


My lovely friend Pauline drew it for me. It’s a big surprise from Paris ! I should say Merci ! Because I do love the woman in me 💋


浅草 、黒田清輝 と 鴉ちゃん


「Eat Pray Love」 Café Romano is my secret garden in Kamamura. The most important thing is back to kamakura as soon as possible,when I’m back to Japan. There are so many precious closest friends waiting for me. Kamakura is my favorite city that makes me feel warm , another is St.Petersburg. It seems like definitely enough lucky to own the special experiences in the two cities. It’s my 「A Tale of Two cities 」. Not about revolution. Just for 「Eat Pray Love」.


C’est la vie 🐾☘️🌹


Strolling around with sis


E L I Z A V E T A  P E T R O V N A

For, with all her shortcomings, Elizabeth was no ordinary woman. In many respects she was her illustrious father’s own daughter. Her very considerable knowledge of human nature, her unusually sound and keen judgment, and her diplomatic tact, again and again recall Peter the Great. What to her impatient contemporaries often seemed irresolution or sluggishness, was generally suspense of judgment, in exceptionally difficult circumstances, and her ultimate decision was generally correct.
→ happy birthday @leroichevalier !
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