
The Sanctuary

@negans-network / negans-network.tumblr.com

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Negan's Network is a safe place where we share any and all Negan content, including fanfiction, fanart, gifs, and more. Sound like fun? Come on in. We don't bite, but Lucille might.

A Compromise - Chapter 13

Summary: Everything seems to be going on the right path to Y/N’s future with Negan, but when someone Negan loves is hurt will the past come back to ruin their plans for a future?

Characters: Negan, the reader (OC), Sam, etc.

Warnings: Swearing, smut, angst, etc.

Notes: It’s almost 7 in the morning. So maybe this might be a little all over the place. I’m hoping it’s not. I promise I’m going to get back to writing my stories as often as I can. Sending anyone that still reads this all of my love!


Nothin's Free | Chapter Thirty Six: Kissy Love

A/N: this is the first time showing anyone smut that I've written so yeah....

About a week had passed since my family had come to visit. The plan was for them and a few more people to move in within the next few days, many of the buildings being in better condition than we expected.

“c’mon Kat ya gotta get up,” Daryl said pulling the blankets off of me and shaking my shoulder, water dripping on me from the shower he had just taken.

“Noooo… ya can’t make me,” I groaned burying my face into the pillow, I’d been having a really good and vivid dream in which the man above me and I had finally gone all the way.

“That a challenge?” I didn’t need to see him to know there was a smirk on his face. I felt the bed dip around me as he climbed over me. He moved my hair and kissed the cuts that were beginning transitioning to fresh scars on my upper back and shoulders, exposed by my tank top. I felt him sit back on my thighs before jabbing my sides, tickling me.

“Daryl… Daryl… stop…” I begged as he laughed and I thrashed below him. “Dare-” I tried to catch my breath. I managed to roll over beneath him, I shamelessly took a moment to admire his naked chest running my hands down it before pushing against him in a futile attempt to get away. He pushed me back, grabbing my hands and pinning them besides my head. I smiled and caught my breath. His wet hair dripped down on my face as he leaned over me. I caught his eyes flipping between mine and my lips before he dipped down and connected our mouths.


Negan Being Gentle with You Would Include:

  • Him always calling you by nicknames like Princess, Sweetheart, Baby, etc…
  • Him always being sure to keep a calm voice around you as to not scare you away
  • When you’re out in public with him, he has to have you either holding his hand or an arm around you
  • Whenever you’re apart he’s texting you and making sure you’ve eaten or drank water
  • The numerous times where he gets worried and has to facetime you while he’s at work
  • In the bedroom he always takes his time with you by slowly stripping off your clothes and kissing you passionately
  • The way his lips go down on your body and wanting to make you cry out for him
  • The aftercare is always a must when he has you cuddle for a bit before running a bath and giving you water
  • This man loves you with all his heart and will always tell you how he feels

Redemption Masterlist

                      Negan x Reader  ||  NSFW  ||  In Progress

You never expected to see Negan again, but the apocalypse has a funny way of upending one’s plans. Your past has finally come calling and it’s bringing trouble with it.

                   Part One  |  Part Two  |  Part Three

*gif created by the wonderful @jdmorganz


Redemption — Part One

Pairing: Negan x Reader

Summary: You never expected to see Negan again, but the apocalypse has a funny way of upending one’s plans. Your past has finally come calling and it’s bringing trouble with it.

Rating: SFW

Warnings: Violence. Negan’s mouth.

*gif created by the wonderful @jdmorganz


Wrecked part 21

Masterlist here<<<<

Part 20 here<<<<

Tag list is open.

3 months later

The cool fall wind blew around me as I stood outside, the sun had just rose and all was quiet. I cherished these quiet moments I had to myself but I also hated them. My hand slid over my swollen belly as the child inside kicked vigorously. I had a little under two months left in my pregnancy and I couldnt help but feel saddened that I had such a short time left before I would be raising a child on my own.


‘Thanks for nothing, I guess.’ (Negan x Reader)

Requested by Anon.

