

@inkravensketchbook / inkravensketchbook.tumblr.com

+18 content, early 30s (minors dni, pls) Watch as I post sketches of various video game characters and steadily improve my art with practice! - Deus Ex, MGS, TF2, Mass Effect, and more! -

nothing frustrates me more than when adults refuse to even slightly indulge the questions and thoughts of children. i remember one time when one of my younger cousins accidentally stumbled across the concept of purchasing power parity because she realised 10 rupees which bought her 10 candies in India only bought her ~3 candies when we went on holiday to Japan, and when she asked her mother about “why the same things cost different amounts in different places” my aunt had the audacity to call her spoiled for not understanding the “”worth” of money, that’s not what she was ASKING damn it!! your daughter just set up her own big mac index and realised a key metric of macroeconomics!!! how do you not find that utterly fascinating !! why don’t adults talk to children !!


And if you don’t know the answer to a question a kid asks you, you can always tell them you can look it up together, and you both get to learn something new together.


The landlord fears the urban oyster mushroom farmer

I have seen this on every social media site and folks- if your home is damp enough to get full fruity flushes of oyster mushrooms (from stray spores from a grow bag batch), they are the LEAST of your worries. You know what doesn’t produce highly visible fruiting bodies? Most molds. And wood rot. Go ahead and grow them indoors, because they’re a canary in the coal mine if they start fruiting anywhere.

^ the above reblog right here!!! People in the notes saying "don't do this!!!" Are missing the part where people are not deliberately growing Oyster Mushrooms all over their apartment, but that the stray spores from Mushroom Growing Kits are revealing systemic dampness problems that Landlords cannot dismiss and forces them to take action.


people misunderstand what ‘gifted kid’ actually means but it’s ok it’s fine it’s cool it’s good

it’s not about actually being gifted, it’s about an initial higher scoring on standardized testing that means little to nothing or being good at learning in the way elementary and middle school wants you to, so you get marked as ‘advanced’. in reality, maybe you had faster development in certain areas, but the issue with being a gifted kid isn’t that “everyone told me I was so cool and special for reading and then I actually wasn’t :(” it’s “I wasn’t properly taught to handle things not coming easily to me, but the adults around me were counting on me not being a ‘difficult’ child in school.”

people who use it as some weird bragging method or interpret it that way are ignoring the way a lot of school systems force certain roles on students to simplify the learning process. If your kid doesn’t need to take notes to understand a science concept bc they get it naturally, well that’s good, but now you’re not teaching them how to take notes and they’re not learning that important soft skill. but because ‘gifted’ kids are easy and don’t show that they’re falling behind in learning in other categories that are harder to quantify, they eventually fall behind after that catches up to them. It’s about the failures of a one size fits all school system trying to compensate in the worst way possible.

And also the thing where ‘gifted’ kids are super likely to also be neuroatypical, which they don’t get screened for because they appear to be doing well in school. Or “You can’t be ADHD/autistic/etc, because you’re doing so well in school!”. Or being shamed for developing mental health issues/generally not being able to keep up with school work later, because you USED TO BE able to do it just fine.

Or the assumption that just because you can read well or you like math class, you’re somehow more EMOTIONALLY mature than your little kid brain is actually capable of being.

Or gifted kids whose parents and teachers put immense pressure on them to Do Great Things and Save The World and you’re like. “I’m 10 and I have no idea how to do that, but everyone is saying that’s my job?”.


This is the best “gifted kid” post out there. I never took notes until college because I didn’t have to, snd when it got challenging I had to literally teach myself note taking at age 18. It also fucks with your perception of asking for help - you’re advanced, you’re competent, you should be able to understand every topic easily. Asking for help/going to office hours/asking for a tutor feels like failing when you were praised in your early years for not needing to do that.


nobuddy feels like they have a sharp attention span these days, right? and we all just click “agree on terms of service” because its hard to love yourself sometimes, well

enter Terms of Service, Didn’t Read: a website and a browser addon that streamlines the terms of service of many popular web services to be read by the tech sunday drivers.

