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Percy is Latino

don’t @ me on this it’s a fact, ms thang (rick riordan) got it wrong, but you don’t have to.

  • He never really talks about it because hello there are monsters and wars.
  • That’s why he took Latin. Sally wouldn’t let him talk Spanish and get the easy a. As much as she loved him and wanted him to succeed she didn’t want him to do it through loop holes and easy outs.
  • A big reason why no one caught his dyslexia or ADHD was because of the language barrier from learning Spanish first. He became really insecure about his English so he just stuck to the back and tried to avoid trouble, not that that venture worked out too well.
  • While he didn’t have a strong relationship with all the people in his neighborhood, his mom was so lovable that everyone cared for him. He has a lot of Tias who feed him and try to set him up with their kids.
  • Pretty dominant Greek features which is why no could really tell, but come on…he doesn’t have that Greek God “tan” year-round, that’s just his skin.
  • Helps new demigods who don’t speak English well/at all get accustomed to the camp. Really threw everyone for a loop there, a lot of “what can’t he do’s” were going around.
  • Practically knocked Leo on his ass when he first spoke Spanish in front of him. Leo swore in Spanish then Percy immediately cuffed him on the ear and just rips into him like he knows his own mom would.
  • The look of two minorities finding each other™ passes and they start to just compare the cultural notes and talk in Spanish a lot because it reminds them of home.
  • When he gets mad or flustered he goes into Spanish.
  • Has super adorable moments where he just doesn’t know the English word for something and fumbles through it until someone can guess his little game of charades trying to describe what a pear is.
  •  Percy speaking Spanish to Annabeth usually means they are in a bedroom or should get into one quick
  • The day she spoke to Sally in Spanish threw them both off. She had been learning secretly for years because she knew it was easier for Sally to speak in Spanish and she should be nothing but comfortable around her family. 
  • She became family real quick, Percy proposed that night after she explained why she started learning.

Me: I’m tired of cliche romance stuff in media.

Cliche romance stuff: *happens but with a ship I like*



We all thought Loki was the odd one out but it turns out Thor is actually the friendly jock middle child in a family of bitchy drama club goths


List of people Percy Jackson has scared the shit out of:

  • Clarisse, daughter of Ares, Drakon Slayer: “Believe me, revenge is coming. One of these days, he’s going to be sorry. Why am I waiting? Just strategy. Biding my time and waiting for the right moment to strike. I am not scared, okay? Anybody says different, I’ll rearrange their dental work.” - Demigod Files (Interview with Clarisse LaRue, Daughter of Ares)
  • Luke Castellan: “‘Luke feared you,’ the Titan’s voice said. ‘His jealously and hatred have been powerful tools. It has kept him obedient. For that I thank you.’” -BotL
  • Kronos himself“"Perseus Jackson,“ one of them said. "Yes,” mused another. “I do not see why he is a threat.” “Who said I was a threat?” The first Hesperid glanced behind her, toward the top of the mountain. “They fear thee. They are unhappy that this one has not yet killed thee.” She pointed at Thalia.” -TTC
  • Leneus, a member of The Council of Cloven Elders: ”I didn’t push him very hard, but he was kind of top-heavy. He fell on his furry rump, then scrambled to his hooves and ran away with his belly jiggling.” - TLO
  • Hades, Lord of the Underworld: “Hades swallowed. ‘Now, Jackson, listen here…’ He was immortal. There was no way I could kill him, but gods can be wounded.” -TLO 
  • Phobos, the God of Fear himself: “I couldn’t kill him. He was immortal. But you wouldn’t have known that from his expression. The fear god looked afraid.” -Demigod Files (Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot) 
  • Leo Valdez: “Leo’s legs trembled. The way Percy looked at him made him feel the same as when Jason summoned lightning. Leo’s skin tingled, and every instinct in his body screamed, Duck! -MoA
  • Piper McLean: “Piper guessed that Percy hadn’t meant to cause so much damage, but his glowering expression made her want to leave the ship as soon as possible.” -BoO
  • fucking Annabeth Chase“Since she’d come back from Tartarus, Annabeth had told Piper about a lot of scary things that had happened down there. At the top of her list: Percy controlling a tide of poison and suffocating the goddess Akhlys.”- BoO

And let’s not forget:

