
Fanfic, She Wrote

@authortobenamedlater / authortobenamedlater.tumblr.com

The King of Heaven wants me, so this world has lost its grip on me | AuthorToBeNamedLater | 30ish | Wife | Boy mom | Oklahoma | Writing like I'm running out of time | Revelation 21:5

Welcome to my compost Tumblr, where my scraps of fannish things nourish everyone’s creativity and maybe catch on fire.

Wife to @mrtobenamedlater. Mom to Burrito and Bum Bum. Lover of nature and nature’s God. Wannabe home gardener. Running literally and figuratively on Jesus, tea, chocolate and not enough sleep. Doomed to die with a hard drive full of WIPs. Original DinBo shipper. Unofficial godmother of the Halo TV Tumblr fandom. Self-appointed president, Forward Unto Dawn/Lasky x Silva fan club. On a mission to make everyone I meet into a Babylon 5 fan, you are warned. Adopter of side characters and spinner of too many AUs.

Please like-spam me.

I do not tolerate trolling or fandom wank and this blog is a safe space from politics.

Other places to find me:

  • AO3 (2012-present)
  • FFN (up to 2011, mostly defunct now but I still check PMs)
  • authortobenamedlater@gmail.com (not as good at checking this as I should be)
  • @atbnl-prompts and @atbnl-asks (side blogs that are really just storage and I don't interact from them)

Relevant fanfic and writing tags at the bottom of this post.

My subtitle is from the song “Control” by Tenth Avenue North.

Header photo I took myself of moonrise over the Alaska Range.


Bury your Halloween pumpkins in the garden, they said.

It will be fun, they said.

This is from ONE of the pumpkins I tossed in the decrepit raised bed that came with our house and hadn’t been used since probably the dark ages. They were just supposed to compost. The seeds weren’t supposed to survive the winter. I WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE A PUMPKIN GROWER.

Here are the rest of them:

This is after I cut a bunch of seedlings that weren’t looking so hot and after I was sure bugs got the entire crop.

I’m telling you. The plants grew while we were at church. They’re like babies outgrowing PJs during a nap.

My hand, for scale.

Provided nothing eats these things it’s going to get wild around here come Halloween.


Foundation is a trap laid by Big Asimov to get you to read multiple novels' worth of Foundation.

I didn't know there was a tv show.....

It's a gateway drug. Next will be Empire. Then the Robots series. Then you go 'oh hey, who's the Bradbury guy? Or Arthur C Clark?' and next thing you know you're neck deep in classic scifi and having Realizations that Star Wars shanghaied a LOT from Dune.

Mr made me watch the old campy Dune years before the new movies were even a discussion. I said “So this planet is basically Tatooine?” Then recently I learned Frank Herbert literally died mad about how much George Lucas took from Dune.

Still haven’t read Asimov beyond a couple of short stories when I was too little to appreciate them. I probably should fix that.

Haven’t seen Dune Part 2 yet either.


Some more easy comment ideas to leave on your favorite fics:

1. LETS GOOOOOO!!! (after a particularly exciting chapter)

2. Ohmygosh yes!!! You get it!!! This is exactly how I imagine this [character, dynamic, scene, au, ect]

3. Noooooooo 🥺🥺🥺🥺 (after a particularly devastating chapter)

4. Heck Yeah!!

5. My children! You hurt them! How dare!

6. You have blessed us! May both sides of your pillow stay cool! (Or any other blessing of your choice)

7. Thank you!

8. It even [surprised, shocked, broke my heart] on the reread! Excellent work!! (Only if this a reread)

9. I wish I could leave a lover comment, this fic deserves one! Bravo!

10. 10/10 would let break my heart again


Inside Joke

Wasn't planning on finishing this tonight but I had no work, sat down at my computer, and here it is.

Chief trolls Lasky over a line in Forward Unto Dawn. That's all you're getting. I've wanted to get this out for about a year so you can wait to find out more until you read the fic. No Chyler in this one.

