
Lucifer's Daughter


Just a piece of trash// I like to write//
-Request are always open-
Fandoms- supernatural, Riverdale, 21 pilots, etc. if ur not sure about a fandom, just ask! I also do ships

Get to know me!

Send me any of these emojis!

👋🏻 What’s your name? 🎂 When’s your birthday? ⭐️ What’s your zodiac sign? 🏡 Where were you born? 😶 What’s your ethnicity? 👄 What’s your first language? 👤 What’s your gender? 🌈 What’s your sexuality? 💋 What is your romantic orientation? 👕 What’s your favourite type of clothing? 👢 What’s your favourite type of shoes? 🕶 What’s your favourite accessory? ☂️ What’s your favourite type of weather? 🐾 What’s your favourite animal? 🐉 What’s your favourite mythical/extinct creature? 🌲 What’s your favourite plant? 🌷 What’s your favourite flower? 🍎 Favourite fruit? 🥐 Favourite foreign food? 🍟 Favourite fast food place? 🍪 Favourite sweets/candy/snack? ☕️ Tea or coffee? 🏒 Do you have a sporty hobby? ⛸ Ice skating or roller skating? 🏅 What’s your best achievement? 🎼 Do you play any musical instruments? 🎨 Would you call yourself an artist? ❤️ Are you single or taken? 💛 Who is your best friend? 💔 Who has broken your heart? 🖤 Do you hate anyone? 💚 Are you optimistic or pessimistic in problematic situations? 💙 Introvert or extrovert? 💜 What do you look like?

Ask away my loves


tell me how you feel about me on anon!

🌞 - i really like your blog! 🌙 - you’re really cute!  ✨ - i love seeing you on my dash! ☄️ - we don’t talk, but i wish we did! ❄️ - you’re my best friend! 🌸 - you’re really sweet! 💫 - you’re super talented! ⭐️ - you have a nice aesthetic!  🌹 - i have a crush on you! 💐 - i wish i could take care of you when you’re sad! 💥 - you seem a little bit intimidating! 🔥 - you need to stop being so hard on yourself! 🍂 - i don’t like you very much! 🌈 - i think i really like you… 


“Does this darkness have a name? This cruelty this hatred. How did it find us, did it steal into our lives or did we seek it out and embrace it? What happened to us that we now send our children into the world like we send young men to war, hoping for their safe return but knowing some will be lost along the way. When did we lose our way? Consumed by the shadows swallowed whole by the darkness. Does this darkness have a name… is it your name?”

When you were asked about your plans for the future for the first time, you hadn’t even had your first day of school yet and there were dozens of szenarios in your head of how you’d spend your life. It took a few years for your dreams to be shaped, until the vary shadows formed contours and you could answer with a small smile playing around your lips whenever someone asked you about that time which still felt so far ahead. However, in middle school, you had to realize that life wouldn’t be as easy as you had thought before; that many of the things you had once dreamed of would never be possible but then, new ideas started to form in your head and when your friends told you about the subjects their older siblings were studying at university, you almost couldn’t wait to grow up and follow your dreams. In high school, you had learned about your abilities and the topics you’re interested in, what you are good at and which issues you would rather avoid. Now, when you were asked about your plans for the future, you could answer with several opportunities lying ahead of you and you’d talk about the cities where you would have liked to study. Graduating no longer seemed out of reach nor sight but still far enough away to not worry about details or feel the need to have your whole life planned out. But then senior year comes around. The first weeks, even months, still feel relatively normal, compared to high school, even though more and more people around you have a concrete idea of what they will do after they graduate. But in the beginning, it’s still possible to laugh it all off, to shrug your shoulders and form an alliance of carelessness with those who feel as lost as you do when it comes to the future. And you begin to remember all those dreams you once had, especially those who will never truly leave your mind and you cannot stop asking yourself whether it would actually be possible for you to follow them; if maybe, just maybe, you are really free to achieve whatever you want. Yet, it is still easy to forget about it all by focusing on the tasks ahead, the final exams and the preparations for the last educational events you’ll ever witness with these people who have been a part of your life for so long. It’s not hard to simply surpress your worries and fears but then the end of this final year in school comes closer and closer until all the ‘last times’ are beginning. The last time studying for an exam, the last presentation or the last movie you’ll watch bored to death while doodling on your paper. But also the last free period spent outside in the sun with the people who mean the world to you, laughing until there are tears in your eyes and your ribs hurt, the last time being late to class because all of you rather stay in the car to finish singing this one song, the last time of ever laughing about a joke of that funny kid in your math class. And then, suddenly, there is only one week left until you will all go separate ways, hoping that your paths will cross again someday and you cannot possibly understand that this part of your life, which seemed endless back when you were eight, will actually come to an end.

// and it is when you are standing on that hill behind the building, looking over the place where you spent almost your whole life, that you realize that it might just be true what people say; that good things have to come to an end to make room for even greater adventures j.d.m. (via poetryandthesea)


Prompt list/700 followers!