  • How Percy looks when he fights: “My expression in the picture was fierce—disturbing, even—so it was hard to tell if I was the good guy or the bad guy, but Rachel said I’d looked just like that after the battle.” - TLO
  • Hazel’s first impression of him: “Then she’d met Percy. At first, when she saw him stumbling up the highway with the old lady in his arms, Hazel had thought he might be a god in disguise. Even though he was beat up, dirty, and stooped with exhaustion, he’d had an aura of power. He had the good looks of a Roman god, with sea-green eyes and wind blown black hair.”
  • Hephaestus’s words to him in BotL: “The god grunted. “Not that powerful, eh? Could have fooled me. You’re the son of the Earthshaker, lad. You don’t know your own strength.””
  • “Nico twisted his silver skull ring. “Percy is the most powerful demigod I’ve ever met. No offense to you guys, but it’s true. If anybody can survive, he will, especially if he’s got Annabeth at his side.“ -MoA
  • “Part of their problem was Percy. He fought like a demon, whirling through the defenders’ ranks in a completely unorthodox style, rolling under their feet, slashing with his sword instead of stabbing like a Roman would, whacking campers with the flat of his blade, and generally causing mass panic.” -SoN

The Last Visit

“I didn’t know it then, but it would be the last time I ever visited the attic.” (51)

“Please, Percy…” Luke practically whimpered, fighting just to beg for death, for release from Kronos’ command of his body.

I moved towards him, his body was broken, but so was mine. We struggled towards each other, his knife, the cursed blade, in my hand. I understood then, I was not the hero, only he could end it all, Luke was the only one who could destroy Kronos. I flipped the blade and held out the handle for him to take.

His eyes flashed gold to blue his face full of pain, “I can’t do it, Percy-” Suddenly his eyes turned gold and through the pain he smirked, “You think you can kill me? I am the lord of Titans, father of the gods, I will not be killed by some second rate son of Hermes the upstart child of Poseidon!” Kronos snarled before his eyes changed back to Luke’s blue ones.

Suddenly I realized what Luke meant, he couldn’t kill Kronos, not when Kronos had become a part of him like that. Rachel was right then I suppose, I wasn’t the hero, it was Luke. It was him that understood in the end, he was the one who made the decision to end Kronos’ time in this world. He was the one to understand that power cancelled out power, he needed me, my power to end his life and Kronos’ with it.

“Together.” I said to which Luke nodded, confirming my suspicions. Shaking, he reached down to unlatch his armor just below his left arm. In those few seconds I found Annabeth and Grover, he had given her some ambrosia and healed a few of her wounds, as bad as they looked she would be fine with him, I knew it.

I met Grover’s eyes and gave the slightest nod before meeting Annabeth’s. I took it all in, her face smeared with soot, the torn shirt and scuffed sneakers, the worn necklace that held more beads than any other camper, her princess curls hastily tied into a ponytail, and her eyes. Gods, her grey eyes that were analyzing everything that was happening they seared a hole into my heart and gave me the courage to finally tell her, “Goodbye, Wise Girl.”

Her eyes widened as she realized what I was saying and tried to lunge forward to stop me. Luckily Grover was quick and grabbed her, holding on tight.

I felt a hand grip the handle of the knife and finally faced Luke. Together we plunged the blade into his side, while his hands fell limp I held on to make sure the blade stayed in place. Every part of me screamed to let go, Luke’s body began to burn up and I still held on. Then I felt why I was needed, Kronos was trying to suck the life from everything around him to heal the wound and it was working. Gathering my energy I called to the oceans, to my father willing a connection, I was met with the gust of the ocean wind, a spray of salt water, the whirling of a riptide, the slowly and steady recession of the tide on a warm summer’s day. It was all within me and then…it wasn’t. I pushed it all into Kronos all of my power, my memories, who I was all of it channeled into the Kronos through the cursed blade of Annabeth Chase.

Around me the air heated up, a light blinded me and then the world was dark. It wasn’t death though, not yet, I was laying on my back in the throne room holding onto life. Hair tickled my face just before Annabeth leaned over, light shining around her. She was crying.

“You’ll live, you’ll live, Percy please.” She cried over my body knowing that it wouldn’t be.

“Annabeth,” I croaked using the remainder of my strength. Her eyes snapped to mine, “I love you.”

Her body racked with sobs, but through the tears I heard her say, “I love you too Percy Jackson.” A figure appeared behind her, “Fate did not play in your favor, Perseus Jackson, come with me.”

He raised a hand in offering that I took, my soul rose from my body. I turned to see Annabeth cry out clutching my body Grover opposite her, looking on with tears streaming down his face. The palace doors burst open and the gods thundered in, Poseidon leading them.

