



The 16 types as things people have told me.

ENTJ : I ate the largest slice of pizza to establish dominance.

INTP : [in a chemistry class] Is electroplating a sport ?

ENTP : if you think I talk too much, just tell me, we can talk about it sometime.

INTJ : I think emotions are mental garbage, *looks at a picture of a cat*, awwwww.

ENFP : I shit rainbows for fun.

INFP : I think you hurt that tree’s feelings.

INFJ : [someone drops a bowl, far away from INFJ] Omg!!!! that was my fault, I’m sooo sorry.

ENFJ : I know you better than you know yourself.

ESFJ : I bought you an iPhone cuz I heard you weren’t feeling well.

ESFP : What do you mean it’s disrespectful ? Its hilarious.

ESTP : [being asked if they’re a drug addict] Shit fam, that depends, is adrenaline a drug ?

ESTJ : Talk is cheap, SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!

ISTJ : This is a clear violation of…(mentions the rule down to the page number).

ISTP : I don’t need a parachute, safety is for wimps. 

ISFP : My spirit animal is a guava.

ISFJ : I baked you some cookies for the journey (I was just going to get groceries)


MBTI Types as Pick-Up Lines

INFJ: Can I follow you? Because my mom told me to follow my dreams.
ISFJ: When I’m older, I’ll look back at all of my crowning memories, and I’ll think of the day my children were born, the day I got married, and the day that I met you
ENFJ: I write your name in the sky but the clouds blow it away. I write your name in the sand but the waves wash it away. I write your name in my heart and forever it will stay.
ESFJ: Since we’ve been told to reduce waste these days, what you say we use these condoms in my pocket before they expire.
INTP: Dang girl, are you an appendix because I don't understand how you work but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out.
ISTP: Hey boy, are you sleep? Cause I don't get nearly enough of you and it's ruining my social, emotional, and over all mental health.
ENTP: I was recently diagnosed with a rare disease called cryoaudiovascularia. It prohibits proper blood flow to the ears, causing them to slowly freeze and fall off, slowly spreading to the inner ear and finally to the brain. There is no known cure, except one. My ears need to be constantly warmed, and the only known material soft enough is the inner thighs of a pretty girl. So I need you to sit on my face for medical reasons.
ESTP: I bet I can kiss you on the lips without touching you. *kiss* Oh what a shame, it seems like I lost the bet.
INTJ: You look familiar, didn’t we take a class together? I could’ve sworn we had chemistry.
ISTJ: Most people like to watch the Superbowl cuz it only happens once a year, but I'd rather talk to you cause the chance of meeting someone like you only happens once in a lifetime.
ENTJ: I'm an army recruiter, and I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place and "be all you can be."
ESTJ: You know how I got these guns? *points to biceps* Lifting children out of poverty.
INFP: I blog about you sometimes.
ISFP: Of all your beautiful curves, your smile is by far my favorite.
ENFP: Fascinating. I’ve been looking at your eyes all night long, ’cause I’ve never seen such dark eyes with so much light in them.
ESFP: Hi, will you help me find my lost puppy? I think he went into this cheap motel room across the street.

the types as | space phenomena

ISTP // cosmic ray high-energy radiation, mainly originating from outside the solar system. upon impact with the earth’s atmosphere, they can produce showers of secondary particles that sometimes reach the surface.

ESTP // solar flare a sudden flash of brightness observed near the sun’s surface. the flare ejects clouds of electrons, ions, and atoms through the corona of the sun into space.

ISTJ // solar eclipse an eclipse of the sun happens when the new moon moves between the sun and earth, blocking out the sun’s rays and casting a shadow on parts of earth.

ESTJ // the sun the star at the centre of our solar system. it is a nearly perfect sphere of hot plasma, and forms the most important source of energy for life on earth.

INFP // supermoon a full moon that coincides with the closest distance that the moon reaches to earth in its elliptic orbit, resulting in a larger-than-usual size of the lunar disk.

ENFP // galaxy a system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.

INFJ // lunar eclipse an eclipse in which the moon appears darkened as it passes into the earth’s shadow. this can occur only when the sun, earth, and moon are aligned with the earth in the middle.

ENFJ // constellation a group of stars forming a recognisable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure.

ISFJ // saturn’s rings the rings of saturn are the most extensive planetary ring system of any planet in the solar system. although reflection from the rings increases saturn’s brightness, they are not visible from earth with unaided vision.

ESFJ // aurora an aurora is an incredible light show caused by collisions between electrically charged particles released from the sun that enter the earth’s atmosphere and collide with gases such as oxygen and nitrogen.

ISFP // winter solstice an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year, when the sun’s daily maximum elevation in the sky is at its lowest.

ESFP // meteor shower a number of meteors that appear to radiate from one point in the sky at a particular date each year, due to the earth regularly passing through them at that position in its orbit.

