

@beardsqueals / beardsqueals.tumblr.com

To my fellow Holmies, although I will still be present, I have moved all of my blog posts to another blog. I will continue to add to them there, but it is private. There is at least one other person than me that knows what that is. To the members of the press that want to make your latest meal ticket off of my friends and me with an unimaginative recreation of the 50 bajillion other dumbass articles that misinterpret and misread everything we are to get reads and clicks, do something fucking productive with your lives. This isn't it. To the people that want to gawk at my blog in an attempt to feel some sort of moral superiority (that you don't fucking have, I might add) go fuck yourselves. You're a piece of shit, and you looking down on anyone else is hilarious, you ignorant fucks.

Jared Loughner, who shot former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head in 2011, is claiming “emotional and psychological damage.”

This is heartbreaking and infuriating. See how they give people little to no mental health care in prison? What an absolute joke the justice system is…


Actually, I’m pretty sure our darling JLR is responsible for this. Language and writing seem pretty familiar.

Seriously? I’ve heard no mention on JLR in any of the news I’ve read. Wouldn’t be surprised, though…

I checked his facebook after I posted this. He posted the article and said something like “JLR strikes again!”. Later on though, he wrote saying he wouldn’t be surprised if he got blamed for it. 


Jared Loughner, who shot former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the head in 2011, is claiming “emotional and psychological damage.”

This is heartbreaking and infuriating. See how they give people little to no mental health care in prison? What an absolute joke the justice system is…


Actually, I’m pretty sure our darling JLR is responsible for this. Language and writing seem pretty familiar.


Yesterday I  attended  a Suicide Prevention Training workshop at Grendon Underwood Prison.

 The Prison itself is small, only holding some 238 male inmates, each with their own cell. The prison is run differently to normal institutions - the focus being on psychological care and recovery. Inmates have to apply to be housed there, and need to actively and continuously demonstrate their desire to recover. Any incidents of violence, drug taking or rule breaking results in the inmate being permanently transferred out of the facility. Inmates are referred to as “residents”, and the words inmates, prisoners etc are prohibited. Residents are also referred to on a first name basis. Myself and several other trainees spent the entire day with the residents who attended, and learned how to identify suicidal behaviour along side them. I spoke to a few residents who told me they wanted to learn more about dealing with suicide to enable them to support their fellow residents.  They also spoke a bit about the impact that other’s suicide attempts had on them. A couple had cleaned up blood from various attempts and expressed the distress that this had caused them and their need for support afterwards.  I spoke with 2 inmates at length, both whom were there on murder charges, and both were open, polite and a pleasure to interact with. I’m not going to detail their lives, crimes or conditions but it was extremely eye opening. I went in thinking I could not meet anyone who would shock me, and I couldn’t have been more wrong, not because of their crimes, but because of their openness, friendliness, contrition and insight.   The prison holds visitor evenings and I would encourage any of you whom are able to attend to do so, you will get as much out of it as the inmates, or maybe even more. 


Wow... that sounds like an awesome experience. It’s very cool you went there and that you got to do that :)


They never will write about the good stuff. How random to write this article out the blue tho. I wondered why I was getting loads of UK visits lately.


These dumb pieces of shit just can’t quit. That shit about slurpees and plaid are years fucking old. We’re gonna be in our fucking nursing homes and tottering on our fucking walkers and these goddamn baboons are still gonna be writing about teenagers and holmie prom. Unoriginal plagiarist stupid ass fucks.

I left a comment. Dunno how long it will last.

Ah, yes... a chimp posing as a journalist plagiarizes a dozen similar articles on a slow news day with a few copy-and-paste updates and calls it good. Meanwhile, the imbeciles eat up this turd of an article and call it delicious and believable. Honorable mention goes to the moron using this as a medium to froth at the mouth about his political enemies. A good time was had by all.


JLR would like me to tell all the Holmies about his FB page and asked you all to add him. Just an FYI 😉

You know him?


I gave up on my fb boycott last week sometime. I added him. 


Got to hang out with the super rad @spundylox for the Jimmy tour! We also lurked around Columbine and made a lot of terrible jokes💕🙌



The Spundy tour is the best tour.


The fact that neurotypicals need a book on “How to Love Someone With [Insert Mental Illness Here]” speaks volumes

I mean I don’t understand how we can get upset that neurotypicals don’t understand us and supposedly don’t have the capacity to love us but criticize them when they attempt to understand. A relationship is a serious thing, especially if you’re low-functioning like me, and what I think everyone reblogging this fails to understand is that “how to love” isn’t literally “how to see this person as a human being.” These books often give pointers on how to help your partner during an episode, how to make a relationship last through constant inpatient, how to reconcile the fact that it might not get better, and when to potentially seek therapy for oneself. I think we need to stop pretending that our mental illnesses don’t affect others, and while we are of course the priority, if you can’t sympathize with your own partner or family member for struggling with it also, then maybe you’re simply not mature enough for a relationship. 

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