“My son! Where is my son, I felt-” Poseidon faltered as he took in the scene in front of him. How it must’ve looked, Luke’s body surrounded by a charred circle, Kronos’ scythe nearby and my own body with Annabeth and Grover hunched over it. “No.” he whispered before shrinking himself to stroke my face, now cold with death.

“We need a shrine, the son of Poseidon is dead.” Grover choked out, to the gods and their children clustered at the door. It was the last thing I saw as the world faded to the darkness of the underworld.

That night a blue flag appeared above the Empire State Building, raised to half-mast.  

so I was re-reading The Last Olympian and there’s the line at the top and I got so mad because it was super ambiguous. I had to text @teamperseus and just rant, but then I thought what if Percy was the hero? What if he had to die in some way to fulfill the prophecy? Anyways that’s the story, just a typical night of Percy dying I guess.


Ok so if you check the wiki for the pjo demigods and go into the abilities section they say that demigods are faster and stronger than the average human??? Like I knew that they had better reflexes (ADHD) but I didn’t think they actually had enhanced strength and speed but

Like I knew agile thing but I swear they didn’t mention anything about strength and speed. I just genuinely accepted these examples as human strength not super-human strength. Did they actually specify this stuff in the books?? 

I know for a fact they talk about Percy being not the best runner but if you had him race with a human would he most likely win???

Cause if so ya’ll I’ve missed out on so many opportunities to play up the Accidental Superhuman Strength Trope and I Accidentally Keep Showing The Mortals I’m More Than Human Trope in fics cause it’s my actual favorite thing in the world.


Percy Jackson is my life and Tim Burton my god.

I hope you like my (dark) vision of the Heroes of Olympus (+Nico, Will and Reyna). It took me a long time and it wasn’t easy. But I did it.

Please reblog if you like !


Night Triumphant - and the Stars Eternal. If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear.

Finally finished this piece! I hope yall like it :) I just had to paint Toni as Rhys one more time because like - come on. You know why. 


The most overlooked moment in the Percy Jackson series is when Percy, at age twelve, kills the wild boar Ares sent after him in the lightning thief like it was nothing

Will: Nico and I don’t have pet names for each other.
Jason: Uh huh. Hey, what's that movie called, the one with the pig?
Will: babe?
Nico, from the other room: Yes, sweetie?
Jason: Don’t ever lie to my face again.

loki’s outfits, rated

firstly i would just like to say that i’m sorry for posting this in the year of our lord 2017


thor 1:

this is literally the most pathetic twink i have ever seen in my life. i cant say anything mean about this he’s just roasting himself by existing. look at those shoulders. i think he just finished crying in this photo. 1/10.

this suit (thor 1):


he’s trying but he just looks a 15 year old at his uncle’s wedding. 4/10

his armour: 

okay the helmet is good because at least it’s SOMETHING that stands out from all his black leather. good colour scheme. i can’t really think of anything mean to say so 6/10


nice colours again, functional armour design. i like the bits round his wrists. also this picture is really funny. 8/10

avengers suit:

wow this is literally the same suit from thor 1. dude. 7/10 because he worked out or something so it actually fits him a bit better

thor 2:

is this the same outfit as avengers? i don’t fucking know. he only has one set of clothes. his hair looks worse so 7/10

these shitty rags:

this is how i look when i have an existential crisis in a taco bell bathroom. 9/10 for relatability i guess


his sugar daddy came through and he finally got new clothes which instantly puts this up there! he looks nice. put together. trophy twink. the hair out the back of his helmet is a gay look as well. 10/10

this suit:

i really cant say anything here thor already murdered him in cold blood for this. i do like the ted cruz power stance though. 8/10

whatever the fuck this is:

DUDE can you imagine how iconic loki would be if he did this all the time. gay!!  this dramatic bottom!!! 11/10


amazing, truly


Ok, but in Carrie’s book, she definitely mentions more than one occasion when Mark showed up unannounced at Harrison’s early in the morning when Carrie was just there and they were clearly not having a breakfast hang out and Mark was just like “hey guys let’s hang”, and also Mark followed their car while they were making out and honked at them and was like “oh hey wow, we’re all heading to the same place! let’s all go eat together!”

oblivious third wheel mark hamill is a legend


i’m mark hamill

The real victory here is knowing that Mark Hamill was good enough friends his co-stars to randomly show up at their houses uninvited to hang out and get food while simultaneously being too self absorbed to notice anything


Percy in PJO: LEt mE liVE

Percy in HoO: LEt mE dIE

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