
American Raichu


Not really sure what to call myself, somewhere stuck between being a Libertarian and a Conservative. All you should know, is I'm a Raichu. Also, I'm a former Division 1 athlete.

If you cheat on someone, you’re horrible.

Point blank period. If you are in a monogamous relationship and you willfully choose to go behind your partner’s back, you’re horrible.

Please don’t give me any bullshit about it being “a mistake“. Stepping on somebody’s foot is a mistake. Cheating is a series of conscious choices. I’m not even saying a person can’t learn from it and not be the same kind of person that they used to be, but the path to that redemption is not shrugging off responsibility by calling it “a mistake” or asking people not to shame you for it.

Don’t fucking cheat.

you can cheat on people and it be a mistake. it’s not always a conscious choice.

Bull Shit.

Did you trip and fall on a dick? Did you slip on a puddle into a vagina? No?

Then it wasn’t a fucking mistake. Newsflash: if you consciously and willingly had sex with someone, it was a conscious choice.

And if you really think you “can’t control it”? DON’T GET IN A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP.

Cheating isn't just one mistake... it's a series of mistakes that lead up to the one gigantic one. Do not try to romanticize it nor defend it. It hurts people, destroys them. I am petrified to talk to women because of she did to me...


Okay but after seeing this I started doing it too and it’s amazing how many men I’ve run into bc they expected me to move

Gotta try it


I work (and walk) on a college campus. I’ve lost count of how many men I’ve smacked shoulders with.


Recently, I was standing outside my son’s classroom waiting to talk to his teacher. I stood on one side of the hallway, not even close to the center. At some point, a man came walking along. I was standing right in his path, but the hallway was empty, so I logically expected him to swerve around me. Instead he kept walking right toward me, got to me, and stopped, as if waiting for me to get out of his way. I didn’t; I just smiled politely at him. He finally walked around me, clearly annoyed that I hadn’t leapt out of his manly path.

Now I’m wishing I’d leapt aside, taken off my jacket and laid it on the floor before him, then bowed deeply and said, “My Liege!”

I also work at a college campus. I smack shoulders sometimes, but I find that if I stare straight ahead and follow the advice below, people get the heck out of the way.


Honestly this post changed how I carry myself when walking alone in public, or in a situation where I’m the one leading. People definitely move for the murder gaze.

Confirmed. I once had to rush back inside a convention hall as the con was closing in order to a retrieve a sick friend’s medication, and I didn’t understand why people in the crowd were jumping out of my way (literally—one guy vaulted a table) until I realized I was dressed as the Winter Soldier and doing the Murder Walk because that’s just how I walk in those boots. I got the meds, got out, and made a mental note.

I repeated the experiment later, wearing the boots but otherwise my usual clothing and mimicking the expression I thought I’d had at that moment. People parted like I was Charlton Heston.

I now wear that style of boots whenever possible. I recently had a man do a double-take as I walked by and ask me, politely, where I had served because I “looked like a soldier.” I’m not current or former military. I was wearing a flowy purple peasant top and looked as un-soldierlike as possible.

Moral of the story: wear comfortable shoes, square your shoulders, and walk like you’ve been sent to murder Captain America.


It’s called the Murder Strut.

IT’S BACK!!!!!! I was searching for this to show my daughter the other day and couldn’t find it. I’m so glad IT’S BACK!! I will always reblog the Murder Strut!!

A guy on a bike went around me because he could tell I had no intention of moving. Thanks to this post.


This post went from Scientific to Feminist to Educational to HILARIOUS!

#make men get the fuck out of the way 2k17

I do this now. Stand my ground. Men look flabberghasted that i wont move out of the way. The most annoying thing is when i’m walking along holding Superpups hand (he’s 2.5 years old), and people walk right up to us and expect to go between us… so for me to let go of my toddlers hand for the sake of them. One person i actually had to put my free hand out and onto their chest to block the person to stop before they ploughed into us.


Okay, as funny as this post is, I just gotta say that I’m the type of guy who will serve around you because I’m too much in a hurry to be bothered with colliding with people.

Seriously, my high school juke and hustle (when the lunch bell rung, of course.) is how I got recommended to the football team.

This is literally not a gendered thing. I got knocked in both shoulders by a group of teenage girls because I refused to hobble off the sidewalk with my cane into the grassy area. Then they acted like it was my fault lol.

So this is “how being an inconsiderate jackass is actually female empowerment when snotty feminists do it” 101.

God, I’ve never seen this post with so many stupid responses. “I didn’t move out of the way for someone who clearly wasn’t going to move out of the way and look!!!! I ran into them!!!!!!!!! On purpose!!!!!!!!!  Who would have thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Everyone gets out of my way at all times, I have no idea what the hell is wrong with most of you

walking in a city trains you to get people to move the fuck outta your way. it also teaches you to weave through crowds. this is useful in concerts

Basically, shoulders down, hold your ground. But yeah, I love the original post because it’s all “Female empowerment” glossing over some serious bullshit dickery.

I’m with @keyhollow; I’ve never had this problem. Either I just have that kind of face that compels people to move, or the rest of you females are seriously wimpy, shrinking violets.