INTP // nebula a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter. 

ENTP // galactic wind composed of photons ejected from large stars, it is a powerful cosmic force that can push interstellar dust clouds into intergalactic space. 

INTJ // black hole a black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light can not get out. the gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. this can happen when a star is dying.

ENTJ // a supernova an astronomical event that occurs during the last stages of a massive star’s life, destruction is marked by one final titanic explosion. this causes the sudden appearance of a “new” bright star.



ENTP & ENTJ : not sure if introverts or just allergic to stupid people INTP & INTJ : know they are introverts and allergic to stupid people


I can’t remember where I got this, but I found it in my photos. Is it accurate? It is for me! Reblog with actual // your result.



The Types & Roasting Others

Would never roast anyone: ISFJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, ESFP

Pulls it off like a master: ENTP, ESTP, ENTJ, ENFP, ESTJ

Thinks of the perfect roast but stutters in the delivery: INFJ, INTP, INFP, ISFP

Thinks of the perfect roast but doesn’t bother saying it: INTJ, ISTJ, ISTP


Types In a Zombie Apocalypse


- unofficial leader everyone loves

- ultimate plan checker; makes sure that they covered every possibility

- argues with ENTJ and ESTJ a lot, but always ends up winning arguments


- comes up with plans to defeat zombies

- assigns roles to everybody (which no one follows)

- rations the food and essential items


- invents weapons and technology

- database of info on zombies

- awake at 1:00 AM not because of zombies but because they want to make another zombie meme


- weapons analyst

- keeps everyone on track

- can defeat zombie on their own


- helps build weapons

- accidentally got separated but found their way back

- fights zombies front line, not scared at all


- supervisor, keeps everyone in line

- organizes everyone when time to fight

- always angry at ENTP for arguing


- official weapons manufacturer

- can troubleshoot and fix weapons and armor

- builds shelter for everyone


- the ultimate soldier

- literally the only person who follows the rules

- can recall important information about the zombies


- can think like a zombie

- comes up with every possibility of how a zombie could attack the camp

- helps cook food so everyone doesn’t get bored of the same old granola bars


- the ultimate comforter

- makes sure everyone is happy

- can address the whole group and deliver instructions so that everyone doesn’t freak out


- scared of the zombies

- the baby of the group, everyone loves them

- everyone shares their food with them


- tries to correct ESTJ and ENTJ, but gets pushed aside

- makes ENTP do the arguing for them

- understands zombies motivations in a whole


- the entertainer

- tells jokes

- no one is ever bored with them along


- takes everything ESTJ says literally

- finds gossip somehow

- helps ENFP cook


- also scared of the zombies

- documents all the zombie encounters by drawing them

- good at fighting the zombies, but sometimes feels bad for them


- will sacrifice themselves for others

- makes sure everyone is happy

- remembers which methods worked against the zombies before


MBTI types and C.S. Lewis Quotes

INTJ: - Reason is the natural order of truth, but imagination is the organ of meaning - Into the void of silence, into the empty space of nothing, the joy of life is unfurled

ENTJ - Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching - Feelings, feelings and feelings. Let me try thinking instead

ISTJ : - It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it - Failure are finger posts on the road to archievement

ESTJ: - Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God you do learn - It’s wonderful what you can do when you have to

ISFJ: - Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different - Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward

ESFJ: - Love is unselfhly choosing for another’s highest good - Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less

INFJ: - There are far far better things ahead than any we leave behind - Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art… it has no survival value, rather it is one of those things that gives value to survival

ENFJ: - Eros will have naked bodies; friendships naked personalities - Affection is responsable nine-tenth of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives

ISTP: - An explanation of cause is not a justification by reason - What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it

ESTP: - Life is top deep for words, so don’t try to describe it, just live it - Do not let your happiness depend on something you may lose

ISFP: - The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing to find the place where all beauty come from - A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words

ESFP - Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point - We are mirrors whose brightness is wholly derived from the sun that shines upon us

INFP: - Faith is the art of holding on to things in spite of your changing moods and circumstances - We are what we believe we are

ENFP: - You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream - When we lose one blessing, is often most unexpected given in its place

INTP: - If I find myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy. The only logical explanation is that I was made for another world - Friendship is born the moment when one person says to another: “What? You, too? Thought I was the only one”

ENTP: - Hardships often prepare people for an extraordinary destiny… - No man who bothers with originality will ever be original whereas if you simply tell the truth you will become original without ever noticed


Why you should be friends with each type

INTJ: ever need a psychiatrist, a handyman or a politician? They can do all of that and much more. But they suck at anything heart-related (except if they’re a surgeon)

ENTJ: your personal sassy coach who won’t sugarcoat things and can help with your math/physics problems

