

@thelanguages / thelanguages.tumblr.com

Norwegian learning Polish. Next up: Sami, Faroese, Hungarian, Korean.

20 of my favourite Norwegian words

Note: I chose these words because I personally like them, and some are therefore not necessarily very useful or common in everyday language (but some might be :p).

Gullkorn (n) (lit. grain of gold) - A phrase, quote or saying that is exceptionally funny, good, original or admired, a “pearl”.

Sjarmtroll (n) (lit. charm-troll) - Charmer 

Radarpar (n) (lit. radar couple) - Two people who work efficiently together or who interact really well together

Pjusk (adj.) - Dishevelled, tired-looking (especially in the context of being sick)

Fingernem (adj.) - Dexterous

Å overliste  - To outsmart, outwit

Konfliktsky (adj.) -  Conflict-averse, conflict-avoidant

Å rævkjøre / Rævkjørt (adj.) (lit. ass-driven) - To fuck over / (Ass-)fucked  (I’m sorry, but it’s super useful)

Basketak  (n) - Scuffle

Trekløver (n) A close-knit groups of three people (siblings, friends, or band and team members) (Note: This word means “shamrock” when it’s used in the masculine form: en trekløver)

Å besudle - To taint, to contaminate

Grønske (m) - Algae or grass stain (very specific, I know :p)

Lømmel (m) - Rascal

Krusedull (m) - Doodle

Kranglevoren (adj.) - Quarrelsome

Fjærkre (n) - Poultry

Fiffig (adj.) - Clever, neat, smart

Snakkesalig (adj.) - Talkative

Hersketeknikk (m) - Master suppression technique, manipulation technique

Flisespikkeri (n) - Nitpicking


“lmao ____ people cant pronounce the _____ sound!!” wow ur right……. its almost like… there are thousands of languages other than english….. and they each use a certain set of sounds and dont use others……. and wow its almost like ur making fun of them when if you were 2 try and pronounce a ق or a ح u would sound like a fucking loser wow isnt that strange


Concert vocabulary - Polish

  • głos m - voice
  • muzyka f - music
  • piosenka f - song
  • rytm m - rythm
  • tekst m- lyrics
  • trasa f- tour
  • utwór m- track
  • artysta m / artystka f- artist
  • duet - duet
  • główny zespół m - main band
  • kompozytor - composer
  • muzyk - musician
  • piosenkarz m / piosenkarka - singer
  • solista / solistka - solista
  • support - support band
  • wokalista / wokalistka - vocalist
  • wykonawca m - performer
  • zespół - band
  • koncert - concert
  • koncert akustyczny - acoustic concert
  • próba generalna - rehearsal
  • występ - show / performance
  • bilet - ticket
  • kasa biletowa f - box office
  • konik - ticket tout
  • opaska - wristband
  • after-party n / after m / afterek m - after-party
  • backstage m - backstage
  • fan m / fanka - fan
  • garderoba - dressing room
  • klub - club
  • lista gości f - guest list
  • loża - box
  • płyta - standing area
  • publiczność f - audience
  • scena - stage
  • set lista - set list
  • siedzenie / miejsce siedzące - seat (stall)
  • stadion - stadium
  • tłum - crowd
  • trybuna f - tribune
  • widownia f - audience
  • akustyka f - acoustics
  • barierka - barrier
  • dźwiękowiec m - sound technician
  • efekt gitarowy - guitar pedal
  • głośnik - loudspeaker
  • kontrola dźwięku - sound-check
  • maszyna dymna - fog machine
  • mikrofon - microphone
  • mikser m / konsoleta - mixing console
  • nagłośnienie n - sound system
  • pulpit do nut - music stand
  • słuchawki (pl.) - headphones
  • statyw mikrofonowy m - microphone stand
  • światło stroboskopowe n - strobe light
  • telebim - outdoor screen
  • wzmacniacz m - amplifier
  • kostka gitarowa f - guitar pick
  • pasek do gitary - guitar strap
  • fortepian - fortepiano
  • gitara - guitar
  • gitara basowa f - bass
  • instrument - instrument
  • kontrabas - double bass
  • orkiestra - orchestra
  • perkusja - drum kit
  • pianino - piano
  • saksofon - saxophone
  • skrzypce (pl.) - violin
  • trąbka - trumpet
  • wiolonczela - cello
  • nastrojony - in tune 
  • rozstrojony - out of tune 
  • basista m / basistka f - bassist
  • dyrygent - conductor
  • gitarzysta / gitarzystka f - guitarist
  • klawiszowiec - keyboard player
  • perkusista / perkusistka m - drummer
  • pianista / pianistka f - pianist
  • saksofonista / saksofonistka f - saxophonist
  • skrzypek / skrzypaczka - violinist
  • trębacz m - trumpeter
  • wiolonczelista m / wiolonczelistka f - cellist
  • blues - blues
  • folk / muzyka folkowa f - folk
  • heavy metal / muzyka metalowa f - heavy metal
  • hip hop / muzyka hip hopowa - hip hop
  • jazz / muzyka jazzowa f - jazz
  • muzyka elektroniczna f - electronic
  • muzyka klasyczna f - classical
  • pop / muzyka pop - pop
  • rap m / muzyka rapowa - rap
  • reggae n / muzyka reggae f - reggae
  • rock / muzyka rockowa - rock
  • techno - techno

