
idk man


Aquarius sun // Aries moon // Taurus rising                                                       Saturn and Neptune dominant planets                                                                                                      Aquarius dominant sign                                                                               Personal blog// ENFJ // Romania

How I see them now

The old gods are not forgotten. (But I wish we could forget Zeus)

Hera stands with me while I let go of my abusive partners. She smiles at my justified rage, but pulls me back from acting on it. Hera makes sure I keep my wits about me when others anger or disrespect me.

Poseidon stands with everyone protesting Sea World, everyone cleaning the beaches. Poseidon is in the water, quiet and still, rejuvenating and peaceful, until he has had enough.

Hades stands with everyone mourning. He stands at funerals, assuring everyone that their loved one is safe. He watches our departed, telling them we love them.

Demeter stands with climate change activists; those who are fighting for the forests, plains, tundras. Demeter watches us destroy our planet, and curses. She stands with Poseidon, and they rant about pollution.

Athena stands with the protesters at marches. She is in their shouts and calls, fueling their fury, forcing change. Athena stands with the idealistic people entering law, hoping against hope that their morals are not corrupted.

Ares stands with soldiers and warriors. He stands with them as they fight for what they believe in. Not like Athena fueling aggressive words, but Ares fuels agressive action. Sometimes it’s for good, sometimes it’s for ill.

Artemis stands with me when I worry for children being hurt. She comforts me when I am scared for my siblings. I do not feel Artemis when I hold a bow; I feel her when I fight to protect young girls in abusive situations. Artemis stands with me when I fight to protect those in need of protection. She is, was, and will always be more than the Goddess of the Hunt.

Aphrodite stands with those who look in the mirror and feel pride. She stands with those who look in the mirror and try to feel pride. She praises those who accept their sexuality, and urges those who do not to grow proud of it. Aphrodite curses at those who display bigotry towards others based on who they love.

Apollo stands with those pursuing their dreams of the arts. He cheers on the struggling artists, he listens to all of the music aspiring musicians put out, no matter how much they dislike it. Apollo breathes life into the arts.

Hephaestus stands with the craft workers. He stands with the metal smiths still, but now he stands with so many more. The plumbers, carpenters, all who feel at home with a toolbox at their side. He helps them create, repair, make new. Hephaestus lives in their crafts.

Dionysus stands with those who find their life in social events. He stands with those who find joy in chaos. He joins the party as the one who watches over girls’ drinks, keeping the party fun, but safe.

Hestia stands with me when I am alone. She stands with me when I need a shoulder to cry on, when I need someone to tell me things will be alright. Hestia wipes my tears and tells me that this is temporary. Hestia is there for people who have no one else.

Hermes stands with those with a goal, who just want to get things done. He stands with those who don’t spend their time on empty dreams, but become them. A jack of all trades is a friend of Hermes.

Persephone stands with the hearts of teenagers getting the first taste of rebellion on their lips. She smiles as they talk back to their parents, urging them to become their own person. Persephone cheers at the first meeting of soulmates, fondly remembering Hades.

The muses work alongside Apollo, but help those in their individual passions.

Calliope helped me write this piece, commemorating their works.

Clio tells me stories about when the world was new; she whispers old truths, long forgotten.

Euterpe is in the music notes I write, dancing through the air with the melodies I create.

Terpsichore guides my feet as I dance. She moves my body to the music, helping me land my leaps and stick my turns. She lives in my spirit for dance.

Thalia is in every joke I tell. She is in every limerick and rhyme, laughing with those that hear it.

Melpomene turns my tears into words. She feels my sorrows and urges me to write them away. She smiles at the healing that my writing brings me.

Erato lives in the love letters sent by young lovers. She rejoices in the smile one gets when they write the letter, and the smile one gets when the other reads it.

Polyhymnia lives in the old songs praising old gods. She lives in churches, dancing through the air as hymns are sung. It does not matter that they are no longer for her; the presence of sung prayer is enough.

Urania is in the stars, making the constellations visible. She is in the brightest stars shining through the light pollution.

There are others that we have forgotten. There are gods, goddesses, and whatever lies in between that have been lost over time. Oral tradition lives only as long as those who know the stories, and written tradition lives only as long as the surface it is written on. When we have been forgotten, our gods and practices lost to time, maybe someone will read the new myths about the old gods. Maybe new life will come to them.

Maybe we will become old gods in our own right, and live on through the stories told of us.


just eastern european things:

