


hannah | 22
INTJ. ravenclaw. scorpio.

Respectfully: yes, of course being sex-positive is incredibly important, but you know what's equally important? Being sex-positive without being fucking aphobic. It's not a herculean task at all; I see aspec and allo people alike who are absolutely able to do both successfully. But it does require a bare minimum amount of critical thinking.

You can defend kink at pride without saying or implying that sex is what makes us human, or that sex is a requisite for the "true" queer experience. You can talk about the indescribable value of gay bars without accusing anyone who isn't interested in them of being either a prude, creepy and antisocial, or a "boring virgin." You can stop arguing that any given queer person or group of queer people you dislike (perhaps even within reason) would be more progressive and less reactionary if they had more sex (and yes, this is a real take I've had to see on this website).

You can, and urgently, should stop pretending that sex negativity as a cultural force is caused by ace people — instead of you know, caused by cultural conservativism and cultural Christianity. And on the flip side, you can stop acting sex-positive until you see an aroallo person wanting to have sex without a romantic (closed, nuclear) relationship — and suddenly, throwing all sex positivity out the window as you decide that they're a freak and a manipulator and evil incarnate. (Yes, even the cisgender heterosexual aromantic men. That particular discourse encapsulates the feedback loop between arophobia and radfem-lite beliefs, by the way, which is another thing the queer community here is horrible at avoiding in its rhetoric.)

So: sex positivity includes aro-spec allosexuals, who need it for precisely the above reason — because alloromantics demonize them otherwise. And sex positivity includes ace-specs who need it just to talk about their experiences, without getting called inappropriate for merely acknowledging sex out loud, let alone their own relationship with sexual desire.

(Have you already forgotten one of the biggest aphobe talking points in 2016? That aces acknowledging their identity in any capacity were "oversharing," and making people "uncomfortable" — and god forbid you ever mentioned asexuality to a minor?)

At its core, sex positivity includes accepting people can have morally neutral relationships with sex that you wouldn't personally want — and maybe even ones that might make you uncomfortable. And so much of this website seems perfectly able to understand this — or at least, preach this — until the second an ace or aro person shows up.

You're not allowed to exclude us from this movement. You're not allowed to twist this movement's intent to put us down. Kill this new wave aphobia in 2023 or so help me. We're not letting this community do this again.


chapter 2 is out!

fic synopsis:

"Stiles blanched. Next to him, he could hear Scott pull in a minuscule breath. Deaton was eyeing him carefully, and Stiles couldn't help but feel like the man knew exactly what was wrong. Somewhere in the depths of his mind, Stiles knew that to be true, and that the veterinarian was purposefully this cryptic just to test him. Sadist.
All Stiles could focus on, though, was that his mother was somehow involved, and that felt like a slap to the face. Nothing was making sense."
After defeating the Nogitsune, Stiles is still having nightmares, and they're only getting worse. This, time he's worried it really could be the same dementia that claimed his mother. After all, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? It's just not the tree he thinks it is.

tagged by both @tour-of-torterra and @thejazzykittykat because y’all are adamant i do this

3 ships: merthur, stydia, and stallison (it’s hard to choose only three, so have a few i’m most vibing with right now)

first ever ship: everlark (don’t quote me on this but i think it’s this one)

last song: The Other Side by Ruelle

last movie: Home Alone 2: Lost in New York

currently reading: a lot of things. most recently, You’re A Mean One, Matthew Prince by Timothy Janovsky

currently watching: The Resident

currently consuming: iced peach green tea from starbucks

craving: a milkshake

favorite flower: i don’t think i have one. but roses are pretty.

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