Okay, we’re almost at 700 followers, and I’ll be hosting a giveaway (as always), in which the winners will get a fanfic! (two winners, as usual) BUT I thought I’d do something a little different this time. So here’s a prompt list I put together:

1.“Tell me a secret.” 2.  “I accidentally called you my girlfriend/boyfriend today.” 3. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 4. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 5.“I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”

6.“Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?”

7. “I wish we could stay like this forever…”

8. “I’m personally offended that you didn’t get me to be your fake date.”

9. “All I want is your lips against mine right now.”

10. “I need you to help me reach the top shelf.”

11. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.”

12. “If you’re gonna keep doing this we won’t make it to the hotel room.”

13. “I don’t do… Relationships.”

14. “Say something. Please”

15. “You woke me up at 4am to… Cuddle?”

16. “You still have feelings for me?”

17. “I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”

18. “How is my wife more badass than me?”

19. “You think I’m scared?”

20. “You could stop kissing the dog and give ME some kisses instead!”

21. “You’re in love with her.” “Aren’t you?”

22. “Do you love him/her?“

23. “So what does that say about us…?”

24.  “Sometimes I wish I could just close my eyes and go back to the way we were.”

25. “I miss you.”

26. Sometimes I wish I’d never met you.

27. “Rules are meant to be broken.”

28. “We can’t do this here…”

29. “Tell me you don’t love me.”

30. “This is goodbye.” So, rules for the giveaway: 1. You must be following me. 2. REBLOG with your preferred pairing & prompt line, until Wednesday, February 28th, 12:00 AM (UTC+03:00) - Please note i’m very busy and I can’t promise I’ll do it as fast as I did in the last two giveaways, but I’ll be open to write pairings I don’t usually write and I’ll try to finish them quickly! 3. You can like/comment on the post to give yourself more chance at winning, but please stick to one reblog per user. Thank you all so much for following me! I love you guys! 💞💞💞

Omg congratulations on your followers, love! 😍😍


Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.


Reblog if you want a random picture of Misha Collins, Jared Padalecki, and/or Jensen Ackles in you inbox

Will you get Misha?

Will you get Jared?

Will you get Jensen?

Will this post get any notes?







Please I NEED this




Ummmm please?


Prompt List!

1. “I guess I’m just..jealous”

2.”Don’t mind me dancing on my own”

3.”I saved it for you”

4.”you make me all blushy”

5.”richie tozier who?”

6.”swear jar”

7.”he doesn’t deserve you”

8.”lets dance bb”

9.”wanna listen to this playlist?”

10.”don’t come at me”

11. “opinions on weed?”

12. “here is a song i wrote”

13. “i don’t like her, i like you”

14.”i don’t like you,i love you”

15.” you don’t deserve me”

16.” how did i get with you?”

17.” its a secret”

18.” it was me all along”

19. “your my favorite meme”

20. “lets film this”

21.”its awesome to work with you”

22. “wanna go to the dollar store?”

23. “the things that happen at 2 am”

24. “i love you and only you”

25. “be the beverly to my ben or beverly to bill”


