
Steal me a savage subservient son

@all-rock-and-roll-is-homosexual / all-rock-and-roll-is-homosexual.tumblr.com

Rhys. He/him. I 🖤 🏳️‍⚧️ people.

Hi, I'm Rhys. I'm in my mid thirties.

  • I am transmasc & bisexual. This is explicitly a queer and trans friendly space. If you don't like that get the fuck off my blog.
  • Although my personal political beliefs are pretty leftist, this blog is not about that. If you want political commentary follow a political blog (that being said, I wholeheartedly support Palestinian liberation). My personal blog was nuked so I guess I'm back to including some personal anecdotes here.
  • Even though this blog is not explicitly leftblr this is not a safe space for terfs, nazis, republicans or any other right wing political whatever.

If you want to repost and/or make edits with my scans I don't really mind as long as you credit my blog and please don't crop my URL off.

If you want to kick some money my way to aid with buying more books, magazines and better equipment in the future that is always welcome as well. You can donate to me via ko-fi.

Anything I have scanned is explicitly tagged #my scans

  • If you have found my blog through a very old Band of Brothers post/other HBO war fandom post - I am begging you to scrape that from my blog and repost it. Do not reblog it from me.

SIS 27 is in the queue and I'm working on making SIS 28 tumblr ready. I may not get 29 done tonight but it'll be up either the day after tomorrow or sometime this week, after that I have a Manics press photo on the way and I still have a ton of issues of Select to pull from


There's only three SIS issues left to post but I only got one scanned yesterday. I don't know if I'll get those scanned later this evening to post all three tomorrow. If they don't all go up tomorrow they'll be up later this week.

After that I'll probably scan more stuff from the issues of Select I have


I was just thinking to myself "Damn it's been a while since I had any porn bots bugging me" and lo and behold I got a message...

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