This won't make a whole lot of sense if you haven't watched FUD.


I used to call in to my local radio station every day in middle school and request that they play the Kingdom Hearts theme and they never did because I didn’t understand how the radio worked back then but one day, one fucking day the radio host was like “for the kid who keeps requesting this song for two years straight, here you go, oh and by the way we’re blocking your number” and they fucking played it and beating the system was worth never being able to request a song ever again


“For a long time the judge was unwilling, but eventually he thought, ‘While it is true that I neither fear God nor respect any human being, because this widow keeps bothering me I shall deliver a just decision for her lest she finally come and strike me.’” (Lk. 18:4-5)

No but really this is one of my favorite parables. I got my college degree by wearing down the registrar with it.


This week at Bible study I dropped a quote from a sermon I heard back in college: “It’s one thing to die for sharing the Gospel. It’s another thing to die for sharing it poorly.”

I don’t remember the pastor’s name. I don’t remember the sermon topic. Just the quote which has been tattooed inside my eyelids ever since.

The pastor was quoting his mentor on an international mission trip. So THAT pastor/missionary/whoever has a place in my lexicon, though I never met him and he is probably dead now.



Because I am the master of AUs.

Got a major case of brain fog and couch lock today and went into my drafts to finish this FINALLY.

I will take asks and DMs about anything here. By which I mean I am begging for asks and DMs about anything here 😆

Star Trek AOS

The Pike-April Family Business: My oldest AU and the one with the least to show for it. This was the first AU in which I became really invested. I tried to revive it on AO3 a few years ago and just couldn’t get it going. I hope to one day find a way back to it. The older stories are still on my FFN.

I have tons of headcanons for this that have never seen the light of day and might not unless I get asks about them.

Tagged “pafb au”

Star Wars

Mandalore’s Reluctant Royals: Canon divergence from Mandalorian S2 finale. Bo-Katan comes up with a solution to the Darksaber problem that may be more than she or Din bargained for. A political “marriage” that eventually turns into the real thing.

I had a whole timeline and several WIPs and ideas for this AU most of which got lost when my computer crashed in May 2022. The series will never be what I envisioned, but I still love it and think about it a lot.

Tagged “mandalore’s reluctant royals”

Untitled ROTS Fix-It: A Winter Soldier-inspired AU that came from me looking at Sebastian Stan and Hayden Christensen’s similarly wild hair and “haha Samuel L. Jackson.” Someday I might do something with it, but it’s just been turning over in my head for about seven years. Couldn’t even think of a good image for it.

Tagged “rots mcu au” for want of anything better

Halo (TV)

Vital Record (Angel-117 on AO3): The fallout from Everyone’s Favorite Scene(tm) is S01E08. Starts from the eponymous fic and branches off into several AU possibilities. Canon divergence from S01E09.

This one lives mostly in headcanons on Tumblr as I have too many ideas for it to make anything cohesive 😂

Tagged “vital record au”

Halo (game)

(I wish I could get a grown-up picture of them.)

Married...With a Supercarrier: Get in loser, we’re going down the highway to rarepair hell. Chyler doesn’t die in Forward Unto Dawn and she and Lasky get their happy ending with the occasional lovers’ quarrel.

Tagged "married with a supercarrier au"

NCIS: Reach: Grew from a seemingly inconsequential crossover for International Fanworks Day 2023. I ended up finding these universes fit each other well and really enjoying the concept, though I haven’t written anything else for it (yet).

The first fic can work for game or TV Halo, but the rest of the AU would be game-verse if I continued it.

Tagged “ncis reach au”

For Such a Time As This: An epic crossover that will almost surely never be finished entirely, taking off from some point in Spartan Ops. Infinity gets dropped like a rock into the Babylon 5 world. Halsey escapes and gets loose on the station and basically causes the Shadow War and all kinds of other problems.

I do not have the time or talent to pull this off and changing anything about the B5 storyline feels like sacrilege to me 😂 but I still enjoy playing with this AU.

Tagged “for such a time as this au”

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