Don't go

Summary- this is a story I started a while ago, lemme know if I should continue it! Laken stood with his friends. Laughing about some joke Ash had made. He stared at Dylan. He's Hair was a soft brown, and His eyes warm. They were brown. But not dark, they were a happy, Very Happy, Brown, warm and shining. Jordan watched his lips. They were a blush, they looked so soft an kissable. "Laken?" He snapped out of his stupor. He shook it off, and looked at him. "I'm sorry what? I zoned out." Dylan gave a light laugh, and smiled before speaking. "I said I need to tell you guys something." Kendyl was standing next to him, her arm on his shoulder. Laken wanted to Walk over and pull it off, replacing it with his own. He looked at Dylan. "What is it?" He asked, not recognising his voice. "I'm leaving." Laken took a step back. "What?" Laken whispered, not sure if he heard him right. "I'm moving, to Kansas, my Mom got a new Job offer, and she is gonna take it." Laken felt his heart shatter. His world was crumbling around him, and despair had began to grab at his heart. He couldn't speak, yet he was able to squeak out four words. "I-I have to go." He turned and ran from the courtyard. His heart was in shreds, and he felt like he couldn't breath. Before Laken realised it, he was back at the place where he had met Dylan. It was at the track. He was hanging out with Ash, Kendyl, Ethan, and one of Ash's friends, Luke. They were messing around, when Ash saw someone she knew, and called him over. She introduced him to Luke, Ethan and him-self. Kendyl already knew him, so she just talked to Luke the entire time. Afterwards, Dylan started to hang out with them more. They all hung out until Luke's last year of high school, when they all had another year to go, and Luke headed off to college. Then Ethan drifted away, and soon it was just the four of them. Now Dylan was leaving. And Laken had slowly fallen for him. Laken hadn't realised it until it was too late. And here Dylan was, unintentionally crushing his heart. Laken felt tears brim his eyes, and he wiped his face, but it was no use. Laken broke down right there in the middle of the football field. He gripped his chest, As his phone started ringing. Laken fumbled with removing it from his pocket, before glancing at the screen 'Ishh'. He had a brief grin at the nickname. He was 'watern'. Laken answered it, wiping his face. "Hello?" He answered. Laken heard her take a deep breath. "Ash?" He asked again. "Hey Laken, I don't know how to say this, but Dylan's in the hospital-" Laken dropped the phone, tears rushing down his face again. Laken tried to pick up the phone, finally managing to do so, he spoke one word. "Where?" Laken waited for her to respond. "North woods hospital, get here soon." Laken hung up the phone, grabbing his book bag, and sprinting towards the hospital. It took him 20 minutes to get there, a few breaks in between. Laken stood outside the hospital, watching the inside for any sign of his friends. He saw Kendyl, and he ran inside. He walked towards the front desk, stopping in front of the nurse, before asking "Which room is Dylan Cole in?" He asked. "Room 316 on floor 5, but-" Laken didn't wait for her to finish, before he was sprinting towards the Elevator, past Kendyl and Ash. He waited impatiently for it to arrive, sprinting out of it when it did. He didn't notice the tears running down his cheeks. Or how he was digging his fingers into his hand so hard that it was drawing blood. Or how badly his hair was messed up. Or did he notice? He didn't know. All he knew was he needed to get to Dylan. He stood outside the door, his body shaking. Suddenly he wasn't so sure of himself. Before he could stop himself he opened the door. With his head down, He stepped into the room. Guilt flooded him, as he looked up. Dylan lay in the hospital bed, his head wrapped in bandages, and his torso was covered with a hospital gown. His eyes had bags under them, and his legs were covered with bruises. His right leg and left arm were covered with a Blue cast. His face was covered with bruises, and a few minor cuts, but nothing major from what he could tell. Laken felt something warm running down his cheek. He gingerly put a finger to it, and wiped it off. He was crying? He couldn't remember the last time he cried. Actually really cried. Maybe it was the day his mother gave birth to his little sister, Milo, and had given her life doing it? Or maybe it was the day his father hit him for the first time? becoming a Drunk after his mother died, wasn't good for Milo. Or maybe it was Milo's first steps, they were towards Laken? those were tears of joy. Or maybe it was the day his father had almost beat him to dead? He still had the scars. Or was it the day that Milo had spoke for the first time? Was it, perhaps, the day His father finally kicked The bucket? Laken was 16 at the time, and milo was Two. The day after was the day Laken got his first Job. Laken wasn't sure. All he was sure of was the five year old at day care right now, and the boy he had called his best friend in front of him. Laken didn't think. He didn't know what to do. As he walked forward, his hand about to touch Dylan's he was ripped away. Security had finally gotten him. He saw they were holding Ash and Kendyl back as well. Ash looked to him, her eyes said she tried, but her mouth screamed at the security to let them go. He knew why they had grabbed him. Only family was allowed in. At least until he was awake. Laken felt the tears begin to stream down his cheeks again. He screamed at them to let him go, and they did. But not until dragging them back to the Lobby. Laken plopped into one of the chairs, and he leaned over, putting his head in his hands. His body shook with sobs as Ash tried to comfort him. "He's my best friend too." Ash said, rubbing Laken's back, as Kendyl sat staring at the wall. Her earbuds were in, and she was sitting straight up in the chair. She had a light blue blouse on with a pair of navy jeans and converse. She was listening to the song 'medicine'. She didn't believe he would live. This was her grieving. Laken watched with curiosity, As Ash's sister walked up. Ash stood and spoke with her a moment. Jordan only caught a few of the words said. They sounded like, 'grieving' 'love' 'car accident' 'my fault'. "Hey sorry about that, she heard about the accident and wanted to make sure I was okay." She said, pointing at her sister, piper. "It's fine. But why wouldn't you be okay?" He asked. "I was in the car with him. The wreck is my fault." She said, tears brimming her eyes. "How is it your fault?" He asked. "I was talking to him, we were arguing about how he could just drop that on us 2 days before he left. We were yelling. He kept looking at me and not the road. And the next thing I know, there is a huge truck barreling towards the drivers side of the car. And we couldn't stop. And he hits the drivers side full force. Dylan didn't have on his seat belt, so when the truck started flipping he took it full force. And I just remember the look of terror in his eyes as we were flipping. I was terrified Laken. I could have lost one of my best friends." She said, a few tears slipping down her face.

“You really love the sky, don’t you?” He nodded at the question, not taking his eyes off the orange that slowly filled the sky. “If the sky came falling down,” he spoke, “I wouldn’t try to escape.” “I would stay and drown in its entirety.”

free art!

in celebration of the new year, anyone who reblogs this post will receive a character based on their url / blog ! you can totally keep the character or not, up to you ;*

feel free to tag friends! they will all get done i promise!


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