INFJ: a better psychiatrist than INTJ 

ESTP: if you wonder what the catacombs look like, or what skydiving feels like, they can take you there and also fix your car

ESFJ: great wingpersons, will give you The Talk, knows shady stuff about everyone, hugs & cookies

ENFJ: Oscar Wilde once said that Art is being surrounded by pretty things, well they’re Art, also their life is a mess but they give good life advice

ENFP: their life is even messier and they give even better life advice, plus they’re a chance of them being the lovable kind of weirdo we all need in our lives

ISFJ: if you don’t have a wine mom or a vodka aunt, well now you have one

ISTP: Sherlock IRL, also they know where you put your keys

ESFP: idk a weird mix between your stereotypical stay-at-home mom and a fearless truck driver, they’ll save yo sorry ass and then make you regret ever being born

ISFP: a very shy fearless truck driver who likes loud music but hates everything else loud, they can make you realize your life is not as messy as you thought

INFP: they know you need to cry, crying is natural, it’s ok they got you 

ENTP: THE person with whom to share your secret kinks/conspiracy theories/family recipes/political views/memes

INTP: they can fix anything electronic, will come up with awful pranks that even you wouldn’t have thought to do, BAD puns that are hella funny, will hack the ppl you don’t like

ESTJ: chaotic neutral counselor, listen to them at your own risks

ISTJ: Sherlock IRL n°2, now you can have a Sherlock battle, also don’t gamble against them you’ll lose your money


The types and what I think of them based on what I've seen from my friends

(Not very original I know but I need to do something during this boring af evening)

ENFP - cute - childish - full of ideas - optimistic - RaNdOm -PUNS AND MEMES - kinda geeky -have a lot of feelings - secretly evil

ENTJ - ‘I wanna be the very best like no one ever waaaaas’ -natural leader -considerate - SO. DAMN. LUCKY - easy going

INTP -lazy -smart - can actually be very talkative if they like the subject - PrOcRaStInAtIoN - very funny in their own way -trapped in their own world

ENTP -have been told at least once in their life ‘you remind me of Barney Stinson’ -have 2000000+ projects at the same time -actually finish like two of them -never shut up -can be good at everything -but can only be excellent at bullshiting their way through life -zero empathy -dad jokes -socially akward but still manage to look cool

ISTP -take grammar way too seriously -frank and direct -meticulous -witty -look intimidating -can actually be very affectionate if they feel like it -strong mentally and physically -know martial arts

ISFJ -warm and nice -so calm, it’s relaxing to be around them -excellent listenners -shaped like a friend -have louder reactions than everyone else during movies or roller coaster rides -don’t dislike a lot of things -litteraly everyone like them -easy to live with

ISFP -FEEEEELIIIIINGS -don’t like to be challenged -have strong valors -don’t understand if you don’t share said valors -don’t overcome difficulties easily -EXTREMELY SENSITIVE -hate criticism, even constructive ones -too easily offended -moody -trustworthy (when they like you)

INTJ -seem cold and calculating -make the best of friends if you take the time to know them -snarky -quiet -if they don’t like you you’re dead -have low patience -analytical -don’t handle feelings at all

INFJ -MYSTERIOUS -they know everything about you -but you know nothing about them -sarcasm -take time to feel confortable around new people (like 2 years or so) -long period of awkward silence -(the silence is awkward for you, not them) - people tend to like them but still think they’re 'weird’ -secretly a nerd

ESTP -stereotype of the popular jock -athletic af -class clown -perfectionists -everyone love them -always quoting lines from their favorite movies -want to experience everything -often come to class with a broken leg or something -have the kind of humor that everyone like except NTs

ESFP -'girl’ ESTP -love to party -will do stupid stuff just cause they felt like it -will cry about said stupid things -GOSSIP -very loving persons -their spiritual goddess might be Aphrodite -loud -funny

ESFJ -overprotecting grandma -will bake you cookies but will be highly offended if you’re not hungry for now -generous, but will expect you to return the favor -don’t like when people don’t agree with them -don’t like to be out of their comfort zone -can be bossy -talkative

INFP -full of crazy, great ideas -bad at maths -love to read -RaVeNcLaW -extremely moody -open minded -like to learn new stuff -LOTS OF STRESS -good at acting without even trying

ISTJ -Like to follow the rules -but is not afraid to bend them if they logically think they’re stupid -bossy -good student -patient -will glady help their classmates if they haven’t understood the lesson -have difficulties to think out of the box -book smart -organized

And I don’t know any ENFJ or ESTJ. (I mostly have NTs and INFPs friends.)

Also sorry if the ISFP is a bit harsh but the ones I know drive me nuts.

