
[ insert bean pun here ]

@candiliam328 / candiliam328.tumblr.com

call me bean || she/her || spotify
✨ i like music

Need a new word for old blorbos that aren't really your blorbos anymore but you still feel fondness or them. The series ended or you fell out of the fandom, but your mutuals still put them on your dash sometimes and you go aw. he's still out there making it in the big city.

Blorbeens is the funniest response so far thank you. They been my blorbos


Sometimes you gotta stop worrying about being the smartest and funniest person in the room and just enjoy being in a room with smart and funny people

I really implore y'all to stop letting the need to prove yourself get in the way of just enjoying life and the people you share it with. I'm using the word "implore" so y'all know I'm serious about it, btw

This must resonate so much cause like. Either we all need to hear this or we know somebody who really does


i love you content filters. i love you mute options. i love you block function. i love you hide tools. i love you things that allow me to hide anything that annoys me.

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