
Heart of Ice, Soul of Light


I am 27 years old. Female. Animal Care Technician. INFP. Virgo/Libra. Monkey. Fire Bender. My Spirit Animal is the Snow Leopard. I love Doctor Who. Doctor x Rose is life. That’s what you’ll find on my blog besides all the other random bits in between from my other favorite shows. I’m a writer but I haven’t written in a long time. I’m hoping to change that soon. Enjoy your stay!

David Tennant - photoshoot for The Runaway Bride

for Tennant Tuesday (or whatever day this post finds you)


“-oh come on, please! - No, no no, no, no! Not a chance i’m ever going to let Jackie see me wearing these!”

If only they had their second Christmas in the TARDIS.


she, the doctor thinks, is enjoying this entirely too much, sprained ankle or no. but she’s been such a good sport about the whole thing, really, far better than he deserves, so he carries on without complaint. her breath is warm and even and soft against his neck, long and slow as she struggles to stay awake, and he allows himself a small smile.

jeopardy-friendly, indeed.


dedicated to @saecookie because these soft vibes made me think of you 💕


I can see everything. All that is. All that was. All that ever could be. Billie Piper as Rose Tyler in Doctor Who (2005-2013)


“It’s a love story. I think from the minute he sees her, he loves her and vice versa. It’s by no means a conventional love story.“ Christopher Eccleston


Can I get ur generating lightning fic? Ao3 if possible but if not that’s fine. I heard it was an amazing fic and I’m hella curious


You can easily find it on Fanfiction.net. Just look up The tags with only Azula, Zuko, Romance and Mature. It will probably be in one of the last pages but it will be there. 🤔


Not many people get to meet the Doctor, let alone travel with her. Being with the doctor you don’t get to choose when it stops: whether you leave her or she leaves you.



okay i know this scene is actually really sad because ten only says this so rose can get her happy ending but. can we talk about her face after he says “does it need saying?” in journey’s end

bc she’s literally like

and she’s right 


If you listen to the end of tangled…. Rapunzel and Eugene didnt get married until several years later 

same with Aladdin and jasmine!

And Belle was trapped in that castle for months with Beast; I’m pretty sure at least a year.

Also Tiana and her prince were together as frogs for an indeterminate length of time before they married. 

Tumblr gets schooled by the Disney fandom

Also let’s not forget Aurora was betrothed (which uhh, was a thing and some places still is).

Cinderella had to be locked in her home away from her prince whilst she knew he was looking for her. 

I love how no one is trying to defend Ariel and Snow.

When Ariel was permanently turned back into a human by her father, we don’t know how much time passed between that day and their wedding.

Snow was under the sleeping curse for at least half a year. Remember the lovely commentary animated films used to do? At the end of the film, it states, “The Prince, who had searched far and wide, heard of the maiden who slept in the glass coffin.” Additionally, it shows changes in season. And finally we don’t even see a marriage between The Prince and Snow.

I love this fandom


So really, Anna is the only princess who tries to marry a prince right away

I am so proud of everyone who commented on this

This post is priceless. Way to go, Disnerds!


And wait, WTF. Why are the princesses the targets of derision here? Prince Phillip was ready to marry Aurora after just running into her in the forest. And then he risked his life and fought a dragon. He didn’t even know her real name, he thought she was some random peasant from the woods and he was ready to walk away from his kingdom. Why isn’t he on trial here?

Prince Charming, same thing. He’d met Snow White before, but he didn’t know she was the maiden he was looking for. He literally heard about some dead girl in the woods and was like, “I must have her for my bride.” We’re going to blame that on Snow White? She was unconscious. And aside from singing one song about him, she was kind of wrapped up in her own thing with her dwarf friends.

Jasmine didn’t even want to get married at all for like 90% of the movie. Aladdin pursued her, going so far as to completely overhaul his image to impress her.

Cinderella didn’t ever say she wanted to get married, either. Her Prince dancd with her once, then tracked her down by her shoe size. Again, he was the one who wanted to get married. She kind of just went back to her regular life with a bittersweet memory.

WTF is up with blaming princesses for the princes’ bad judgment?


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