
• Salina •


Capricorn sun, Libra moon
Pisces rising
| ENFP |
| Aquarius, Uranus & Air Dominant |

Moon Signs with...

Aries Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: exaggerates impulsivity, has a magnetic pull on others, great vibrant energy

…with an Earth Sun: strengthens leadership ability, optimistic outlook, enterprising

…with an Air Sun: receptive to change, sharp intellect, powers of persuasion

…with a Water Sun: impressive originality, emphasized imagination, intense emotions

Taurus Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: warm and affectionate, physically imposing, fiery enthusiasm

…with an Earth Sun: enhanced persistence and determination, stable and patient

…with an Air Sun: practical, financial intellect, firmer decision-making

…with a Water Sun: bestows magnetism, artistic, and good follow-through with creative ideas

Gemini Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: excellent leadership ability, independent and adventurous spirit

…with an Earth Sun: increased versatility, quick-witted and practical

…with an Air Sun: sharp intellect, gift of gab and an excellent communicator, super charming

…with a Water Sun: emotional understanding, strong creativity, love for learning

Cancer Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: enthusiastic and dramatic flair, charismatic, and creative

…with an Earth Sun: very protective and loyal, strong passions

…with an Air Sun: alluring and an excellent reader of people, highly sympathetic

…with a Water Sun: deep and intense emotions, very intuitive and hypnotic

Leo Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: fun-loving, strong leadership skills, animated disposition

…with an Earth Sun: intense, passionate nature, warm-hearted romantic

…with an Air Sun: dynamic and social, open-minded, contagious laughter

…with a Water Sun: colorful, very influential, affectionate and loving

Virgo Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: strengthens creative pursuits, strong common sense, regal demeanor

…with an Earth Sun: industrious, practical, and very responsible

…with an Air Sun: refined intellect, original and meticulous

…with a Water Sun: rare balance of psychic and realist, introspective and thoughtful

Libra Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: good-natured, polished, and charming

…with an Earth Sun: adaptable, diplomatic, and creative

…with an Air Sun: graceful, an ability to win people over, quick-witted

…with a Water Sun: artistic vision, highly intuitive and romantically inclined

Scorpio Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: compelling and driven, influential on others

…with an Earth Sun: authoritative with great leadership skills, ambitious and self-reliant

…with an Air Sun: captivating, idealistic, more intense emotions

…with a Water Sun: highly imaginative, emotional, and sensual

Sagittarius Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: super adventurous, yearning for new experiences, and very confident

…with an Air Sun: optimistic and cheerful, extroverted, discerning intellect

…with an Earth Sun: more adaptable, independent, creative outlook

…with a Water Sun: talented artists, expressive, very open-minded

Capricorn Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: mesmerizing, reliable, ambitious goal-getter

…with an Air Sun: resourceful, patient, and inventive

…with an Earth Sun: deep, hidden emotions, responsible, powerful personality

…with a Water Sun: committed, strong-willed, dynamic

Aquarius Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: compassionate, progressive, and persuasive

…with an Air Sun: emphasized intelligence, humanitarian, stimulating conversationalist

…with an Earth Sun: tolerant, innovative, very independent

…with a Water Sun: highly creative, clairvoyant tendencies, quirky and individualistic 

Pisces Moon…

…with a Fire Sun: deep emotions, sense of sophistication, hypnotic

…with an Air Sun: very sympathetic, clairvoyant tendencies, artistic 

…with an Earth Sun: loyal, perceptive, and idealistic

…with a Water Sun: highly intuitive, spiritual, and sensitive

as always, thanks for reading! 🌕💕


good things will happen 🧿

things that are meant to be will fall into place 🧿


Okay I reblogged and got into the entrepreneurship program I wanted. This WORKS


Reblogging for some added help for the coming months


Reblogging this for the new year✨


Venus in the 12th House ~ Sleeping Beauty

“I know you… I walked with you once upon a dream.” - Aurora

An unexpressed and dreamy love resides deep within the 12th house Venusian’s soul. The individual often connects with another subconsciously, even through dreams, leaving the other person puzzled yet drawn as deeply into the realm of the 12th house as a sailor drawn to the siren in Greek myth.