His lips were like velvet, soft and smooth, the pressure of them moving against yours measured, not too forceful, just enough to let you know that he was in charge, driving things forward at his own pace.  His stubble chafed deliciously against the sensitive skin of your cheeks and chin, contrasting sensations heightening your ecstasy as large hands moved skilfully over your body, pressing and kneading and coaxing tiny whimpers from your throat when he finally broke away to draw breath.  It seemed strange to you that, just days ago, you hadn’t even known this man that was now playing you like an instrument, one he had tuned to perfection.  He had strolled into your life in a whirlwind of swagger and cocky claims and turned it upside down and, where first your instinct had been to watch and wait until he made a mistake and gave you an opening to steal away anything on his person that could be of use, you’d realised that actually he had far more to offer than material gain.  

You’d been holed up in the ramshackle cabin, deep in the Virginia countryside, for around a year, and during that time you’d rarely seen another living person.  Things with your last group had ended badly, and you’d been forced to slip away in the night, taking as many of their supplies as you could reasonably carry, and you were in no hurry to repeat the experience, and so you built a new life on your own.  Still, it had grown lonely quickly, and when the door of your home had been flung back against the wall, allowing a tall, lean figure to stumble inside, before slamming it closed behind him, you’d been more curious than you had afraid.  His broad chest had been heaving with ragged breaths, a blood-spattered, barbed wire-wrapped baseball bat swinging from his fingers, and you’d simply arched a brow at him from where you sat at one end of the sagging couch, waiting for him to introduce himself and apologise for the rude interruption.


‘There’s more to the story than you’re telling me.’ (Negan x Reader)

Requested by @burningredaffair.

‘So, you escaped?’

‘I did.’

‘And now you’re… What?  Just wandering the wilderness and trying to figure out what to do with your life?’

‘Fuck me, doll.’  The man sitting across from you on the bonnet of a broken down car guffawed with laughter, shaking his head at the forthright nature of your question.  You’d come across him fighting off a small group of walkers single-handed, dispatched the last two with your crowbar to help him out, and something about his dimpled smile and the deep chocolate shine of his eyes had given you pause, tempting you to sit a while amongst the neglected vehicles that criss-crossed the road, and make conversation with the lone stranger.  ‘Yeah, I guess, something like that.  Honestly, I haven’t given it much thought.  I-I was just so fuckin’ glad to get outta there, that I just… I just left.’

‘And you were locked up in a cell, why, exactly?’  You still weren’t clear on that part of his tale of woe, and you frowned as you tried to make sense of it.  ‘Because the leader’s son died?’

‘No, no, that was nothing to do with me,’ he insisted, and he seemed sincere when he went on, ‘Carl was a good kid.  I liked him.’

‘So, why then?’  He dropped his head, gaze fixed on his long fingers as he drummed them against his bent knee, his foot resting on the car’s bumper, and you could sense his discomfort, see it in the way he shifted against the rusting surface.  ‘There’s more to the story than you’re telling me.’


Pose/reference by @/Snuffysbox

if glenn was still around this would be s11

❤️please do not repost without permission or remove caption ❤️


Wrecked part 20

Part 19 here

Masterlsit here

Part 20

When I woke up the next morning a sense of dread washed over me. I did not want to go back into the sanctuary and I definitely did not want to stay where his other wives had stayed before. Sarah was packing a bag with different kinds of medicine and other things because she was going to be staying with me, negan insisted. Sarah glanced at m3 from over her shoulder, "how are you feeling today?"

I sighed as I sat up, the pain in my hip made me wince but it was nothing compared to before. "Like shit." Sarah frowned as she made her way to me, she placed her hand on my forehead while checking my pulse. I chuckled, "don't worry I'm perfectly fine health wise. I just dread going back into the sanctuary especially where the other wives lived."


The Mistress - Chapter 55

Summary: Negan and Y/N attempt to sneak their family out of Alexandria so they can start over somewhere new where Negan may finally be safe.

Characters: Reader, Negan, Ethan, Logan, Lydia, etc.

Warnings: Swearing, angst, etc.

Notes: Catching up on my stories here. Thank you to anyone that stuck around for this story. I write these things super late, so you know the deal! Love all of ya! The point of view changes toward the end of this scene. This is why I no longer write second person, but it is what it is! Thanks for taking the time to read.

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