


nix | an assortment of my favorite things | I've been here way too long but I can't leave now |

about me


Hi, I'm Nix!

  • queer lesbian
  • cake/cakeself, rive/river, and they/them pronouns
  • adult

On this blog:

  • politics
  • percy jackson
  • stranger things
  • star trek
  • hunger games
  • lunar chronicles
  • unwind
  • whump
  • the red queen series
  • m.a.s.h, sometimes
  • shadowhunters
  • marvel
  • memes
  • anything I find amusing

Other places to find me:


I'm looking back at random things I was taught as a kid by various adults and media and. did nobody bother to factcheck anything? was that just not an option or

Could you please name one?

swallowed chewing gum takes years to digest, blue veins are blue bc deoxygenated blood is blue, fossil fuels are made from dinosaurs, feeding bread to birds is fine, mice like cheese, carrots are good for your eyes, cleopatra was a sultry seductress, bulls can see the color red, corsets were uncomfortable and caused deformities, glass is a slow-moving liquid which is why old window panes are uneven at the bottom, tomato juice gets rid of skunk smells, young einstein failed math class, eating before swimming increases your risk of cramps and drowning, cracking your knuckles causes arthritis, iron maidens were used as torture devices, the earth's core is molten rock, and basically anything at all whatsoever to do with the myth of thanksgiving

they said name ONE-

bats are blind, diamonds are made of coal, the dark side of the moon is dark, the sun is yellow, lightning doesn't strike twice, columbus landed in the u.s., medieval europeans believed the world was flat, piranhas eat human flesh, goldfish have no long-term memory, porcupines can shoot their quills, people often swallow spiders in their sleep, wolves howl at the moon, humans only have 5 senses, sore muscles are caused by a buildup in lactic acid, and rust causes tetanus!


before october 7th this blog was a meme page btw.


everyone should see these tags. Palestinians, and any marginalized group for that matter, are not your history textbooks, are not your documentaries, and are not mindless sources of information like how a lot of people treat them. you are reblogging from real people. people with lives, thoughts, hobbies, interests, families, friends. please remember this.


Say it with me, kids, "I do not deserve this pain. I am in chronic pain due to forces outside of my control. I should not have to earn pain relief. I am good. I do not deserve to be shamed for my pain. It is not my fault."

The response to this post has had a great effect on me. I made it because I realized it was something that I needed to hear. It was something that had been articulated in a million small ways by the people I love but never so fully, never so clearly. And I needed it.


we’re gonna be ok btw

it’s ok if you’re scared. or tired. or unsure. or one million billion other complicated emotions at once. but i’ve decided things are going to be ok anyway. and i will hold that belief close to my heart no matter how scared or tired or lonely or depressed or one million billion other things i am. i will hold onto that. and if you’re scared, you can hold onto me. we can carry each other through


PSA: Just a friendly reminder that whenever you start a creative project, you will invariably hit a phase where the Thing™️ appears horrendous and you start asking existential questions. But if you keep working, it invariably passes and starts to resemble something less like the devil’s vomit. Doesn’t matter if it’s art, writing, or what–this happens repeatedly. Carry on.


This is a bit of advice I always pass on to people asking me about art. EVERY. SINGLE. PEICE. Every single one that I love I have at one point or another wanted to throw in the trash. Wanted to burn in a fire. Wanted to give up and leave it. The trick is to go “okay what is the worst part and how do I fix it” and just focus on that ONE thing. Then you do that again for the second worst. Then you do it again. And again. Until finally nothing needs fixing. And then it’s done and it’s beautiful.

If you dont love it, it’s not done yet. That’s all there is to it.


shout out to “gross” disabled people.

people who can’t shower/bathe people who can’t shave people who can’t wash their clothes people who need help going to the bathroom people who have nasty habits (biting nails, picking nose, etc) people who can’t brush their teeth people who can’t go to the doctor people who can’t clean their room people who can’t make their beds people who vomit a lot people who wet the bed people who constantly have diarrhea people who’s physical deformities are seen as repulsive

and every other kind of person I missed that deserves to be here too.

you are people, first and foremost. your thoughts deserve to be heard, discussed, acknowledged, no matter what. you are not lesser. you are just another person. you should never be ignored for what you can/can’t do. you deserve care.

to abled people: check yourself. make sure you listen. and you can reblog, just don’t derail. maybe don’t add on, either.

happy July everyone

my favorite part of this post is seeing people in the notes whose hearts have been touched. if you don’t mind, I’d like to share a few.

keep in mind: this is nowhere near everyone. Some responses were too short, some were too long - I heavily advise you to go look in the notes yourself. And I’m sure many people reblogged this with just sorting tags or nothing at all, and that’s wonderful.

I made this post for myself, mostly. while I don’t do everything on the aforementioned list, I do apply to quite a few - but, ultimately, it was for me. I never expected it to boom like this.

And yet, it did. And that is a wonderful, wonderful thing. This post has helped people, even in small ways, something I never imagined. It’s wonderful.

so here, let me add a few more I missed. some taken from notes, some of my own.

people who pee in a bag people who can’t brush their hair people who can’t wash the dishes people with stomas and catheters people who are gassy people who have constipation issues people with chronic hives/red bumpy skin/MRSA people with heavy birthmarks people with bugs in their homes/car/etc people with constant runny/bloody noses people who can’t do certain things from depression people who need help getting out of bed people who eat in bed and have crumbs in there people who can’t clean their sheets people who can’t make their bed people with shower chairs

and even more that I had to have missed. Again, please add on.

So for this July, every one after, and all the months in between, just remember: You are loved. You are not alone. The notes both below and above prove that. I promise I am not lying. You are a wonderful, beautiful person, no matter what you can/can’t do, and no matter what you look like. You deserve to be heard and listened to. Your voice and opinion matters.


one of the differences between good omens the show vs good omens the book that will always fuck me up is the post-bookshop fire scene. crowley goes from picking himself up, dusting himself off, accepting the loss of aziraphale and Just Driving Anyway to completely falling apart. i do get why people have gripes with it being changed so fundamentally, and i've thought about it a lot myself, but i've never been able to bring myself to get mad about it. i always circle back to how the book was written by two best friends. that drunken, wrecked, grief stricken scene was written in a post-pratchett world. he lost his best friend.


I may never be well again… he lost his best friend


Good Omens is a different story through this lens. And it should be viewed through that lens.

He lost his best friend.

Jamie Anderson said, "Grief, I've learned, is really just love. It's all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in the hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”

Except that we can take all that love, and we can make something beautiful with it. And that is what Neil did.


god i hate rewatching s3 of the 2012 series so much

ep 3 is the worst cuz like. bro

that's MIKEY, the guy who is way too trusting and open minded about people

if his gut instinct upon meeting you is to KILL YOU, then you fucking trust him

Thankfully there are some excellent fics out there that vindicate him, validate him, and give great insight into why Mikey was so upset.

there are but GOD it's so infuriating that they didn't believe mikey

mikey, the guy who just wants friends and everyone to get along

mikey, the guy who tries to bridge gaps and build relationships



Yeah. Also, the way he was scolded in the episode where he ran away. They kept trying to backslide on character growth and development. See: why I still dislike the Bigfoot episode.

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