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@mint-tea-studies / mint-tea-studies.tumblr.com

☁️ ruby │21 ☁️ fond of mint tea & warm cats ☁️ #mint-tea-studies

reblog if you're a studyblr/collegeblr

I’ve been finding lately that my dashboard is quite slow since i only follow around 300 blogs so I’m looking for more people to follow. Also looking for new studyblrs who want more support!!!

edit: its been some time and now I follow like 80 blogs!!!! please reblog if you’re a studyblr, collegeblr, lawblr, anything school related!


A Note on “Weeder Courses”

Is your first year gen-ed (general education) course really hard for absolutely no reason? Or perhaps it’s an early course in your major that’s required for the rest of the degree. Maybe the homework is really hard to get through or the exams are just brutal. You might be in a “weeder course.”

Generally weeder courses are introductory level; the STEM field gen-eds are notorious for this. The thought process from an administrative level is to make these courses very difficult and challenging to vet out students who can’t hack it. They do it with the intro level courses to serve as a warning for students who might want to major in something, but aren’t ready for how rigorous the degree actually is. 

Now I have my own thoughts on that mindset but what I want to stress that these courses are designed to be difficult. You’re not making it up in your mind; they are designed to feel like hell. 

Personal anecdote: I got my undergrad degree in literal rocket science from a “name” university. In my first year I failed physics I, the very course that is the basis for the rest of your physics education. I nearly failed it again the second time I took it, passing by the skin of my teeth. Despite the material being more difficult, I found my calculus 4 course easier than my calculus 1 course.

And that was because, as I found out from an upperclassman years later, those intro courses were designed as weeder courses. They taught the material yes, but their primary function was to act as a buffer to students who the administration see as lacking the discipline to follow through on a major in that field.

My advice? If it is a field or major you love, do not let your performance in these classes stop you.

I cannot stress this enough: if you love the field and the major and the subject, don’t let terribly designed classes stop you. I worked as a peer advisor my senior year and I had these brilliant first and second year students come up to me and tell me that they were struggling in an intro level course, wondering if they should drop out of a major they genuinely loved because they felt like they weren’t smart enough. Every single one of them was smart enough. 

You are smart enough. You can and will get through it. 

Some advice of a more practical nature under the cut:


hello!! as an online college student, i’ve been lucky enough to already have some experience with online schooling, so i’m here to offer all my advice for the students of quarantined schools! due to the covid-19 outbreak, it’s been very difficult for many who’ve had to switch to online school. however, there are many way to make it simpler and faster, and i’m here to give my best tips!!

  • firstly, make a list. whether you’re more comfortable with a physical to-do list or a virtual calendar to schedule things out (i’ve used google calendar almost my whole life but i just got the app elisi and it’s beautiful, minimalist, and easy to use! available on pretty much every device). planning out your work is the most efficient way to get it done.
  • don’t try to do everything at once. while it’s best to get things done soon, space out your work efficiently so you don’t feel overwhelmed!
  • create a simple, comfortable study space. it doesn’t have to be a perfectly organized desk or gorgeous setup at the kitchen table; i do all of my college work from my bed with a comfy throw blanket and fairy lights up. the most important thing is that you are in the right position to do work, you are comfortable, and that you are able to keep everything you need close to you.
  • work in chunks. to best knock out your work, take it an hour at a time with 10 to 15 minute breaks in between. make some tea, get a snack, stay energized.
  • drink lots of water. you are not immune to the coronavirus. it’s also easier to stay energized and focused when you’re hydrated.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY: COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR INSTRUCTORS. at first i was very timid to communicate back and forth with my professors when something was wrong but i have learned that it is the most important thing to have good communication. if you don’t understand a concept, have trouble with the online system, or just need general help in your academics, sending them an email is the best way to solve the problem.
  • reward yourself!! once you’ve finished an assignment, give yourself a little treat (maybe a half hour of minecraft or your favorite snack to munch on!!)–it’s the best way to encourage your mind to work harder.
  • don’t work too late. you’re off from school. unless it’s the night of the due date, don’t push yourself until it’s done. the morning is just a sleep away.
  • these are some good playlists for background music.
  • another important tip! communicate with your classmates in case you don’t understand something. everybody learns differently and some pick up info different than others. 
  • make fancy notes!! get fancy with your stationery!! you have plenty of time now and can go bonkers with your beautiful notes.
  • continue to check your temperature and monitor symptoms. your school has closed for a reason. your safety and health are important.
  • retain a relatively normal sleep schedule, similar to the one you have when you normally go to school. slipping out of your regular sleep cycle can and will kick your ass when it’s time to go back.
  • lastly, eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. take a nap when you’re tired. remember to go to the bathroom and keep your water filled. take care of yourself.

if i think of anything else to add, i will!! just wanted to bring forth my advice in hopes that it benefits anybody who is at home b/c of quarantine or school cancellation :)


because the tumblr algorithm works essentially solely on tags, it’s important to make sure that you use the right ones. in the studyblr community, many blogs ‘track tags’, which means that which means that they follow the tag and reblog the posts within it.

in this post, i have collated many studyblrs and their tracking tags that you can use!

if you would like to be added to the post, please send me an ask and let me know. if you are already included and you change your tag/url, also kindly let me know so that i can keep this post up to date. If there are any mistakes, also let me know!

also make sure to check out my masterpost and my studygram from more!

[note: you need to make sure that your blog is discoverable in your settings to make sure that i can tag you. otherwise i cannot include you]





















27|04|21 - zoomester studyblr challenge
Day 4- For my researching fellows, what are you researching on? If you’re not currently researching, what is the topic within your field that you’re most passionate about?
I would say I'm bad at research because I don't want to read I just want to do the thing! however, I understand that research is important because there's often no need to start from zero when someone else has done work in the same area.

i don’t even know where to begin here. it is absolutely unbelievable that this tiny studyblr that started with a terrible picture of coffee stained physics notes has grown into something so much larger than myself. through this blog, i have met so many wonderful, lovely people, learned a lot about myself and the world around me, and been able to advocate for causes i care about through this platform. i am so, so grateful for all of you. thank you for choosing to follow me, a vaguely stressed, depressed, and tired student just surviving off of memes and boba tea, and for supporting me as i traversed through med school apps. y’all are fantastic. your support means everything to me. i am so glad to have you all. 

to celebrate, tomorrow (saturday, april 10th) i will do a little sleepover! send me asks about whatever you like, telling me about your day, some recent obsession of yours, anything. (just don’t be rude, but that’s a given)

im gonna tag some mutuals and friends under the cut here and wax poetic about em bc although i might come off as a little cutthroat irl i am but a soft bean for my moots:

congratulations! you so deserve it :)


12|04|21 - zoomester studyblr challenge

Day 2- If you’ve chosen a major, why did you decide on it? If you’re in any other grade , what field/major interests you the most?

My major is electrical engineering. I'm interested in robotics and system design and want to work in that field. I started out in mechanical but realized it didn't focus where I was interested. it put me behind a bit to make the switch but so far it's been worth it :)

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