
Place of confusion

@heilith / heilith.tumblr.com

I think I'm better than I think.

Hey and welcome to my Masterlist! :) I won’t make any special warnings, except, perhaps, that I’m a pretty adult user and things I write can be adult, too. So, 18+, read at your own risk. Other than that, you’re heartily invited to partake in my fandom insanity. 

I mostly write for LOTR and The Hobbit, with very rare exceptions.


Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut

Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. 
Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!

freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely. copy this message to 10 other blogs (only if you want to) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. keep the game going and make others feel beautiful 💜


Thank you! ❤️

Anonymous asked:

Did you know you're not beautiful at all?

But exquisite magnificent and sexy....😠

:))) Thanks, my dear.


#38: Pick three of your fics and share a song to go with each

  1. Золото/Gold by Melnitsa for Sage Blossoms (Adar x reader, a work in progress) :) A match made in heaven, 100 out of 10 for just the right degree of dramatism and the wonderfully befitting lyrics. In my native language. Yeah...
  2. 11:11 by Ben Barnes for Loss and Gain (Haldir x reader). Right now I feel like it.
  3. Hay Amores by Shakira for A Keepsake (Boromir x reader)

Thank you so much, I love me some songspiration questions! :))


Yet another fanfic writer ask game!

  1. Compliment your writing!
  2. How do you react to positive comments?
  3. How do you react to negative comments?
  4. Post a screenshot of one of your favorite comments
  5. Quote one of your fics out of context
  6. Vaguely spoil one of your fics without telling us which one it is
  7. Share the first line of your five most recently published fics
  8. Share the last line that you wrote
  9. Tell us your favorite thing to drink when you write
  10. Tell us your favorite thing to snack on when you write
  11. What fandom do you write for most often?
  12. What fandom do you want to write for more often?
  13. Do you ever write crossovers?
  14. What two fandoms would you write a crossover for?
  15. What fic of yours would you most like to rewrite?
  16. What is one of your favorite words or phrases to use in writing?
  17. What trope is your favorite to write?
  18. What trope have you not written yet, but want to?
  19. What headcanon do you always include in your stories?
  20. What was the last thing you researched for a story?
  21. What do you do when you get writer's block?
  22. When do you usually write? (day of the week or time of day)
  23. Where do you usually write?
  24. Which fic do you think is your funniest?
  25. Which fic do you think is your saddest?
  26. Which fic do you think is your scariest?
  27. Which fic do you think is your most adventurous?
  28. Which fic is closest to your heart?
  29. Which fic would you most like to have fan art done for?
  30. Which fic would you most like to have its own fanfic written for?
  31. Which fic would you most like to see made into a movie?
  32. Which fic would you most like to write a sequel to?
  33. Which of your fic titles is your favorite?
  34. What title do you want to use, but can't figure out a story to fit?
  35. Have you ever written a fic because you were inspired by a title?
  36. Have you ever written a fic because you were inspired by a song?
  37. Pick one of your fics and share three songs to go with it
  38. Pick three of your fics and share a song to go with each
  39. Pick one of your fics and share an image to go with it. (Unsplash is a good source)
  40. Pick one of your fics and share a quote to go with it (not a quote from the fic, but an outside quote that fits)

Haldir or Boromir ❤️


You know, let them fight, and I'll date the loser. Because who doesn't like hurt/comfort? ;)


Writing Game: Drabble

A drabble is a work of fiction that has exactly 100 words. Can you get a whole scene, maybe even a whole story across with the limited amount of words to use?

Choose a prompt from the drabble lists and then write a short piece with precisely 100 words.

Have fun!

Anonymous asked:

I feel I am legitimately the only one in the fandom that finds denethor attractive 🤣 I'm sorry but the gloom, the grief, the dark swishy robes, the fact that hes kind of a bitch and one minor inconvenience away from total mental calamity. No takers, just me?

Nope, you're not alone. I can totally get how he can be attractive. He's mature, not a fool at all, he's quite overpowering, he's more than a decent leader. And, to be completely honest, his sons didn't just pop out of the ground the way they are. I do admit that Faramir could look up to Boromir, but whom did Boromir look up to?

I bet Denethor was a prize even some 15 years ago. The mental calamity is understandable, the abyss predictably started staring back at him. (shrugs)

Alright, I love John Noble.

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