
We were told not to have a sax solo here


A lonely artist who looks to amuse and entertain. Anyone who takes the time to visit, I love you ♡

I hate going through spats of no drawing energy

I really really wanna draw but for some reason I'm just not finding the strength to

It's really upsetting

I just want to draw


Dear my Tumblr "For You" page:

PLEASE stop recommending me My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy. PLEASE.

I don't have any interest in either of them. I don't understand why my interest in IDKHOW has led you to believe that I have interest in those bands, too. I don't.

And I keep clicking "not interested", but you just keep recommending me more and more MCR and FOB.



*goes to bed at 12:30 AM*

*wakes up at 8:30 AM alarm*

"Uuuuuugh... still so tired...need more sleeeeeeeeep..."


*goes to bed at 2:30 AM*

*wakes up at 8:30 AM alarm*

"Wow I sure feel refreshed! Time to start the day!"


So I'm working on a new drawing right now, and wanted to say—this is probably going to be the most graphic, most violent, most gorey thing I've ever drawn.

So I hope you all are looking forward to it, because I'm having fun >:3

Coming soon~

Okay it's been like two weeks and I'm still not on the final stage of this piece. It's really exhausting me, so I'm gonna take a break from it and work on some other projects for awhile, then I'll come back to this and finish it.

Here are some previews to what I have so far so you guys have something. I promise I'll finish this, I just really need a break from it. Expect different art from me soon, though.

I hope you all can understand and forgive me.


I want to fucking die

Why does everything hurt so much

Why is everything hard

Why does it always feel like it's my fault when things go wrong

I hate myself so much

I don't know why I behave the way I do and think the way I do

I cry too much

I'm a fucking baby

Why does everything suck so much

Everything hurts

I don't want to be here anymore


I just realized that the release of Violent Things and the anniversary of Chris Cornell's death fall on the same date (today, as of posting this).

I've been thinking about those two events, but only now connected those dots.

They're not correlated at all, I just realized they happen to share a date, and are both events that mean something to me. I didn't have anyone to tell this to, so I'm posting it, for someone to potentially read. And if you are reading this, thank you.

Happy fifteenth to Violent Things. An album I definitely should listen to in the future in entirety. It's wild to think it came out that long ago.

And rest in peace, Chris Cornell. I can't believe it's already been seven years since his passing. I really wanted to draw something in commemoration for him, but just couldn't find the strength. Maybe for his birthday, or next year. Definitely gonna blast some Soundgarden in memory of him. Miss you every day, Chris. Thank you so much for the absolutely amazing music you created for us all.


I did not expect this to be so unanimous! Thank you so much! It makes me very happy to see how enthusiastic you all were.

SPKOTHDVL will get a drawing from me then in the near future! I've also gotten ideas for drawings based on other songs off of GLOOM DIVISION, so expect those in the future, too~


So I'm working on a new drawing right now, and wanted to say—this is probably going to be the most graphic, most violent, most gorey thing I've ever drawn.

So I hope you all are looking forward to it, because I'm having fun >:3

Coming soon~


Just went back and rewatched several of the videos I recorded at the IDKHOW concert I went to—but this time, I wore headphones. And my goodness, they sound so much better through headphones. I could hear a lot of things I couldn't before.

Man. It's been almost a month, and those videos still put a huge smile on my face every time I watch them (legitimately I watch at least two of them every other day). I still can't believe I got to see Dallon Weekes live. It feels like a dream. By far one of the greatest days of my life. It was absolutely incredible. My very first concert, and one I will not forget—and based on something Dallon said at that show, I'm sure he would want me to not forget. Hehe.

Just wanted to share this. I know I say a lot of sad things a lot, so I just wanted to share something nice. That day made me so happy, and I feel happy every time I think about it. So happy I feel like I could cry. It was just that amazing. One of the greatest days of my life. Thank you, IDKHOW. Thank you, Dallon.


I'm sorry for my inactivity! I've been working on a very large art project, so I haven't been able to post much.

Here's a preview to the project. I look forward to showing it to you all when it's done ♡

Taking a hiatus from this project (evidently) because it was burning me out, as much as I love it. But I promise I'll finish it (or pick it back up) at least before this year ends. I hope you can forgive me :'3


So I'm working on a new drawing right now, and wanted to say—this is probably going to be the most graphic, most violent, most gorey thing I've ever drawn.

So I hope you all are looking forward to it, because I'm having fun >:3

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