Movie Vocabulary in Polish 🎬


film (m.) - movie

rozrywka (f.) - entertainment

aktorstwo (n.) - acting

bohater (m.) - hero

bohaterka (f.). - heroine

rola (f.) - role

Akcja! (f.) - Action!

Cięcie! (n.) - cut

fabuła (f.) - plot

scenariusz (m.) - script

kamera (f.) - camera

scena (f.) - scene

zdjęcia (f.,pl.) - camerawork

recenzja (f.) - review

kostium (m.) - costume

obsada (f.) - cast

reżyser (m.) - director

scenarzysta (m.) - scriptwriter

aktor (m.) - actor

producent (m.) - producer

asystent (m.) - assistant

krytyk (m.) - critic

kino (n.) - cinema

ekran (m.) - screen

siedzenie (n.) - seat

repertuar (m.) - program

seans (m.) - pic

gatunek (m.) - genre

komedia (f.) - comedy

thriller (m.) - thriller

horror (m.) - horror

film akcji (m.) - action movie

science fiction (n.) - science fiction

dramat (m.) - drama

animacja (f.) - cartoon

fantasy (n.) - fantasy

komedia romantyczna (f.) - rom-com

musical (m.) - musical

przygodowy (m.) - adventure movie

romans (m.) - romance movie

dokument (m.) - documentary

oglądać - to watch

komentować - to comment

krytykować - to criticize

grać - to play

produkować - to produce

reżyserować - to direct

nagrywać - to shoot

dramatyczny - dramatic

nudny - boring

emocjonujący - exciting

zaskakujący - surprising

wciągający - gripping

brutalny - brutal

trzymający w napięciu - suspenseful


główna rola (f.) - lead

rola drugoplanowa (f.) - supporting role

rekwizyt (m.) - prop

produkcja (f.) - production

choreografia (f.) - choreography

montaż (m.) - editing

budżet (m.) - budget

dialog (m.) - dialogue

efekty specjalne (f.,pl.) - special effects

plan zdjęciowy (m.) - movie set

ścieżka dźwiękowa (f.) - soundtrack

klaps (m.) - clapper

punkt kulminacyjny (m.) - climax

taśma filmowa (f.) - film strip

scenograf (m.) - production designer

kamerzysta (m.) - cameraman

montażysta (m.) - editor

kostiumograf (m.) - costume designer

kaskader (m.) - stuntman

kompozytor (m.) - composer

choreograf (m.) - choreographer

statysta (m.) - extra

melodramat (m.) - melodrama

film biograficzny (m.) - biographical

film niemy (m.) - silent movie

wojenny (m.) - war movie

film długometrażowy (m.) - feature

film krótkometrażowy (m.) - one-reeler

dający do myślenia - thought-provoking

ujmujący - winning

przewidywalny - predictable

drugorzędny - second-rate

niesmaczny - distasteful

kretyński - moronic



False friends: Polish-Russian (verbs)

Inspired by @kindofapolyglot‘s POST.

  1. сказа́ть (pf.) - to say skazać (pf.) - to sentence
  2. убира́ть (impf.) / убра́ть (pf.) - to clean ubierać (impf.) / ubrać (pf.) - to dress
  3. запомина́ть (impf.) / запо́мнить (pf.) - to remember, to memorise zapominać (impf.) / zapomnieć (pf.) - to forget
  4. отдыха́ть (impf.) / отдохну́ть (pf.) - to relax oddychać (impf.) / odetchnąć (pf.) - to breath
  5. горди́ться (impf.) - to be proud gardzić (impf.) - to look down on sb
  6. пи́сать (impf.) - to piss pisać (impf.) - to write
  7. иска́ть (impf.) - to search iskać (impf.) - to remove lice
  8. уважа́ть (impf.) - to respect uważać (impf.) - to be careful
  9. зака́зывать (impf.) / заказа́ть (pf.) - to order zakazywać (impf.) / zakazać (pf.) - to forbid, to ban
  10. зажига́ть (impf.) - to light up zarzygać (pf.) - to puke all over

Notes: There is also a Russian word писа́ть (to write) but it has a different accent. So be careful with that - you really don’t want to say “I like to piss” instead of “I like to write”!


what does ja jebie mean?


