
Me When I Uh


♥[Avril] [Colombian] [pronouns:she /her] ♥
Art tag is : My art
Because I am just that creative
Instagram : clothed_daffodil
♥requests are open ♥

trying to draw while watching the new hbomberguy vid was a bad idea because for the entire second half i was like this


More fat characters who are complex heroes, serious love interests, funny without mentioning their weight, brooding anti-heroes, compelling antagonists, random bystanders without comments toward their looks


don’t forget to lose faith in everything this morning

instructions unclear, embraced the world with childlike wonder and joy


Unironically, vegans need to be advocating for more and better sheep, llama, and alpaca farms. Wool is one of the best fabrics we have in terms of versatility, longevity and most importantly, insulation. Even wet, it retains 80% of it’s insulation potential.


Like, there’s literally nothing you can do to a sheep that’s as morally reprehensible as dumping plastic down the gullet of literally every other living thing. You wanna talk about animal welfare? Talk about reducing the amount of microplastics produced by rayon, polyester, and spandex.

Bruh plant-based sources of clothing exist and are better for the environment and don’t involve slicing an animal’s throat open please shut the fuck up you cunt


I know when I shear my animals I always make sure to slice their throat 😌

In the UK many farmers are resorting to throwing away or burning the wool from their sheep because the fleeces have so little value now that it’s not worth trying to sell them. Other farmers are switching to using sheep breeds that moult naturally as it costs more to sheer an individual sheep than it’s fleece is worth. 

Meanwhile fast fashion brands keep pumping out clothing made of plastics that will permanently pollute the environment and shed microplastics everywhere. 

The impact PETA has had on completely misinforming the public on where wool comes from is astounding.

This is all shearing a sheep involves. That’s it. It may be a bit confusing or uncomfortable, but it’s no more inhumane than giving a dog a bath. Most wool-bearing animals do not shed their wool naturally anymore and must be sheared to avoid suffering an incredibly slow death.

Nothing about wool production is cruel to the animals. No part of wool goes against veganism. Benefits the animal and benefits the people.

ive gotten a depressing amount of use out of th is image

If you want a quick summary: wool is made by sheep haircuts, and you have to give sheep haircuts anyway. Everyone in this post is using the term “sheering”, which might sound scary to you, because it’s a technical term you’re unfamiliar with that references a blade. It’s a haircut. It’s a less exploitative haircut than when a principal lets the students shave their head if the students raise enough charity money. Haircut haircut haircut.


how are there so many vegans that think you have to kill an animal to cut it’s wool


“having sex is not all there is to lgbtq+ people and our identities. we aren’t inherently any more sexual than cishets and asexuals also exist” and “having sex is one of the most demonised parts of our community and it should not be so much of a taboo” are two concepts that can and should co-exist


personally i find the binary of “lets make every relationship in media gay” vs “no the creator was trying to say something important about friendship” stifling …. you guys are completely ignoring the possibility of platonic-romantic limbo where you would definitely kiss your friend if they asked but by god you are not going to make a move first . friends can and should be a little in love with each other actually


my kitty cat was wandering around going ‘mrrph?” so i was like “in here!” he goes “mrrph!” shoves open my bedroom door with his big round head and FLOPS on me. as in hard enough that he made a little “oof” noise when he did it. followed by a category five purring event. there’s good in this world mr frodo etc

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