o l e s y a

@ayselo-blog1 / ayselo-blog1.tumblr.com

sea-foam born;
both the rose and the thorn.

“Grande mer, toujours labourée, toujours vierge, ma religion avec la nuit! Elle nous lave et nous rassasie dans ses sillons stériles, elle nous libère et nous tient debout.” - L'été, Albert Camus

Anonymous asked:

I want to look really classy and timeless kinda frenchy vibe waht pieces should i invest in and what should my wardrobe kinda consist of. Thanks in advance !!! (Dont feel preasured to answer)

first of all i think you should keep it simple but stylish at the same time, make it look like you don’t put so much effort to look chic.( you could give a look to styles of caroline de maigret, anna karina, jean seberg and françoise hardy)

Here is a simple capsule wardrobe for you to give you a little idea and inspiration :-)

for the accessories and makeup, you should go for berets, cloches, silk gloves, cat-eye sunglasses and look for antique shops you will find so many treasures there

Some of the things you say are sublime and monstrous at once.

Henry Miller, from a letter to Anaïs Nin written c. August 1932 (via violentwavesofemotion)

I am in conflict only with myself, and for both our sakes I must on no account drag you with me into this conflict; when in my folly I tried to do so, it brought about its own retribution almost at once.

Franz Kafka, from a letter to Felice Bauer written c. April 1915 (via violentwavesofemotion)

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