Wait! Is this why I've knocked two women to the ground??? Seriously???


This may have flown under everyone’s radar, but we had another mass shooting in the US yesterday. Four people dead, not including the gunman. He headed for an elementary school. Couldn’t get inside, so just shot at it. This is after shooting several people on his way there. 

They are saying it could have been so much worse if he had been able to get into the school. And while I agree, would we really have cared if he shot a bunch of kids? It’s happened before and we did nothing.

Are you under the impression that California doesn’t have strict gun control?


A dude sitting on a couple ‘felony assault w/ deadly weapon’ charges, a restraining order, with repeated reports from neighbors for making threats and sporadic gunfire in his backyard, and even with CA laws he wasn’t impeded. Seems like a huge part of this is a failure to enforce current law in any way.

‘CA laws are a joke, gun ban now’ as if a gun ban could be enforced any better than current laws are.

Destroy the fucking guns. Destroy them. Don’t let more be sold or made. It’s not that hard to figure out. People’s second amendment “rights” do not trump my or anyone else’s right to live.

And how would the total destruction of, and ending manufacture of, all firearms in the nation even be enforced?

>Destroy the fucking guns. Destroy them. Don’t let more be sold or made. It’s not that hard to figure out.

And off the mask slips. You didn’t even pretend to respond to the points raised.

>People’s second amendment “rights” do not trump my or anyone else’s right to live.

Of course not. That’s why civilized societies tend to have laws against murder. You do realize most murders are not committed with legally owned guns, right? Including the incident your tried to exploit in your orignal post without learning the facts?

He made his own guns destroying all the guns wouldn’t have stopped this. That’s why it flew under the radar op.

Yes, this guy made his guns. But what about the other , 13,800 gun deaths of people in this country this year? 

Most of which are done with illegalmy owned guns? These people are killing other human beings, a gun can be made from stuff bought at home depot. Do you really think destroying or banning guns will stop them? What an extra 10 years on top of 4 life sentences really gonna mean shit to this guy?

You are honestly only punishing people who do follow the law and use guns as a means of protecting themselves. Do people no longer have a right to protect themselves from burglars, rapists, assaulters, etc. as a result of people that decide to commit murder?

Also… you can just go out of the country to have guns made and produced and just smuggled back into the US. 

Don’t those nearly 14,000 homicides by firearms also include self-defense as well?


White guy: *drinks water* SJW: These FUCKING WHITE PEOPLE I CAN’T EVEN

maybe hes just a thirsty boy? what if hes just healthy nd gettin his daily hydration? is that a white people thing?

>demonizing a healthy habit

Reminds me of how sometimes people in the hood will victimize kids who read for “acting white”.


He’s also probably an athlete... I drank a gallon of water a day in the summer like this!

People who live in places it doesn't snow: Snow is so pretty! People who live where it snows are so lucky.
People who live where it snows: fucking Inconvenience Powder
Me, used to live where it snowed, no longer do: I MISS THE SNOW! PLEASE! I HATE THE HEAT


As an Uber and Lyft driver myself, I'm curious as to how it went.


I really hate the line of thinking that people have of “how could they not see this coming… he had X many guns” and “anyone with that many guns is out to kill someone”. I’ve heard this sentiment on both liberal and conservative media.

Its none of y'alls business how many guns my boyfriend and I have, but I’ll just say it goes into the double digits. Why?

Because he likes guns and I like to bond with him over the things he likes (and I enjoy a day at the range now and again).

Do we need X many guns? No. But it doesn’t matter what we need. I don’t need a spa membership but I sure do like getting massages every month.

Shooting is a hobby and a lot of people find the mechanics of guns (building them, modifying them, etc) to be interesting. You can own as many guns as you want because that’s you’re right. That doesn’t make someone a future killer.

Sure having a load of guns might be fun, but it leaves the door open for really bad people to get their hands on them. I think its irresponsible to put your freedom to have fun over other people’s lives tbh. A handgun for self defence or a hunting rifle is one thing but anything more just seems crazy to me.

Well if you’re smart you have a gun safe. And it’s not just for “fun”.

Nowhere in the constitution does it say “right to bear exactly 2 arms, one handgun and one shotgun”. Right to bear arms, period. And if you’re someone who likes to collect, to shoot different types of guns, to work on and build them, there is nothing wrong with that.

And just because someone else breaks the law doesn’t mean you’re rights should be put in jeopardy.

Yeah I’ve got a few guns, more then some, less then others.

I probably have too many, lol



I just found out this morning that I'm actually Jewish. Like actual Israeli Jew.... Interesting. Turns out half my family is.


Wonder Woman and Star Trek Beyond are perpetuating the very necessary idea that if Chris Pine is in your movie you must somehow, someway give him a motorcycle to ride. Space motorcycle, future motorcycle, WWI motorcycle- if it has Chris Pine on it, it doesn’t matter. 

i think you forgot one

So essentially, he’s turning into this generation’s Steve McQueen.