Ok this is gonna be a long one so be prepared to meet a very complexed yet vulgar polish word. 

First we need to start with the whole grammar thing because “ja jebie” is an activity, but we’ll get to that later.

Anyway the infinitive here is “JEBAĆ” and it stems from Proto-Indo-European  language as “yebh” meaning “to copulate”. In old slavian it was “jebat” or “jebati” and basically meant “to hit”. Nowadays it’s much more of a vulgar word and thus much more colloquially used. That’s why its meaning varies

1.1 to have sex (as active side)

2.1 to hit sb or smth

2.2 to throw sth

2.3 to disregard sb

2.4 to steal 

3.1 making a noise (like so something exploded and it made a loud sound) - for me it’s usually when a lightning strikes with a loud thunder, you just say “ale jebło”

3.2 to make things up, tell silly things

4.1 to smell (to reek)

5.1 to hit yourself (usually meant by accident)

5.2 to rot (I’m assuming I don’t use it as such)

5.3 to make a mistake - it’s very common, it can be used as “jebnąć się” or “pojebać się” depending on grammar, situation and many other issues :)))

6.1 to fuck

But this is just the infinitive and we’re about to go deeper. In polish language we use declination and inflection and here’s where it’s get more complicated. You may have some idea how to do it if you studied Latin, because a lot of polish grammar comes from Latin. Right now i just need to tell you more about the proper grammar ending to the word. Basically inflection means I have to grammatically contribute the word to the person and it looks a little bit like this:

My tag “ja jebie” is in the 1st person, in present tense and in singular so that’s why it’s ja (me) jebie (fuck)

As you can see there are many, many different uses of JEBAĆ but we’re not even close to where my “ja jebie” tag comes in. Because to me the meaning of it is not even here. We would have to get a second word here to fully understand my understanding of jebać in the phrase “ja jebie”. However as much as I’d like to make it even longer and in depth I doubt it’s very interesting. I also have this feeling that linguist are going to be after me… So let’s just say it’s somewhere between the lines of “tell silly things “ but meant more as a strong vulgar answer to said silly things, if that makes any seance at all.

And don’t get me started on collocations because we’ll be here even longer…

I also intentionally make a grammar mistake in it, because there are things that just deserves that (go check the my tag you’ll get what I mean). And also I’m lazy on the phone :))) But to be grammatically correct it should be written “ja jebię” with “ę” at the end because it’s in first person and I’m stating it.

But I guess the short answer here is “well fuck me” or something between those lines. I hope this answers your question


langblr gothic

  • everyone is learning more languages than you. even the people who only focus on one at a time. literally everyone. how do they do it.
  • you have seen the same duolingo screenshot on your dash at least 7 times today. it only has 3 notes.
  • you see an “add your language” post and begin to add to it in your target language. as you finish and go to hit reblog, you notice that someone else has already added it. you feel as if you have been robbed of something beautiful.
  • no one else is learning your target language. everyone seems to be learning everything except what you are learning. you are alone, and you are afraid.
  • 99%. the course has always been 99% complete. it always will be. still, you cling to the hope that it will reach 100%. it never does.
  • danish. norwegian. swedish. you scan the text looking for clues, trying to figure out which one you are reading. the letters run together as you struggle to remember the differences. swedish uses ø, right? yes, you think so. but it does not matter. scandinavia is an illusion.
  • a post comes up with cyrillic used to spell english words, but as usual, it is wrong. you wonder where “yaussia” is. 
  • you have started learning yaussian. yaussian does not exist, and neither does the country it comes from. you learn it anyway. this, you think, this is my destiny.

I don’t know if you’re aware of this but flying hills in Poland are called “mammoths” :D

just a useless fact, keep scrolling your dash

My [non-polyglot] gf: I've been thinking about this language-

What Doctor Says and Asks

Witam Was Wszystich !

Today, the article will consists of statements that you will hear at doctor’s visit. No IPA system. I will make a video to this article. More likely, it will be divided into two or three sections. More notes, and get ready for the video :) Uff. I hope, hope, there is no mistakes… I read this twenty or more times to look for any mistakes in this article. 