This is of course not representative of all the types at all.


xNTx Friends


  • Crazy schedule, still manages to hang around with friends.
  • Insanely driven. Vital necessity of being The Best™.
  • Doesn’t have time for bullshit, ever.
  • Generally sweet, scary when mad (emphasize ‘scary’).
  • Highly motivated and ambitious.
  • No drama, thank you.
  • Flawless facial control (low-key scary as well).
  • INTP’s recklessness makes her have a mini heart attack every now and again.
  • Manners matter.
  • Has been super busy lately.
  • And by ‘lately’ we mean since always until forever.

Common phrases include:

– “You might find this of some help”. – “This is so interesting”. – “Yes, I’ve read about it”. – “Sorry, I already have plans”. – “I’d actually prefer to do it myself”. – “Really, just let /me/ do it :)”.


  • Sharp tongue.
  • Comeback generator.
  • Laid back attractiveness and incredible charisma.
  • Bulldozer mode when mad.
  • Put-together and confident.
  • Has a fame for being flirty.
  • Hasn’t had that many partners at all.
  • “wrecking ball” (- mother mother) is his life theme song.
  • Is actually quite delicate.
  • Almost all his facial expressions are masks.
  • Hiding his real emotions seems to have become a life purpose.
  • His deep interests surprise most people.
  • “Is very intelligent, but way too lazy at school” squad with INTP.
  • Is seen as a bad influence.
  • Actually has a pretty solid moral code.
  • Fashion style score: BADASS. (the aesthetics are real).

Common phrases include:

– “Think about it this way”. – “Why, am I bothering you?” + smirk. – “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention to your bullshit”. – “Why does everyone believe I’m lying?”


  • Works silently because success speaks for itself.
  • The library is his natural habitat.
  • Very specific fields of interest.
  • Seems very polite, and he is.
  • (Doesn’t actually believe in politeness itself, has only learned to follow formalities in order to make his life easier). 
  • Efficient™.
  • Crisis over personal traits of which the analysis were thought to be concluded. 
  • Really brain, why this again. Why.
  • Has learned to master several skills that he doesn’t even enjoy.

Common phrases include:

– “No”. (Default reply to INTP’s proposes). – “That is /such/ a bad idea”. – “Actually…” (*insert unasked correction*). – “I’m still considering it”. – “What do you mean it’s not polite to tell them how wrong they are?” – “Of course I cannot change my schedule” (to ENTP).


  • Has strong opinions on matters that she has given a lot of thought (and we mean a lot).
  • Gets overwhelmed by being the center of attention.
  • Became an Ancient Rome expert overnight.
  • Comfy discrete clothes.
  • Deadlines are a very flexible concept.
  • Actually, every concept should be prone to constant revision.
  • Study time is the perfect time for introspection and/or new ideas development.
  • Either absolutely hyped or completely indolent.

Common phrases include:

– “My nights are a mix of insomnia and belated lunch”. – “What if we…” (Proposes crazily awesome plan to INTJ). – “There are pubs in which you can hear a much more refined language than in the Congress”. – “Because apathy is the foundation of my being” (as a response to ENTJ asking her why she doesn’t just /do/ the stuff).

Shared traits

  • Difficulty to compute feelings (we know, we know, ‘such a cliché’. Still true).
  • Allergies: stupidity, ignorance, illogical social rules.
  • “WHY do people refuse to THINK”.
  • Rich lexicon (xNTJs’ default mode, xNTPs’ show it when the situation is worth it).
  • Best debates between them, NFs are sometimes invited.
  • Would always choose knowledge over ignorance, even if it implies unhappiness.
  • “What do you mean it was offensive? It’s the truth!” (As a response to ENFJ).



Perceivers: We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Judgers: I am going to need to see the whole map and the number of bridges there are along with the time it will take to cross them and if we can find a more efficient way to cross them.


The MBTI types as people in fiction

ESTJ: basically Dolores Umbridge ISTJ: average dad ESTP: fuckboy (very hot) ISTP: fearless girl with stereotypical boy traits ESFJ: mother of the hero ISFJ: innocent cute girl (falls in love with ENTP) ESFP: funny guy ISFP: Harry Potter (probably innocent person until destiny tells him/her she’s the hero of the story) ENTJ: evil mastermind who wants to rule the world INTJ: narcisst, probably also the bad guy ENTP: psychopath INTP: Sherlock ENFJ: flawless hero INFJ: Jesus ENFP: the hippie friend with good advice INFP: misunderstood girl in her own dreamworld


The Types Reacting to an Insult

Tells them to shut up: ESTP, ISTP, ESTJ, ISTJ

Backlashes with perfect comeback: ENTP, INTJ

Takes it as a personal attack: ISFP, INFP, ENTJ

Apologizes for some reason: ISFJ, INFJ, ENFJ,

Will probably cry: ESFJ, ESFP, ENFP

Laughs and agrees: INTP

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