f*ck yeah yonic symbols

@fuckyeahyonicsymbols / fuckyeahyonicsymbols.tumblr.com

yo • nic |jɒ nɪk| adjective of or resembling the female organ of generation, a yoni. from Sanskrit योनि (yoni).   ~ submit a yonic symbol about ask away archive random post writing tasty tags

Hello fine people, I have started up a portfolio blog @nemoral-code​ and an Instagram for my artwork. Mostly drawings and paintings, a lot of trees and canoes, but also any odd project I take up, ranging from felting a hat, to wood cookies, to a large selkie soft sculpture. I make things up as I go along! I also have prints available of some pieces through my Society6.

I would be much obliged if you would take a peek and follow if you want more nature art and DIY adventures!

Well, this is not my usual genre for this blog, but I have just started a portfolio site for my artwork and odd projects, and I’d be delighted if you’d check it out. /shamelessselfpromotion


A variety of Polygala, colloquially known as milkwort. The name ‘milkwort’ was given to it because it was believed to increase milk yield in cattle. The third petal is called a keel petal and is distinct in having a frilled end on it. At a glance the flower resembles those from the Fabaceae family, but while they share an order, Polygalaceae is a distinct family within the order.




I loathe and reject so much that she stands for. But. I gotta hand it to the woman, she really committed to an aesthetic.

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