
I´m Changing For The Better

@skyluxer / skyluxer.tumblr.com

22, Ana, Chile. Just reblogging lo que me da la gana, among that is kpop (BTS, Shinee, Teen Top, Exo, GD, Hyuna, BP), Anime (Naruto, Bleach, BNH, SNK, FT, etc) Series (Skam, Skins, Riverdale, La Casa de Papel, etc) Feel free to talk to me if you want c:
Anonymous asked:

Are you going to be okay over there? I heard what is happening and I am scared for everyone's saftey

Two people were shot yesterday just for being there; a girl on the leg and a guy on his throat. 

A pregnant mother and her daughter were caught by a pepper spray grenade and the people so called “delincuents” asist them instead of the police who is hitting and pushing teenages down the metro stairs.

There are currently 4 people missing (3 of them minors), family, friends and even their schools are actively looking for them but the hospitals and police dont want to give them information.

Last night they burn their own electricity building’s emergency stairs and blame the protestants, unaware that we know it was impossible it burn because the stairs have a special paint that prevent the fire, yet it still happened and no firefighters appear at all even when the building is important. We didnt had stable electricity last night.

They throw the military to the streets and most likely have permission to arrest whoever they want, shoot and kill. 

Somebody died this morning in front of a metro station and the news is acting like it never happened. Somebody DIED and they just covered their body and prevent anybody to come near and at least pick it up from the stairs.

Our parents and grandparents are scared as they see the same shit that happened on September 11, 1973, happen again

We won’t be okay till they hear our demands and stop treating us as the culprits when we have been the victims long enough.

They are trying to have us fight against each other instead against them, but we had enough.


I'm chilean and I'm SCARED

October 19, 2019: It feels like generation Z is gonna have to go through history now, back to 1973 when the merciless dictatorship begun. I can't even begin to explain this to outsiders, but it's kinda like our country has ptsd about the military dictatorship and now we're going through it again. Fuck, they declared state of emergency, taking away our basic human rights and put on a curfew, which in spanish is "toque de queda", a word adults tell you as if it were the deceased boogeyman of their youth and today came back to life. This is a nightmare come true.


They suspended public transport, buses, declared a state of siege and now a curfew ... but first they took away our pensions, increased the metro fare, electricity, water, fuel. They took away our good quality of life and now they took away our right to manifest on the streets. Well, they also took away our fear! Authority cannot hold us anymore.

The curfew will stop us only for tonight, tomorrow we will fight again!

The country will fall into chaos untill we get solutions


I'm sorry if my posts bother any of my followers, but my country is on a crisis, Chile is on a revolution.

Perdón si mis publicaciones molestan a algunos de mis seguidores, pero mi país está en una crisis, Chile se está revelando.


Can Tumblr pay attention to south america like for once?


I barely have seen people here talking about this, but the riot against the metro fare rise started this monday and it only has risen. Police are hitting and shooting students, common people are hitting and destroying and burning metro stations, the militars are on the streets and cant hold it. Teargas is everywhere. People are mad, robbing supermarkets and farmacies, lining up in gas stations. There’s no public transportation in the capital. It is caos

Please if you know anyone in Chile, ask them if they are okay. Personally, my family has a cafeteria and they don’t know if its gonna get robbed, so we are just waiting here for common sense to arrive. So pray for us. 


El pais lleva ardiendo desde anoche, así que sal a gritar lo que te duele, sal a gritar lo que callabas, sal a gritar lo que amas , sal a pelear. pero sin miedo , que entre todos nos cuidamos.


Me integro a esta conversación matinal para decir que yo creo que quienes pertenecemos a la clase acomodada y privilegiada no entendemos ni vivimos cotidianamente la violencia del sistema socioeconómico actual. Pero la gente pobre y las nuevas clases medias, salidas de la pobreza en los últimos 20 o 30 años, son tratados muy violentamente por el sistema cada día. Primero los padres trabajan como burros de carga, de sol a sol, en extensas jornadas, lejos de sus precarios hogares, viajando largas horas apiñados, para recibir en promedio apenas el sueldo mínimo. Mientras tanto, el 40% de los hijos de esos maltratados padres van a colegios municipales, cuya infraestructura es francamente mala, los cursos multitudinarios y los profesores mal pagados, para recibir una educación tan mala que finalmente no les permite adquirir las herramientas necesarias para salir de la pobreza y pasan a engrosar luego la masa de trabajadores que empieza a vivir con el ingreso mínimo, igual que sus padres. Cuando cualquiera de ellos tiene una necesidad de salud, tiene que concurrir a consultorios y hospitales públicos que están colapsados, en los que no hay hora para nunca, teniendo que esperar meses por una atención o una cirugía y horas para una urgencia. Mientras tanto, el costo de la vida sigue subiendo, por lo que no llegan a fin de mes si no se endeudan, pasando a ser esclavos del crédito y viviendo solo para pagar interminables deudas, muchas veces en artículos suntuarios que no necesitan pero que les han hecho creer que son de primera necesidad a través de una despiadada publicidad. Mientras tanto, los ultraprivilegiados viven una vida de ricos y famosos que han logrado gracias a la cuna de oro en la que nacieron y saltándose todas las filas posibles y abusando del resto.

- Mi papá


our national tv internet streaming services are region locked, people that are outside Chile cannot watch them. All of them spill only the government’s side and lies anyway, but it’s jarring to know that they’re isolating us little by little


Santiago — Chile, 19 de Octubre del 2019, barrio Bellas Artes.

Fotógrafo: Juan C García.

Inicio el toque de queda en Santiago y la gente sigue dispuesta a seguir en pie de lucha.







“Violence is not the way”

They said when the turnstiles were broken.

And I agree, that’s violent.

But violent is also the way in which the families of the missing detained don’t know where the bodies of their loved ones are. Violent is the way in which the drought in Petorca had their causes identified in 2014 and the reform made was an incomplete project of the state.

Violent is the way in which Chile is the most unequal country in the OCDE, with a system “pro rich” where the taxes affect the poor severely more. Violent is the way in which the elders of 80 years have the highest suicide rate due to absence of prevention policies focused on the elderly.

Violent is the lack of resources, inputs and lack of dignity in public health. That Quintero’s youth must close the school year due to health problems after episodes of contamination. The sexual abuse of the Church, and the protection that the policy has given to the cases. That Carabineros of Chile confiscate fruit at fairs instead of disarticulating drug trafficking in neighborhoods.

Violent is the way our elders have to work even after their retirement because they can’t live otherwise.

Violent is that the Metro of Santiago cares more about broken swivels that people killing themselves in the train tracks.

Violent are the ones who provoke social inequality, not those who fight against them.

What even is this?

Curfew in 1 hour, 12 minutes, 47 seconds

Are we expected to celebrate? like this is freakin new year or something?

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