CHOROBA - Illness What’s the trouble? - Co panu/pani dolega? Where does it hurt? - Gdzie pana/panią boli? How long have you had this pain? - Od  jak dawna panu/pani dolega? How long have have you been feeling like this? - Od jak dawna się pan/pani tak źle czuje?   Roll up your sleeve - Proszę zawinąć rękaw Please undress (down to the waist) - Proszę się rozebrać (do pasa) Please remove your trousers (pants) - Proszę zdjąć spodnie

RANY - Wounds it’s infected - jest infekcja It’s not infected - nie ma infekcji You need an x-ray - musi pan/pani zrobić prześwietlenie It’s… Jest… broken - złamany/ne/na sprained - zwichnięty dislocated - przemieszczony torn - rozdarty You’ve pulled a muscle - mięsień jest naciągnięty I’ll give you an antiseptic - dam panu/pani środek antyseptyczny It’s not serious - to nic poważnego Please come again in… days’ time -  proszę do mnie jeszcze przyjść za …

WHAT DOCTOR SAYS & ASK FOR Please lie down over here - Proszę się tutaj położyć Open your mouth - Proszę otworzyć usta Breathe deeply - Proszę głęboko oddychać Cough, please - Proszę zakaszleć I’ll take your temperature - Zmierzę tempaturę I’m going to take your blood pressure - Zmierzę ciśnienie Is it the first time you’ve had this? - Czy po raz pierwszy to panu/pani dolega? I’ll give you an injection - Zrobię panu/pani zastrzyk I want a specimen of your urine/stools - Potrzebuję próbkę moczu/stolca Are you allergic to any medication? - Czy ma pan/pani uczulenie na lekartwa? Are you allergic to antibiotic? - Czy ma pan/pani uczulenie na antibiotyki?

It’s nothing to worry about - to nic poważnego You must stay in bed for…days - Trzeba leżeć przez … dni You’ve got… - Ma pan/pani… a cold - przeziębienie arthritis - artretyzm pneumonia - zapalenie płuc influenza - grypę food poisoning - zatrucie You’re smoking/drinking too much - pan/pani za dużo pali/pije You’re over-tired. You need a rest - to przemęcznie. trzeba odpocząć I want you to see a specialist - musi pan/pani pójść do specjalisty I want you to go to the hospital for a general check-up - musi pan/pani pójść do szpitala na badania I’ll prescribe an antibiotic - przepiszę antybiotyki

What dose of insulin are you taking? - Jaką dawkę insulin pan/pani bierze? Injection or oral? - w zastrzyku czy doustnie? What treatment have you been having? - Czym pana/panią leczono? What medicine have you been taking? - Jakie lekarstwo pan/pani brał/brała? You’ve had a (slight) heart attack - To był (lekki) atak serca We don’t use … in Poland. - w Polsce nie stosujemy … This is very similar - to ma bardzo podobne działanie When is the baby due? - kiedy spodziewa się pani dziecka You can’t travel until…. - nie może pani/pan podróżować aż do …


March Polyglot Challenge!

A few years ago, polyglot Timothy Doner challenged language learners between the ages of 13 and 19 to learn a new language in only 5 weeks. 4 people were crowned Teen Ployglot Challenge winners. Unfortunately, a lot of us weren’t aware that this was happening, and it was only later that we found out. Since there has not been a Teen Polyglot Challenge since 2014, I thought it was time to bring it back. That’s why I’m proposing a polyglot challenge for all langblrs over the next month.

Here are the rules:

  • The challenge officially begins on March 2, 2017, and will end on April 5, 2017.
  • The language must be a language you have never studied before. It’s fine if you’ve seen it around and maybe have picked up a couple words, but preferably it should be something you know absolutely nothing about.
  • This is not limited to teenagers. You can be any age you want!
  • It is preferable if you study the language independently. Speak with native speakers as much as you can, but this should not be a language you’re learning in school, etc. This is meant to motivate your self-study.
  • At the end of the month, instead of making a video of yourself speaking (you can if you want to, though), you should write a short paragraph or two in the language. Talk as much as you can about unique cultural aspects of the language, use as many idioms and culturally-appropriate sayings as you can, and try to demonstrate a good grasp on spelling and grammar. Tag your post #polyglot challenge final, and I’ll try to reblog your post!

This is not a contest. It’s just a challenge – something to motivate you. Choose a fun new language and enjoy!

Hopefully this is everything but knowing me I probably forgot something, so just ask if anything needs to be clarified.


At School / W Szkole - Vocab List

Blackboard - Tablica The teacher is wiping the board - Nauczyciel wyciera tablicę. 

