
Dune the ACD

@wolfeyspups-blog / wolfeyspups-blog.tumblr.com

My Dogblr about Dune the Australian Cattle Dog and hopefully about any further dogs I own. Plus probably a lot of cute German Shepherds. This is my SIDE BLOG my main one is @she-wolfey!

Sorry about the major lack of activity, I’ve been literally so busy this past month mainly with artwork related stuff.

Dune is good. She wasn’t herself after her heat and was seriously itchy so we had to take her to the vet and we think she is allergic to fleas :///// We have done everything to rid our home of them and Dune has just finished her steroids to ease her scratching and she is feeling much better. I don’t think her cuts had a chance to heal due to the itching so they were still sore and making her feel worse. She is still lightly itchy but nowhere near as bad as she was before, so that’s a relief. Fuck fleas though


So, Dune has had her 3rd heat and is two in September so we are going to have her spayed in the autumn :) She is fully grown now so I think it should be safe to without any growth problems. She doesn't enjoy being on heat and it always puts her off character slightly for a few weeks after too, so we have decided it's the best thing for her. She can enjoy not having anymore unwanted attention nor cramps lol 


This blog supports responsible owners keeping their dogs intact, and acknowledges that responsible owners do not contribute to the problem of overpopulation in shelters!

Just sayin’.


I mean there’s ups and down. One of the things about leaving any female dog intact is the risk of pyrometra and certain types of cancer. There’s a lot of risks and not any benefits I can think of for leaving a dog intact if you don’t intend to breed them. I’d honestly like to see people’s reasonings behind not fixing their pets (not even talking specifically about spaying/neutering here) because personally I’m not seeing any upsides.

UC Davis posted several studies recently showing that spay/neuter, especially early spay/neuter is a much larger cause if serious cancers than being left intact, not just cancers but ACL tears, structural issues, etc. Pyometra is definitely a concern if you’re not breeding but it tends to be seen more in older dogs, so spaying around 6 or so would easily prevent a lot of that and the dog still has had plenty of time to develop.  Heck, in my puppy contracts if they are altered prior to 18 months of age, it voids the hip guarantee as a lot of evidence has lent itself to early spay/neuter drastically increasing chances of dysplasia.

Link. Link. And a bonus, link.

I’ve worked at an animal shelter for the past 7 years, and I’ve seen both sides. I would agree that your average pet owner, particularly in areas where people are not as well off such as where I live, should spay/neuter as most of the people that show up at my work place could not keep a goldfish from getting pregnant. But I am 100% supportive of responsible dog owners keeping their animals intact for their health. Especially avoiding early spay and neuter, I see so many dogs altered young and they never grow up proportionate, which makes them more susceptible to injuries and breaking down over time. I see in my own boy, who was a early neuter.

@agentsofpuppies - Your tags for the win!

#I have had people straight up stop in the middle of petting my dog once they found out he still has balls                                                                    #‘but isn’t he mean??’ #'no Helen I’ve socialized him’                                     #'I bet he marks in your house’ #'shut the fuck up barbara I know how to house train a dog’    

The amount of people I meet who neutered their male dogs young to ‘'calm them down’ is crazy. I just kinda smile awkwardly when they say it, like I don't think neutering your 9 month old dog is going to make a difference, Dune was less than good at that age but she grew out of it. Now she's almost two Im going to have her done soon (she doesn't enjoy the male attention) as I feel it's safe now she's fully grown. Having your dog intact until two ish isn't going to hurt it will do much more good to the dogs development despite a slight cancer risk increase 


Comparing ‘normal’ heads to brachycephalic heads within a species.

There is increasing pressure to breed for longer noses, or in some cases any nose at all, in purebred animals because of its negative effects on welfare. These images help show the difference in morphology very well. It is the extremeness of these features that correlate with health problems.


I’m black out drunk at 2:00 PM.

I did a shot for every “adopt, don’t shop” post on my dashboard this afternoon.


It’s been hard to stay out of it and just keep scrolling but I’m glad I have.

I marked (yeah!) and rewarded (shot of vodka straight from the bottle) myself for every post I scrolled by. It sure got easier the more I rewarded myself. I also jackpotted myself with a double shot and rewarded with emotion (FUCK YEAH!!) for scrolling past particularly idiotic posts. See how much I learned about +R training from dogblr.

I feel as if I'd get alcohol poisoning if I did this with the Heeler groups Im a part of on facebook lol

Anonymous asked:

Do you know raisingopal's personal blog?

Sadly not, it had bird or something in it I think, but I can't find it so Im guessing she deleted it. Wouldn't surprise me if she did to be honest 


Sorry about the sudden disappearance, my grandma died a few weeks back (the funeral was Tuesday) and it's been tough. She'd been sick for a long time, but it doesn't make it any easier when one of the people who helped raise you dies. She'd become literally a shell of herself since Christmas, could do nothing for herself, so, in a way, she's in a better place now. It will take some time to heal but I'll post more pics soon.

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