
Hisoka tarot cards from japan that are so nice I’m making an independent post for it

If there’s anything u would like to ask abt the merchs I have collected (is it still available, the price, the author etc), feel free to hmu/ shoot an ask!!

hello!! The hisoka tarot cards are available now!! https://tko-syndrome.booth.pm/items/706184


Create an acc here (it’s an agent site) and u will get a Japanese address

2) go to booth and create an acc w the Japanese address they gave u

3) u shop and buy at booth

4)booth sends ur stuff to the address tenso gave u

5) idk how the rest works but u will have to pay for shipping etc at the tenso site later

Anonymous asked:

hey r u from Livermore

No... who tf is this?


me trying to sound employable: i love effort.... and doing things. i love trying. working is the best. i love it when its hard, and bad


This one was a little bit more challenging to do than I thought it would be – and that was mostly in all the detail (RIP) ,as well as figuring out ways to adapt a Klimt-esque look to Howl. It was really tempting to put him in his pink jacket since it lends itself to rectangular form so well. However I just had to go and make things difficult for myself… because I love his transformed version!

Based on Klimts ‘The Kiss’ (1907-1908)


she dance


i was curious what the other side of the moon looked like so i googled it and

i’m so glad we got the side we did the moon’s ass ugly

You’re so rude to Miss Moon the reason her ass is so fucked up is cuz she’s protecting us from meteors. Her face is beautiful so her ass can be disgusting and we can be safe.


Hey!!!! Animation for adults doesn’t need to be full of tits and gore and shock humor!!!!! Be creative you hacks!!!!!!!!

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