
@tyronndy / tyronndy.tumblr.com

Jules She/Her 27 ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’™

Thinking about how incredibly brave it was of Suzanne to make the main love interest a kind, sensitive, emotionally intelligent, disabled, stocky blond in 2008 when the trend at the time was skinny, tall, lanky, sarcastic, hates-everyone-but-main character, rageboy. And how absolutely genius it was to have BOTH of those types in the same series and have Katniss choose Peeta. Groundbreaking.

You canโ€™t leave all this in the notes!! Because yes while Katniss spawned an endless stream of โ€œnot like other girlsโ€ main characters she is like other girls!!! She likes fashion. She doesnโ€™t understand it, but she likes it. She loves the clothes Cinna makes her. But sheโ€™s also very practical. She is a fighter. Sheโ€™s at turns sarcastic and sincere, so heartbreakingly sincere. And Peeta just takes it in stride and is all the more enamored by her for it. He sees her whole personhood and loves it, and is never once threatened by her. Sheโ€™s a whole complex person.


I feel compelled to do another Saint appreciation post. He started in the business so young, went through some super unfair shit, and came out of it not only determined to be a total boss, but also deeply caring about good LGBTQ+ representation and good storytelling. Not to mention his ability to listen to what people want - not just what producers and sponsors claim that people want. He is pushing the industry, finding amazing talent to work on his projects both in front of and behind the camera, and is bankrolling it primarily himself, because sponsors are fucking dumb and don't understand how horny we all are for these types of stories.

Well done Sir!


Soohyun is so sure Kang Yohan is a bad influence on Gaon (and Gaon comes to the same conclusion at some point), but is he really?

Gaon is an impulsive person. He reacts without thinking. When he sees someone in danger, be that a little girl or a driver who almost killed her, he rushes to rescue. When heโ€™s curious, he doesnโ€™t hesitate to put a listening device into his chiefโ€™s office or break into a locked room. When heโ€™s furious, he lands a punch or reaches for a knife. When heโ€™s desperate, heโ€™s ready to kill himself. At the same time, Gaon gravitates towards people who ground him with their authority and practically force him to make the โ€˜rightโ€™ decisions. Soohyun threatens him with ending their friendship if he becomes a criminal. Professor Min thrashes his bike with a golf club (!) for Gaonโ€™s โ€˜own sakeโ€™. They expect him to behave because they tell him so, because they think they know best.

Kang Yohan, on the other hand, tends to calculate possibilities and outcomes. (He even plans his own demise. Twice.) He always tells Gaon to take the causes and consequences of each event into account, encourages him to think for himself and check everything. Even when Gaon tries to kill him, he basically says, โ€œIโ€™ll let you do what you want if thatโ€™s what you really want, but think first.โ€ Heโ€™s just as impulsive when it comes to personal matters, but years of scheming have taught him to curb his instincts at least partlyโ€”and he tries to pass it to Gaon, but without preaching and presenting himself as a โ€˜moral compassโ€™, especially since he doesnโ€™t consider himself as one, and confident that Gaon can make his own decisions.


Gentle reminder that very little fandom labor is automated, because I think people forget that a lot.

That blog with a tagging system you love? A person curates those tags by hand.

That rec blog with a great organization scheme and pretty graphics? Someone designed and implemented that organization scheme and made those graphics.

That network that posts a cool variety of stuff? People track down all that variety and queue it by hand, and other people made all the individual pieces.

That post with umpteen links to helpful resources, and information about them? Someone gathered those links, researched the sources, wrote up the information about them.

That graphic about fandom statistics? Someone compiled those statistics, analyzed them, organized them, figured out a useful way to convey the information to others, and made the post.

That event that you think looks neat? Someone wrote the rules, created the blogs and Discords, designed the graphics, did their best to promo the event so it'd succeed.

None of this was done automatically. None of it just appears whole out of the internet ether.

I think everyone realizes that fic writing and fanart creation are work, and at least some folks have got it through their heads that gif creation and graphics and moodboards take effort, and meta is usually respected for the effort that goes into it, at least as far as I've seen, but I feel like a lot of people don't really get how much labor goes into curation, too.

If people are creating resources, curating content, organizing the creations of others, gathering information, and doing other fandom activities that aren't necessarily the direct action of creation, they're doing a lot of fandom labor, and it's often largely unrecognized.

Celebrate fan work!

To folks doing this kind of labor: I see you, and I thank you. You are the backbones of our fandoms and I love you.


Ransom using the fake knife to attack Marta in Knives Out and Andi's journal blocking the bullet that would have killed Hellen in Glass Onion.

Something about how both women are saved by the eccentricities of the people who loved them. ๐ŸคŒ


CGI animators should unionize next. normally, their jobs would be too precarious to strike, since studios would replace them without a second thought, but if it's part of this larger general film strike, they might finally have meaningful power to better their working conditions

if CGI animators unionized, it would kill the MCU. straight up. the the entire business model is built on exploiting CGI animators (i am not a fan of marvel. burn disney to the ground)


No One Ever Helped Me So I Will Never Help Anyone Else & Do Not Believe Anyone Should Be Helped Ever is one of thee most loser mindsets btw

the world has been unkind to you so you continue the cycle of unkindness by passing on hatred and indifference to others? Wow. groundbreaking. youโ€™re so cool and tormented


โ€œWhy do people ship-โ€ because they can ship whatever part of the love triangle (itโ€™s not really a triangle but idk what else to call it) they want. Kitty hasnโ€™t expressed any romantic interest in Minho but Yuri hasnโ€™t expressed any romantic interest in Kitty either (she literally spends the whole season trying to reunite with her girlfriend who sheโ€™s very much in love with). Can we please stop trying to shame people for shipping ships? Please?

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