
MCU divorcee


Meg, 24, Lesbian/cis, white. (Anti-racist, TERFs not welcome).

I once looked up bruce banner & a type of marijuana strain popped up so now all I can think about is dr bruce banner 7phds smoking a joint and wearing a “legalize it” t shirt

He’s a fucking medical doctor you asscaps


It's ok guys Bruce Banner rolled me a fat joint behind Dennys he said he loves weed he smokes a lot and hes my dealer


ngl i think the olivia bots are fun i dont want them to leave


yeah for real


no animal protection laws will prevent me from repeating my cat’s weird meows in a mocking tone


you know what line from Shakespeare makes me go feral. that one line that’s like “I will live in thy heart, die in thy lap, and be buried in thy eyes (and also I will go with thee to thy Uncle)” from Much Ado About Nothing because like. that line is objectively really funny because Beatrice is just talking about going with Benedick to have a conversation with her uncle and he’s. being an overdramatic bitch again. but the other thing is that. that line is so unbearably tender. imagine you ask someone to go with you to your uncle’s and they seriously tell you not only do they want to do that but they also want to die in your lap and be buried in your eyes, sort of in a joking tone but also completely meaning it. i cant think about that too long or ill absolutely go insane


generational discourse ("boomers vs millennials" as opposed to like actual class analysis) is dumb and wrong but replying to 50-year-old Rob BlessOurTroops Smith's facebook rant about how immigrants are ruining our country with "okay boomer" is still really funny and satisfying


hey guys if you ever feel bad about yourself just remember that you at least aren’t so much of a loser than you make an 11 hours 44 minute response video to someone saying they didnt like Joker

I have to fucking laugh the dude in the vid responded to Jenny on twitter

“why don’t you take the time to watch it and take criticism” the audacity of some fucking men like he really thinks she’s going to sit there and listen to him critic every fucking sentence for over 6+ hours lkjsdlkjsd


cherish the feeling you had when you were first sitting in the theater sometime in december 2015 watching the force awakens, and saw finn ignite the skywalker lightsaber in the middle of a snowstorm.


Sad thing is it’s probably gonna be shit and win a million awards or be really good and be extremely obscure

The movie will be a romcom also the director is a wlw


That wlw director is ALICE WU who also directed Saving Face


This is going to be available on Netflix. 


When you search for it today there is a REMIND ME button.

I say DO IT so 1) Netflix knows there is already pre-release interest; 2) you want to see this when it comes out

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