North Carolina motorists who hit protesters blocking roadways will be legally protected under proposed bill


Bad law


Can’t run people over because they inconvenience you. Even if the protest is stupid

Not supposed to be walking on the interstate anyways.

Can’t run over people because inconvenience

No, but how many of these idiots attack folks who try to get them to move so they can pass through? Its practically suicide or a guaranteed battery from those “protesters” if you foolishly stop. They’re violent sociopaths who honestly think theyre entitled to everything.

Sorry, my life is worth more than theirs and I am not going to be an easy target so a bunch of whiny unemployed shitheads can riot on an interstate.

Again, if they attack you can run them over. This law doesn’t add to that.

You can’t just assume any slowdown is an attack. You have to articulate that.

Yes, I will articulate it by, them charging at my car as I approach slowly. Trust me, I wouldn’t want to damage my car on their broke asses. Front ends are expensive, not to mention halogen lights, radiators, transmissions, etc. But if I am trying to circumnavigate and they decide of their own volition to run at my car, they’re actively partaking in their inevitable injury/death.

Besides all that, interrupting and pissing off the general populace, who has no control of laws, or civil rights issues, etc (whatever these whiny fucks are complaining about) is not going to help them get what they want. Crowd the courthouse steps, disrupt the capitol buildings, demonstrate outfront of lawmakers’ offices and homes, don’t fuck with the lowly blue collar worker trying to feed her/his family, cause chances are, you’re just ensuring come election time that he or she will vote opposite whatever party the “protesters” back.

These laws arose BECAUSE all these fucktarded protesters are doing is pissing off the locals, which again they won’t back them. Be loud, be boisterous, chant all you want, but do it at the RIGHT PEOPLE. Thats all they have to do.

If you can articulate a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury then you’re good. But again, that’s everywhere without this law

And people being aggravated with these asshats isn’t a good reason to pass a law that allows vehicular assault. Pissing people off isn’t a good reason to allow allow assault, whether it’s antifa assaulting people who piss them off or Trump supporters assaulting protesters with their vehicle

Im with @russian-support on this. While protesting (when done correctly) is good, intentionally walking in the streets is a bad idea. All you’re going to do is irritate people and that wont cause any change. While running them over is a bad idea, i dont think people should be charged over it. After all, they are blocking the roads.

You can’t run over people because they inconvenience you. You can only use force when you’re threatened.

Threatened is a very subjective term

Go murder someone for standing in your way or inconveniencing you and see if that “threatened is a very subjective term” holds up in court. LMAO. 

“Well, you see your honour, I didn’t wanna go on a detour so I had to commit run down and kill those four protestors”

Newsflash, they are not supposed to be blocking the road.

Find me a detour in Atlanta and the surrounding area that doesnt involve 12 turns, 30 extra minutes, and at least one unsafe area to drive through. Thats assuming you have the option of hopping off at the exit, and not stuck somewhere in between the off ramps.

1) it’s just stupid to block a highway. If you think its smart to stand in the middle of the road, where cars are going 60+ mph, then you deserve to get hit. Blocking a highway does NOTHING to change any situation.

2) all that blocking a highway does is irritate the people driving. People that are just trying to get to work. People trying to make court dates, people working three jobs, people trying to make it to the hospital to see their loved ones. You’re stopping doctors and nurses, officers, emergency personnel and so many more from doing their jobs, which is putting other people at risk. You want change? Vote in politicians who will listen. Vote them in at the city/county levels. Protest outside of government buildings, to the people that have the ability to change what needs to be changed. Not the poor overworked mother of three who’s struggling to make ends meet so her kids don’t ever have to worry.

3) a lot of the “protests” in the recent years lead me to believe that any and every single one can endanger my life. As a tiny, 20 year old white woman i am the easiest target for them. If there are protestors blocking the road i will continue to drive. Ill drive at 5mph, but i will still drive. Stopping my vehicle is not a safe option for me. And if they lay a hand on my car or get close to me, you can be damn sure that i WILL make them move. Most people will move cause they dont want to get run over by a 2 ton hunk of metal.

Will i run people over like they’re bowling pins? No. But if you get in my way and I perceive a threat to my life i will not stop my car.

Now get the fuck back to your blog, kiddo


This isn’t Canada, where you hold friendship circles and talk about your feelings, and everyone says sorry at least ten times a day. This is America, where protestors get violent and kids would rather overthrow the govt than vote, and crackheads burn down a bridge of the major arteries into the Atlanta area and make your life a living hell with the influx of traffic on every other road.

They are also impeding my right to travel within my own country. Don’t stand in the way of my truck.


Seriously could use some encouragement about dating women at the moment... Fucking terrifying with what happens to men sometimes, I may be stressing out over a minority but it still scares me seeing these feeds and videos of bat shit crazy women.


Whenever friends say “I wish I could’ve lived in the ancient/medieval times to see what it was like”, as a person of colour I always think to myself “Nah, I’m good”

I mean, do you think non-white people have never had civilizations, empires, or nations?

Have you ever heard of Carthage?



Ancient Egypt?



All of China?

Why do people seem to completely forget Kush?

Source: reddit.com
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