
Masyaf Assassin


wubba lubba dub dub Melbourne born and raised

Bryson Tiller

PREACH!!!! Fuck these unfaithful fucking low-life’s that claim it was a “mistake”, and then try to play the victim right after. Go eat a dick bitch.


french recipes: if you’re not making this in paris then what’s the point. fuck you

italian recipes: use the left leg meat of a pig from one of three farms in this specific area of tuscany, or from this day my grandmother will begin manifesting physically in your house

American recipes: Use Pillsbury™ crescent rolls and Oscar Meyer™ sausages with your Dairy Maid Dairy™ cheese for a fun NFL Super Bowl LI™ treat!

Australian recipe: Use anything you find in your local Coles

Anonymous asked:


send me names anonymously and I’ll share my personal experience with the person with that name

aa i know an alex i go to school with them !! theyve been my friend since middle school (they were one of the Cool Upperclassmen i was hella intimidated by and wanted to chill with)

theyre a super sweet person, very pretty very nice eyelashes To Die For and we smooched like once bc of truth or dare at a party overall theyre just a gr8 person

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ~『✧~*ABOUT YOU*~✧』
1. Are you more feminine or masculine?
2. Are you tall or short?
3. What’s your favorite color?
4. What do you love about yourself?
5. What’s your greatest flaw?
6. Do you see yourself differently than other people describe you?
7. What are you really, really good at?
8. What’s something you’re bad at, but love?
9. What’s something people have tried to force you to do?
10. How do you spend your free time?
11. Describe the way you dress in one sentence.
12. Have you ever gotten your nails professionally painted?
13. What is the most insulting thing anyone has said to you?
14. Favorite game?
15. What color is your hair?
16. Do you believe in god?
17. Is men’s rights a thing?
18. Does love really exist?
19. Can science explain everything, eventually?
20. Are we raised into what we love, or do we come to love it based on how we were raised?
21. How do you feel about the school system?
22. Do you believe in fate/destiny?
23. What is art?
24. Do we define ourselves, or does our past?
25. What happens after we die?
26. Do humans matter--tiny specs on a floating piece of rock in a solar 27. system in a galaxy in an infinite universe?
28. Is there good in everyone?
29. Does apathy really exist?
29. Is human life only valuable because our society makes it?
30. How do you feel about society, the vague “they” blamed for everything?
31. What gender do you prefer?
32. What’s the first thing you notice about someone?
33. Could you love someone you found ugly?
34. Favorite hair color?
35. Favorite eye color?
36. Ideal height?
37. Describe, personality-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like?
38. Describe, appearance-wise, what your ideal boy/girlfriend would be like?
39. What do you look for--brains or looks?
40. Could you fall in love online?
41. How much of an age cap can you handle?
42. How would you introduce yourself on a blind date?
43. Could you forgive a cheater?
44. Is lying about something serious as bad as cheating?
45. Right now, you could call the person you like/love (if you aren’t dating/engaged/married already), or show up at their front door, and just confess or kiss them or whatever. What’s stopping you?

hey so everyone is doing this and i though why not so here’s a compilation of my favorite vines. enjoy!


Bee Movie is on netflix so I watched the whole thing

  • Bees in the movie live in a western-human-style society, complete with two-parent households and college etc, but they still make constant jokes about what bee societies are like in real life
  • References are made at the beginning of the film to the fact that bees have very short life spans and the main bee characters in the movie are expecting to live for another week at most, but then the movie itself takes place over several weeks or possibly months and they don’t seem to age or die
  • yes. yes, the bee presumably fucks the human woman
  • she’s, like, into him, sexually
  • I know that the weirdness of that is like a central part of why this movie has become a meme but listen: you can’t understand how truly off-putting that whole plot point is until you’ve actually watched it play out in front of your own eyes
  • the woman is married, too, so like, she has an emotional affair with a bee that drives her husband away in a scene where she tells him that “he’s the nicest bee I’ve met in a long time,” implying that she’s, like, known other bees on a personal level, to which he responds, “what are you talking about?” and you think he’s going to point out the obvious absurdity of her statement but instead he continues with, “are there OTHER bugs in your life?!”
  • all the bees are heavily coded as Jewish, and there’s a scene where Jerry Seinfeld’s bee parents are like, “do you have a girlfriend? I hope she’s bee-ish! She’s not a wasp, is she?” because… you know… wasp… WASP… get it
  • there is a Bee Larry King, who is played by Larry King and is, like, literally Larry King but a bee
  • did I mention that in the bee’s society, all the bees choose/are assigned honey-production jobs that they will work every day until they die, except like, there is evidence that other jobs exist - there is bee television, for instance, which would presumably require like, bee camera crews and bee producers and bee actors etc etc, so like, which bees are working those jobs? how does that work??
  • apparently in the world of this movie all you have to do to sue the entire human race is mail a letter
  • the whole court case comes down to the fact that no human being who isn’t a bee keeper has ever heard of a bee smoker and they all find it barbaric and horrifying
  • bee smokers in this world contain, like… nicotine and tar? like all the ingredients of actual commercial cigarettes? 
  • beekeepers in this world all hate bees, there is a scene where two beekeepers are making conversation with each other and their whole conversation is just about how much they hate bees, interspersed with manic cackling
  • instead of deliberating and coming back with a verdict the jury concludes the court case by just chanting “FREE THE BEES!” until the judge yells, “I FIND IN FAVOR OF THE BEES!!!!” 
  • AND THAT ISN’T EVEN THE END OF THE MOVIE there’s still like 20 minutes of plot I just
  • I can’t go on, I’m sorry
  • I may never be the same

I also find it funny that there is a bee Jesus


Humanity needs a little bit of evil. Without it, the most basic acts of Good wouldn't exist, like forgiveness and mercy.

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