Chalk - Kreda The chalk is on the desk - Kreda leży na biurku

Chair - Krzesło The students arę sitting on chairs - Uczniowie siedzą na krzesłach

Desk - Ławka There is a pile of books on the desk - Na ławce leży stos książek. Teacher - Nauczyciel/Nauczycielka The teacher is leaving the school - Nauczycielka wychodzi ze szkoły.

Student - Student (university) Exam period is over, so the student can finally rest - Termin egzaminów się zakończył, więc student może w koncy odpocząć.

Student - Uczeń/Uczennica (Elementary/High school) The student is walking in the hallway - Uczeń chodzi po korytarzu.

Principal - Dyrektor Badly behaving students landed in the principal’s office - Niegrzeczni uczniowie wylądowali w biurze dyrektora. Notebook - Zeszyt The notes arę written in the notebook - Notatki są napisane w zeszycie.

Textbook - Podręcznik Textbooks arę always ridiculously expensive - Podręczniki są zawsze strasznie drogie.

Pen - Długopis I bought a cool pen - Kupiłam fajny długopis.

Pencil - Ołówek My last pencil broke - Mój ostatni ołówek połamał się

Calculator - Kalkulator I cant finish this work without a calculator - Nie mogę skończyć tej pracy bez kalkulatora

Backpack - plecak They carry all the school supplies in their backpack - Wszystkie szkolne przybory noszą w plecaku. Test - Sprawdzian I failed this test - Oblałam ten sprawdzian.

Exam - Egzamin You have to prepare for the exam - Musisz się przygotowywać do egzaminu.

Mark/Grade - Ocena She got a higher mark than me - Ona dostała wyższą ocenę ode mnie.

Homework - Zadanie On the weekend I have to finish the homework - W weekend muszę skończyć to zadanie.

Lesson - Lekcja The kids don’t like paying attention during the lesson - Dzieci nie lubią słuchać na lekcji.

Subject - Przedmiot Math - Matematyka Math is my favourite subject - Matematyka jest moim ulubionym przedmiotem.

Biology - Biologia Physics - Fizyka Chemistry - Chemia History - Historia Social Studies - Wiedza o społeczeństwie (WOS) Geography - Geografia This semester I’m taking biology, physics, chemistry, history, social studies, and geography - W tym semestrze biorę biologię, fizykę, chemię, historię, wiedzę o społeczeństwie I geografię.

Recess - przerwa The kids arę playing at recess - Dzieci bawią się na przerwie.

Vacation - Wakacje They’re going to Italy for vacation - Wyjeżdżają do Włoch na wakacje.

Break/Holidays - Ferie The break starts tomorrow - Ferie się zaczynają jutro.

Classroom - Klasa Lessons take place in the classroom - Lekcje biorą miejsce w klasie. To study - uczyć się I have to study today - Dzisiaj muszę się uczyć.

To do homework - odrabiać lekcje I’m doing tomorrow’s homework - Odrabiam jutrzejsze lekcje.

To think - myśleć I think about my future - Myślę o mojej przyszłości.

To write - pisać You’re writing an essay again - Znowu piszesz rozprawkę

To read - czytać The teacher ordered us to read a lot - Nauczyciel kazał nam dużo przeczytać.


Polish swear words - introduction

If you ask foreigner to say something in Polish, you’ll probably hear…


Our language is full of swear words and curse words. We’ve got little basic swear words and by adding prefixes, changing cases or using reflexive verbs we can create new one with totally different meaning.

Basic swear words:

  • kurwa f - whore / fuck
  • chuj m - dick
  • pierdolić (impf.) - to fuck
  • jebać (impf.) - to fuck


If you know basic swear words, you can add a prefix. Let’s take a look at



  • rozjebać
  • wyjebać
  • ojebać
  • ujebać
  • odjebać
  • dojebać
  • zjebać
  • podjebać
  • pojebać
  • przejebać
  • wjebać
  • zajebać

The only synonyms here are wjebać and zajebać (sometimes also wyjebać) - almost every single word means something different.


Slavic languages are known for system of cases. Using a wrong case can change the meaning of the sentence. Now let’s use a word pierdolić:

pierdolić + acc. (kogo? co?) - to fuck sb / sth pierdolić + dat. (komu? czemu?) - to talk bullshit to sb / sth

Reflexive verbs

Our reflexive verbs contains verb + się (generic reflexive pronoun). I use a word ujebać:

  • ujebać - to fail or to cut
  • ujebać się - to get dirty

Notes: I’m going to make posts about these words - how to use them, what case should be used, if it’s possible to create a reflexive verb. Stay tuned!


The Polish names for days of the week basically mean: Afternotdoey, Againey, Middley, Fourthey, Fiftey, Sabbatho, Notdoey.

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