


Lilo, why are you all wet?

This is actually heartbreaking when you remember Lilo tells Stitch her parents went for a drive, and the bad weather caused them to crash.

I always thought this scene was adorable

Wow thanks guy

Right in the childhood.

i never made that connection




I get the feeling the adults knew…

and now I’m wondering how in the hell Lilo came to the conclusion that there’s a peanut butter loving fish god who demands tribute or else he’ll murder your family. 

When massive trauma hits, some people try to find any way to make sense of what seems senseless. Find any semblance of control, of responsibility. Lilo may be blaming herself (unfairly) for her parents’ death. This was the only connection she could make, the only thing she could have had any control over, so to her it must have been her fault. If only she was a good girl. If only she did the right thing. Then maybe… It’s very very hard to lose a mindset like that even when it’s the most irrational thing, even when it hurts you, because then you’re left with nothing.


And when you’re six your pattern recognition skills are a work in progress. Lilo sees that type of fish one day and as it swims away it starts to rain; connection made.


“Lilo may be blaming herself (unfairly) for her parents’ death. This was the only connection she could make, the only thing she could have had any control over, so to her it must have been her fault. If only she was a good girl. If only she did the right thing. Then maybe… “

This movie had some of the best scenes cut out of it. 

This is one of my favourite movies yet somehow I never saw this deleted scene…. Excuse me a second…

*The distant sound of full on ugly crying*

So THIS is why i know every line of this scene, my heart knew but my brain didn’t really get why I have memorized it. OMG.

Why y’all got me crying about this movie 17 years later wtf

Stitch canonically has a brain that can think faster than a super computer.

This scene isn’t even fully animated and you can see that he is literally putting all of this together in real time; he analyzed her behavior and the significance of the fish in relation to the grave site. He probably understood her behavior better than she did at this moment. I don’t know why they cut this scene out, it obviously shows up in the film right before the surfing sequence - this is why Stitch changed. Not because they had some fun surfing on the beach, but because his highly intuitive brain finally put together who this little girl was, what exactly had happened to her and why she was so desperate for a friend.

Even further, I bet it suddenly clicked for him why Nani was so desperate for work that she was dragging them around all day. This is the scene where he realizes who they both are and what they’ve been through and probably relates it to his own lack of a family and need for one, as well. This is when he starts to understand the meaning of family and realizes it’s what he wants and needs, as well.

Not to mention that chronologically this theme music would have appeared here just 10 or so minutes before the heartbreaking hammock scene - drawing a direct parallel between what Lilo had already lost and what she was about to lose because of his actions. This one scene would have added such a more distinct weight to the pivotal scenes of the movie.

Damn. I hope they add some of these scenes fully animated into the 25 year anniversary release of the movie.


hobbies masterpost!

a really excellent way to reduce anxiety is to pick up a new hobby. find something you’re interested in, learn it, then use it as a healthy and productive way to cope.


@crvggio​ I’ve been laughing at this for 47 years

Reblogging again because that last addition is IMPORTANT

But when the world needed him most, he pulled the wrong lever…


Why do they even have that lever?


y’all know that trope where two people have been separated/apart and when they finally see each other they’re practically clinging to each other and you can practically feel the happiness and relief radiating off of them? that’s my crack


Me: watches a new movie/tv show for fun

Also me: suddenly notices the attractive male lead who is most certainly 35+ and I know immediately that he will infiltrate my thoughts for the next 365 days.


Her most trusted Advisor

This is quite the scene. This is even more relevant with respect to their earlier dialogue in the same scene. Just before this moment, Jorah tells her that when he found out that she named Tyrion her Hand, it broke his heart. He’s telling her straight to her face that his role as her most trusted advisor meant a lot to him. When you take into account that he’s confessed his love and Daenerys is aware of it… his words basically translate to ‘I love you, but I know that I will not be your lover so being your most trusted advisor was the next best thing I had, and it hurts me deeply to know that I don’t have that anymore’. Daenerys hears that, her reaction proves it. She immediately moves closer to reassure him… she’s worried that he’s feeling hurt by her choice. She doesn’t brush off what he’s feeling, she silently acknowledges his pain, and gives him the reason she chose Tyrion. Daenerys doesn’t tell him that Tyrion was the best for the role or anything like that- she says that when she appointed him, she thought that Jorah had gone away forever. She practically says in not so many words, that had Jorah not had to leave due to Greyscale, the position of Hand was his and no one else’s, and Tyrion has always been second best to him. Which is why Dany is shocked that minutes later, Jorah, the man who has every reason to be happy about Tyrion’s loss of credibility, is actually the one defending him and arguing about his worth. She outright asks him, “You’re advising me to forgive the man who stole your position?” She emphasises ‘stole’ because that’s how it should be from Jorah’s perspective- Tyrion is only their because Jorah wasn’t. But it’s not how it is. His expression in the second gif: he looks down for a moment and his lips press together as if he’s in deep thought, but his expression is such that we can hear him say, with mock innocence: ‘Oh, is that what I’m doing?’ and then he looks her in the eye and says “I am.” He lets her know, clearly, so that there absolutely no doubt about it, that he knows exactly what he’s saying, and what it means for his own role on her small council. At hearing response, Daenerys looks so stunned. After all, how easy would it have been for Jorah to insult Tyrion and have him removed as Hand… a small payback for advising for his second banishment. But he doesn’t. It truly drives home the point that despite everything, even if it means giving up a place that should be his, he will always advise her for her benefit. He says that Tyrion is a good hand, and when Dany tries to make him realise what forgiving Tyrion would mean for him… he’s just… completely unconcerned and one could even say comfortable with it. Because as much as the position meant to him, what matters more to him is that Daenerys succeed. Then he says, very humbly, that he would like her to do one more thing, if she would allow him to make the suggestion. He asks for permission, he doesn’t attempt to impose on her what he thinks is the best choice that way Tyrion and Varys try. When he wants her to listen, he lovingly coaxes her into listening to his point of view and then let’s her decide, unlike Tyrion who straight up says what she should do.  Which is why when we have the next scene of Dany approaching Sansa with an olive branch… it is brilliant. She did not do it because it occurred to her that having an ally is more valuable than winning some cat fight, but because Jorah asked her to do it. After their talk, Dany would have most likely agreed to anything that Jorah would have suggested… because that talk proves to her beyond a doubt that among all the men and women around her, Jorah loves her so much that he willingly lets go of what he wants if he feels that it’s best for her. She knows he would sooner die than advise her in a way that would not benefit her. So, she goes and talks to Sansa, and the next time we see her with Tyrion, she tells him, in front a room full of people, that she named him Hand for his mind, and that she wants him safe so that when this is over he’ll be there to advise her. And that makes it even more tragic what happened afterwards. Jorah died thinking that Sansa Stark, and the North would respect and accept Daenerys as their Queen. He died thinking that Jon Snow, the man he allowed to keep the sword that was by every right his, would love and protect her. He died thinking that Tyrion would advise her well, and that she would be wise in heeding his council. Jorah died when he knew Daenerys was safe from the wights, and that the Long Night was finally over. He died believing that she would be safe, loved, respected, accepted, and well advised. But that’s not what happened. Because no one, I repeat, no one, knew her, and loved her as much as he did. (Note: I still stand by my opinion that in attempting to reconcile Dany and Sansa, putting an end to a petty rivalry that should not have there in the first place, Jorah proved himself to be the only man with sense in the shit show that was season 8. For all that D&D fucked up, they more or less managed to right by Jorah.)

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