It’s graded from A (great) to E (awful) and if you have the addon you have access to the info about the website on your bar

this post came back to me like a dear son from war, hello ol boy


Of course you don’t. Free college might hinder the school-to-prison pipeline your  prison owning donors depend on



Actual quote, in context:

“I believe that we should make community college free. We should have debt-free college if you got to a public college or university. You should not have to borrow a dime to pay tuition… I disagree with free college for everybody. I don’t think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump’s kids to college.“ [video link]

Don’t spread misinformation just to fit a narrative, Clinton is advocating for there to be a cap on who gets free college so that the government doesn’t have to subsidize the education of people with enough disposable income to pay for it themselves. The plan she’s proposing would have a better chance of being passed, is more cost-effective, and still opens up higher education to low-income individuals who previously couldn’t afford it. 


the op lagonegirl literally ended up being a russian psyop im losing my mind


Reblogging this as an example of what the Russian interference here on tumblr was. I have seen some people in the past days casting doubts on Tumblr because the blogs that were banned had social justice content. 

But that was the point exactly. They posted some real things and a lot of half-truths that would appeal to the kind of politics on here and therefore spread disinformation to discourage us from participating in stopping Trump through the only option we had. I’m glad tumblr left these posts up so we could see for ourselves. 

I don’t know if it actually worked on anyone, I hope we all remember to check our sources before making our decisions, but life is short and maybe some people didn’t.  There are plenty of real social justice blogs available still, so I hope we will follow those instead.

Reblogging this now. Because some of you think that a leftist space can be trusted. They can’t. Lagonegirl posted content that had nothing to do with politics, it made her seem like a real person.

She was not. There were SO many posts by her that got big numbers and most of them were fine. That was an illusion so that when she posted things like this it might not click like it would if it were loudly pro- Trump.

You see a blog that is leftist but only critical of the more “safe bet” cookie cutter candidate and has very little to say about the obviously right wing, objectively worse for everything you stand for candidate?

Be on guard.


In case you’re uninitiated:

These are the current female volleyball uniforms

The Norwegian team on the left got fined a ridiculous amount of money for wearing shorts to the games

When you compare the men and women, it becomes very clear how sexist the uniforms are.


“Sexism is dead women are so annoying to keep talking about it”

*professional athletes get fined for wearing shorts*


none pizza with left beef

It should be a rule of Tumblr to always reblog none pizza with left beef


ive missed you

Posted Oct 9, 2012

Happy birthday to none pizza left beef



happy (late) birthday to none pizza left beef !!

My favorite thing about Tumblr is just how easy and real the possibility is of finding HUGELY popular posts by just randomly scrolling. I constantly think of this one


I had to stop eating wheat in 2018, so I genuinely stopped for a minute and thought "this can't be true."

But I found sources verifying the numbers and now I'm going through a bunch of common items and their comparative prices.

Eggs in 2018: $1.76 ($2.26 when adjusted for inflation)

Eggs in 2024: $2.99 on average

Boneless chicken breast per pound in 2018: $3.14/pound

Boneless chicken breast per pound in 2024: $4.10/pound

Childcare in 2018: up to $10,408/year on average

Childcare in 2024: up to $14,760/year on average

Rent for 2bd housing in 2018: about $1250/month on average

Rent for 2bd housing in 2024: about $2000/month on average

Many of these are BIG jumps for just six years, and inflation really doesn't account for all of it. Even as aware as I am that things cost more now than they used to, it was jarring to see how MUCH more.

For an extra headfuck, this happened just after my salary doubled when I got my postdoc job. It was, uh, enraging.


I reblogged this last month, tagged it, and said “might as well see if it works.” I used this video as a reference to find all the forms that i needed (which is A LOT, especially if you’re a dependent) and sent them through the mail, not really allowing myself to hope.


$2,714 of medical debt from my top surgery - gone. im shaking this was such a weight on me for 2 years and it fucking worked. what the fuck.


re-reblogging and thinking about when i have another collection agency calling that i can just do this

Yo this is such good info to have

Cheers Americans, have fun with this one


Being recently disabled this is going to relieve a FUCK TON of weight holy SHIT

can confirm, i’ve used these charity care programs for the past decade and the only time i’ve paid a cent to my hospital is for a few months where i lapsed on renewing my application (it expires every six months at my hospital) and it was like, $60 in copays so i just paid it. and i’m someone who sees at minimum 2-3 medical professionals a month to extensive chronic illnesses. this isn’t just for if you’ve racked up a big bill, if you’ve been putting off getting care apply for one of these programs and you may be able to get treatment for free

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