did this they called him a king and they called him a husband and a father. and joffrey as a little boy who got hit so hard the other adult in the room thought he died. and joffrey who gets remembered in this moment by his uncle who concludes from this story that maybe it is a good thing he got violently murdered after all because maybe there was just something inherently wrong with him. just heartrendingly bleak all around

Anonymous asked:

thoughts on maekar? i know you don't really like stannis that much and maekar is basically targ stannis, even down to the brother slaying, but i think his relationship with egg is interesting so wanted ur thoughts <333

honestly fascinated by whatever he’s got going on. he’s an obvious stannis analogue but to me he also seems a bit kendall roy in that unlike a lot of his relatives, on some level he seems to know that the family doomrot is just inextricably in him and always has been and resents that but also wants more.

Baelor was too perfect to know that he was doomed and Aerys was too avoidant but Maekar knows that everything he touches disintegrates. follows all the societal rules and defends his son in the name of the law even though he knows aerion was wrong and then kills his brother on accident which haunts him forever and ever. All of the sons he raised personally turned out failures in some respect (daeron is an avoidant alcoholic, aerion is senselessly cruel, aemon is a maester) and he seems to have no relationship with his daughters whatsoever. he gives egg to dunk as a way out of that but he also clearly resents that this is the effect he has on the people he loves. no way out! cant love someone right you can only feed them poison!!!

to me that’s the real reason why he hates bloodraven. it’s not just because brynden being aerys’ hand is a snub but because bloodraven CHOSE to drink the targpoison he didn’t absorb it in the atmosphere like Maekar. generational curse bearer of all time not oblivious not defiant but a secret third thing

Anonymous asked:

How is Ned Dayne weirder than Darkstar? Not heing snotty, sincerly want your take

give him time to cook he’s named after the GUY WHO MURDERED HIS UNCLE and maybe MOTIVATED THE SUICIDE OF HIS AUNT and his parents DONT EXIST IN THE NARRATIVE so he got sent to WAR at age TWELVE and the parents who stepped up are as follows: 1) ZOMBIE UNCLE he has seen DIE and get REANIMATED OVER AND OVER with a little bit less of himself each time 2) his boyfriend who is rapidly serving no god but the covenant between him and his partner even though it’s robbing them of their humanity 3)the leftist infighting brigade 4) the true spirit of riverlands civil war 5) maybe the zombie milf who replaced his zombie uncle (?)

edric will not be normal. in contrast darkstar is just cringe the most traumatic thing that ever happened to him was when his uncle caught him kissing the Daemon Targaryen poster in his room at age 13


Margaret Atwood sat down to write Alias Grace and she said imagine the personification of 19th century ideas about white femininity (madonna whore complex embodied in a celebrated murderess and lunatic who may also be a virginal brutalised victim and is certainly a menial domestic servant skilled in textile crafts with a submissive yet composed demeanour) and white masculinity (a spoiled upper class manbaby who immediately judges every woman he interacts with on how attractive he finds them and has nonstop violent sexual fantasies while thinking himself the pinnacle of civilisation and chivalry and rational scientific endeavour) and then showed the man fucking falling to pieces while the woman is like. you good bro


I will never get over how weird it feels to have tragic and emotional chapters of your life where you just also still go to work, and the grocery store, and see funny videos online all while feeling such paralyzing fear and heartache

life just goes on no matter what


dreamer helaena works so well for me because it’s like. daenys the dreamer seeing the doom of valyria and because her father listens to her she is able to use her dreams to flee certain doom and found a powerful dynasty. And hundreds of years later helaena the dreamer seeing her home in flames and all the dragons dying if she does and she jumps anyways, she brings it about. because all that dynasty with all their power has ever done to her is ignore her dreams and inflict incredible cruelty onto her and maybe they don’t deserve that power maybe it is time for the city to burn and start anew. doom doom doom

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