


23 | Sucker for Superheroes, Dragons, Music and Chaos

What I love about S3 so far is how Penelope is seemingly the only person who can actually break this new facade of Colin's. He appears confident and flirty with other women, but when it comes to Pen, she (without even trying that hard, sometimes not at all) makes him flush and causes him to be nervous. It's so damn cute that this man flirts with so many women yet it's his "friend" that breaks this character that he's got this season.

And that's probably why I don't mind him being a flirt - It's clearly only a persona he has.

No matter how many girls he winks at or kisses their hands, not a single one of them makes him run, cry, or break societal norms. His attraction to them is fake, just for show, but it's Penelope that actually gets through to him and makes him crack and become vulnerable, and that's the beauty of Polin 💚


Nicola Coughlan Interviewed by Entertainment Tonight + Colin & Penelope in Bridgerton Season One Episode Four


Colin looks like he’s been lifting hot air balloons since the ripe age of 4 and does it daily meanwhile Benedict’s out here barely lifting the rope and struggling like all hell get his ass back in the studio!


let this become a meme please


I don't know why, but after I saw the new Pebling promo, I had to google how tall is Sam Phillips.

And the fact that Sam and Luke are precisely the same height just made me much more excited, for no particular reason.


It's such a small thing, but I enjoy seeing a little more body diversity among the background actors.



The temptation to grab her and throw her down onto his desk, flip up her skirt and rip off her panties, before thrusting his cock all the way inside of her until she screamed herself hoarse was now so persistent it was nearly an obsession.

Clark was no longer in control of his body, or even his own thoughts.

His young assistant—with her unbearably pretty face and tiny, mouthwatering body— had somehow managed to shackle the man of steel in a primal, raving delirium of dangerous, deadly want.


Heartbroken when Lois abruptly ends their relationship, Clark Kent has never felt more alone in the universe. But when a shy young assistant begins working at the Daily Planet, Clark finds himself pleasantly distracted from his grief by far more than his new colleague’s pretty face.

Elsie is sweet, demure, and far too trusting for her own good—her naturally submissive nature unwittingly inspiring a correlative sense of primal dominance within the man of steel. Fueled by unexplored, dangerous carnal urges, Clark wants Elsie in ways a good man should never want a woman.

But then again, the powerful Kryptonian hero isn’t exactly a normal man…


The untapped potential of some of my favorite ships boils my blood! 😭😭😭😭

We could've had it Aaaaaallllllll!!!!!

Rolling in the Deeeeeeeeeepppp!!!

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