
@awfte-n / awfte-n.tumblr.com

running in circles
walking in circles
crawling in circles
or lying on the ground

Retail Gothic

  • “Can you check in the back?” The customer asks. Duty makes you say “I’ll take a look.” You know there is nothing in the back. There has never been anything in the back. There is only void.
  • Children are crying in the store. Children are always crying in the store. They start when they enter and stop when they leave. You wonder what they know that you don’t.
  • “Would you like a bag?” The customer is looking at their phone. “My bag is in my car.” Sweat drips down your face. Your hand hesitates. The customer looks up, repeats. “My bag is in my car.” Other customers begin to circle. If you get this wrong they will pounce.
  • The doors are locked, the lights are off. Something pounds on the front. “Are you open?” You huddle in your lane. Your lips form prayers you dare not voice. “I’ll only be a minute. Are you open?”
  • Customers look up. As one, they move to the front. A cashier is alone. It is time to check out.
  • “How are you today? I’m fine thank you.” Scan, bag, repeat. “How are you today? I’m fine thank you.” Repeat. “I’m fine thank you.” Blood drips from your eyes. “I’m fine thank you.” Your smile splits at the corners. “I’m fine thank you. “ The conditioning holds. You Are Fine.
  • The new person complains they are tired, they need a break. You have worked here for years. You cannot remember the last time you took a break. You cannot remember the last time you ate. There is only work. “The Managers want you.” The time has come. You are being Promoted. You are one of Them now.

It’s strange how things haunt people

I am just a body but I can’t forget these terrible things


“Bisogna assomigliare alle parole che si dicono.”

- R. Magritte, “Decalcomania”

- S. Benni, “Saltatempo”

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