  • having a drawer full of plastic bags and storing plastic bags in another plastic bag
  • uncomfortable family reunions for every single holiday where everyone brings ridiculous amounts of food and several 2 litre bottles of soda
  • having to finish your food every time because you or your parents paid for it and if you paid for it you have to eat it
  • homemade wine from plastic bottles that your family or your uncle’s neighbours’ wife’s cousin made in the countryside
  • cheap alcohol and cigarettes
  • foreign men always coming to your country and declaring ah yes i heard that eastern european women are beautiful
  • that one relative your mom hates and who she always makes polite but slightly salty conversation with at reunions but then after a few glasses of homemade wine you know they’ll get into an argument
  • your parents’ and grandparents’ revolution/war/army stories that you’ve heard a thousand times before
  • those red plastic candle holders that melt with the candle but everyone is still buying to burn underneath a picture of jesus??
  • crochet placemats everywhere
  • ‘persian’ carpets that have been in the family forever. everyone always trips on them but there are always the persian carpets
  • your grandmother has at least one plastic statue of virgin mary in her house somewhere and at least one wood painting of jesus
  • tiny pocket-size, laminated pictures of saints that your grandmother always buys at church and give to everyone every time they visit
  • potatoes
  • the eternal fascination of every adult with the news on tv. one news hour ends? switch to another channel for the exact same news
  • the group of old women gathered outside on a bench, there is always a bench and there is always old ladies and they always tell you that you’ve grown so much since they last saw you even though it was just last week
  • the cars are parked on the sidewalks, the cars are parked on the street, to the point where you’re not exactly sure where you’re supposed to be walking
  • there is always a queue and it’s always eternal
  • growing tomatoes
  • a bowl of plastic fruit??
  • your grandparents giving you money for your birthday ‘to buy yourself some cakes/sweets’ and you having to pretend you don’t want it ‘no come on you don’t have to’ before inevitably accepting it ‘you really didn’t have to thank you’ 
  • spending that money on cheap alcohol
  • as soon as it hits 24 degrees everyone is out grilling food, in the back yard, in the park, in the cemetery, on top of a soviet-time apartment building…
  • these plastic things on every table always in godawful floral or fruit patterns

and finally

  • weird shit like this

Best Redemption Arcs: Zuko (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

“you must look within yourself to save yourself from your other self” (wtf)

Saving Face (2012), acid attacks on women in Pakistan

Meanwhile, in America, feminists are complaining about how dress codes are oppressive.

You idiots have never experienced oppression, and pray you never do, because this is what it looks like.

As a South Asian American feminist, let me remind everyone that oppression is not a competition.

Just because we fight one type of sexism doesn’t mean we don’t care about other instances of sexism that don’t affect us directly in our day to day lives.

My heart goes out to this woman and the hundreds of other victims like her. I want to educate people about these kinds of incidents. I support organizations that help women like this.

You may think that dress code issues are trivial, but they are related to a larger issue of women’s bodily autonomy, which affects women’s health and safety.

So please, let’s try to bring awareness and bring about change instead of insulting entire groups of people because they are facing issues that are less scary than the one presented.

“oppression is not a competition”

thank you so much for this wording

Every time someone, usually a guy, complains about feminists not experiencing oppression, I can’t help but see what they are really trying to say.

“This is how men could be treating you, be grateful it’s only as bad as it is now.”

And that’s actually an attribute of abusers, I believe I read somewhere. To compare you to someone being treated worse and tell you you should be grateful you have it so good. It convinces the victim they should be silent in the face of their abuse.

It’s literally an abuse tactic. 

Every time someone says something like, “You […] have never experienced oppression, and pray you never do, because this is what it looks like.” What they are saying is, “shut up, we could treat you worse if we wanted to.”




Hi, this is your daily reminder that societies of all stripes and colours are very good at gaslighting women. And then they teach you how to gaslight other women. Don’t do that, folks.


Chart Shapes

When reading someones chart it is important to look at the general shape of their chart to see their basic nature.

Balanced chart: A balanced chart has an even distribution of planets through the houses. All aspects of this person’s life will be stimulated and while this holds great potential, the energies may be spread too thinly when many goals are pursued at once.

Self-oriented chart: The majority if not all of the planets in a self-oriented chart are in the vertical half of the chart towards the Ascendant. These people usually have a self-directed personality and their energies are focused on self expression and individuality.

Other-oriented chart: This chart is the opposite of the self-oriented chart, the planets will be in the half of the chart towards the Descendant. This chart shape is usually a suggestion that there is a lot of emphasis on the persons relationships in life and that they feel others are more important than the self.

Inward-oriented chart: This is when most of the planets are in the bottom half of the chart, this person’s energies are introverted and focused inwardly.

Outward-oriented chart: Most of the planets are in the top half of the chart and the person’s energy flow is focused towards the world however this person may live in a sort of identity crisis, looking towards an empty centre.

Bowl chart: When all of the planets occupy one half of the chart, it is ideal that if you have a bowl, it is at a slight angle allowing constant replenishment.

Bucket chart: A bowl shaped chart with a planet opposite of the bowl as a handle, seen as a conduit between the sector of the bowl and itself.

Bundle chart: All planets reside in four signs or 120 degrees. Bundles indicate specialists who focuses primarily on those areas in which the planets fall.

See-saw chart: When the planets are in two opposing groups, this indicates that the person may feel pulled in two directions and needs to find a balance.

Locomotive chart: Planets spread evenly across eight signs or 240 degrees, this shape leaves one sector or area of life empty and unexpressed.

Splay chart: Tight bunches of planets in several signs or houses creating a choices for which area of life the person wants to focus on.

Split chart: When the planets are positioned in two unconnected area, the energy flow swings between the two and creates a dual personality.


i’m looking soft and weak af 24/7 with that neptune square ascendant!! love it 😍 really weakens the personality 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼 really gives me the 10/10 chance of being taken advantage of and cOMpleTely misunderstood and can i say UNDERESTIMATED all the tIME! 🤙🏼👏🏼👏🏼👌🏼😀


do you guys ever just stop to think about how nice it is to just… be alone? like, completely alone. no texts, no calls, you’re just simply existing and doing what makes you happy in solitude. maybe you’re reading a really great book, or listening to music, or watching something/etc. you’re just…. alone with your own thoughts and no one is there to bother you. i love moments like that. everything is so quiet and peaceful.

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