
Your Friendly Neighborhood Cryptid

@liminal-storage / liminal-storage.tumblr.com

Rp and inspiration blog. Kuni Muinvel and others on ffxiv's Mateus server

Hi! I'm still alive, I've just been taking a semi hiatus. To anyone who tagged me in things, thank you, I saw them. I fully intend to get to them eventually. You were not ignored or forgotten!


Abused people will be like:

‘Every single abused person deserves resources and support to recover! They deserve to experience love and to know it’s not impossible or difficult to love them! Regardless of the symptoms or the weight of their trauma they’re lovable and their love has value and brings good things to people’s lives! Oh, except for me, I am rotten, destroyed, undeserving, hopeless, it would only hurt to love me, I better contain myself to solitude so I don’t hurt the rest of the world.’


This year has been an insanely frustrating one in terms of writing and roleplay.

I'm very tired of being overwhelmed with nerves when it comes to trying to participate in things or even just looking at certain characters due to the negative experiences I associate them with. I'm tired of hating the things I've made because they don't fit into a certain mold that might make them more palatable.

And more than anything I'm tired of feeling like maybe, just maybe, I'm simply never going to get enjoyment from this hobby anymore. Like I'm not allowed to have fun. I just want to stop hating what I've made. I just want to have fun again.


Pinterest Aesthetic Challenge: Kuni

Tagged by: @houserosaire Tagging: Whoever wants to do it.

This was hard!! I hardly ever use pinterest and trying to pin down an exact aesthetic was tricky. I was surprised by how strangely cohesive everything ended up looking in the end.

Anonymous asked:

I love how relatable they are, no matter who or what they are. They can be mortal or fae or anything in between and they still have internal struggles and thoughts and issues like anyone and it’s neat to see them work through those big emotions and complicated issues like real people do.

Thank you! I strive to at least attempt to make my characters relatable and realistic in some ways. I find it more compelling to write them that way versus playing up a single character trait or trope (with a couple of exceptions, of course). I'm really glad to know that others find my way of writing to be compelling as well!

Anonymous asked:

You have always been an excellent writer and rarely give yourself the kudos and confidence you deserve to have. You show an attention to prose that inspires others to do better by proxy. You were a treat to write with and I look forward to the opportunity to get to do it again one day should we get to.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit that this made me cry. It's true that I often struggle to find any sort of confidence, and talk myself out of things more often than I care to admit. It's been especially egregious due to mental health struggles recently and there's been more than one occasion where I felt maybe I should stop writing altogether. I think I really needed to hear this. Whoever you are, I cannot thank you enough.

Anonymous asked:

I really enjoy the concepts of your characters. You have some really interesting ideas and I am so curious to see some of them more fleshed out. I love Kuni's interesting occult investigator job and I am also very enamored by Auriga's entire premise as a medium and a sufferer of a curse that is really very creepy in all your writing. I really look forward to learning more about both them and your other characters as well.

All of this love for my characters has honestly made my day. I'm so glad that you enjoy the concepts I've created, and I hope that in time we get to discover more about them together!

Anonymous asked:

Your OC's are so compelling beyond just being gorgeous to look at. Kuni has such amazing characterization that goes way further than just 'cool cat with a knife'. Her interests and hobbies are so endearing.

I always enjoy making characters who are interesting, complete people all on their own; integrating them with others and helping to weave stories based on those hobbies and interests I've crafted just makes them all the more enjoyable to play! Thank you so much!

Anonymous asked:

Kuni as a character has always been really interesting to me. Here is someone who started as something very different in life and is slowly unfurling into something more and the journey has been such a fascinating exploration in character growth and development and moving on forward through past traumas. The way you've handled so many things about her and her changes has been so stunningly well done and she's still developing and I am delighted every time I get to see her!

Thank you so, so much! I'm obviously a little biased but she's definitely my favorite character. I've had her for a very long time and she's gone through many different changes during that time, so I'm really happy to hear that those changes feel well done. I do strive to integrate changes in my characters' stories in a way that feels natural and not rushed. I often worry that maybe I play her too much, or inundate others with her presence to the point of disliking her, so I'm very happy that you like her too!

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