storm the palace

@ofcoursetheymind /

hollee. 21. english major. bookworm.
living life and treating it as such.


Ever thought to yourself, man, I wish tumblr had a group chat function? Ever wanted to scream about the perils of writing or art-making with a whole group of fellow writers and artists? Or to just scream about our Good Ship MSR with a whole host of fellow sailors, as it were? Well, do I have the thing for you. Allow me to present to you:

What is this, you ask? The Basement Office is a Discord server designed specifically for the MSR fandom. Connect with old friends and new, discuss fandom things and non-fandom things, talk about your art, cry about your creative process—whatever you want, we’ve got it!

A sampling of the channels provided:

  • The Desk — a general chat for any and all things MSR
  • Eternal Screaming — sometimes you just need to vent or talk about writing with other writers or readers!
  • Prompt Central — a place to collect and find open prompts!
  • Sneak Peaks and Spoilers — want to share an excerpt from your WIP and get advice? here you go!
  • Eternal Screaming — the same as above, but for art!
  • Prompt Central — the same as above, but for art!
  • Sneak Peaks and Spoilers — the same as above, but for art!
  • NSFW
  • NSFW Chat — if you wouldn’t want your boss or 13-year-old cousin to read it, it goes here! 18+
  • NSFW Images — if you wouldn’t want your boss or 13 year old cousin to see it, it goes here! 18+
  • Chit Chat — general chat for any and all things that aren’t MSR-related! 

Feel free to suggest new categories and channels, or changes to the existing ones! This is a resource for the community; it belongs to all of us. 

The X-Files fandom (and the MSR subfandom) is a rich, vibrant community, and we deserve a place to congregate together in a chill, casual atmosphere. The Basement Office doesn’t take the place of tumblr, but rather gives us somewhere to chat and connect with one another in a more accessible way.

The Basement Office is open to any and everyone. Come on down and pull up a chair. We all share a desk here, but it’s a damn good one!

if there are any x-files fans floating around out here, please give this a look!


Normalize bare faces in ALL settings. Makeup should not be a requirement for beauty, professionalism or hygiene. Normalize the idea that if applying makeup isn’t enjoyable there’s no reason to be wearing it. Then destroy the elitism within makeup culture and destroy the idea that makeup as a hobby requires spending a lot of money.


@ all my girls with round faces do not be self conscious abt ur chubby cheeks u kno whats also round????? the moon!!! and she is the most beautiful celestial being 


I desperately want to crush the idea that your writing has to be important.

You know what’s important?

Having fun.


Since I’ve started to embrace this, I’ve written more in a year than i had in the 40 years prior. 

Write the story you want to read.  Have fun.  That’s all.

This is pretty much the most important piece of writing advice anyone can ever give you.

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