week of june 21st 2020

aries: after neptune and venus change their motions to make life a little weird, the rest of the week is mars vibe - and that’s where you naturally excel. indeed the last major event of the week is mars moving into its domicile, your own sign. all your natural superpowers begin to shine.

taurus: your ruler venus goes direct and while it’ll take her a while to get out of the “shadow” part of the cycle, you already feel lighter and more natural. what have you learned since she has been in retrograde? start applying it. 

gemini: venus has been in your sign an unusually long time due to a retrograde. that retrograde ends this week and she continues her way through your sign, and now that she is in direct motion she graces you, for the rest of her stay here, with beauty and charisma. she has probably changed your take on love and beauty, one way or another, and now it’s time to put those new views into motion.

cancer: the retrograde of neptune favors you provided you can avoid or heal any addictive tendencies. later on in the week mars moves into fellow cardinal sign of aries. this makes a square with any planets you might have in early cancer but as mars is in his domicile in aries, this can still be an auspicious ingress. the best way to use it is to assertively go after improvements in your public image and your overarching career (as opposed to your present occupation). 

leo: sure, people around you may freak out about retrogrades, but you don’t need to. ideally you focus on mars newly in aries by the end of the week, boosting fire energy and the power of impulse. this is great for you, for your body, and for your mind.

virgo: venus turns direct at last in your fellow mercurial sign (that’s gemini) and in some indirect ways this may bring positive changes to your relationships or romantic/creative endeavors. at almost the same time, neptune in your opposite sign goes retrograde and this also affects relationships and partnerships. rose colored glasses distort the appearance of red flags, so be careful, but beyond that, enjoy the lovey atmosphere. 

libra: the direct motion of your ruler venus brings you some ease if relationships have been tense but also anything on a tenuous foundation may finally come to an end. that’s good, really! whatever stays likely has good sticking power unless you find yourself clinging to it uncomfortably. and at the end of the week mars moves into your opposite sign, also boosting relationships, but causing tension if not outright arguments if you’ve been grasping. these aspects favor healthy relationships, so pay attention if you’ve been wondering where something is going.

scorpio: those of you with a mars-affinity (he is your ancient ruler, you know, from pre-pluto days) feel this week more than other scorpios as mars moves into his present-day domicile of aries. this likely favors you, particularly if you can use the time to get into a healthful routine of some kind. for the rest of you, the highlight comes earlier than that with neptune in pisces taking a retrograde. the station of neptune may make romance seem hazy but it pulls you into a dreamscape in which you learn ancient and mystical truths.

sagittarius: although you’re not in the same situation as aries, the mars activity may bring out any aries traits you do have and enhance them. in particular the square with the south node in your sign just before his movement into aries churns up all kinds of motivations you haven’t seen in a long time. if they itch, you scratch them by growing, not just running back over the same old roads.

capricorn: mars squares the nodes before entering aries and that doesn’t feel nearly as intense for you as the last few mars-nodes squares although you may see echoes of those past transits this week. on the other hand mars in aries is cardinal energy and while it is productive and good, the impulsive air can be a little much for you. think before acting. more than usual.

aquarius: venus moves into direct motion in your 5th house gemini (another air sign like you) and livens up your love life and/or you find yourself downloading from the ether all kinds of interesting ideas and spontaneously creating fun projects or situations.

pisces: your ruler neptune begins an annual long retrograde this week. while the majority of the retrograde is scarcely noticeable, the stationary points are usually strongly felt by someone like you. hold off on escapist tendencies or even innocuous-seeming use of mind-altering substances - the vibe should be weird enough without. treat it like a weird dream and see what you learn this week.


Jupiter Retrograde Not many are familiar with a Jupiter retrograde since it doesn’t occur as often as the infamous Mercury retrograde does. But Jupiter stays retrograde for much, much longer (about 120 days). Jupiter represents wisdom, luck, higher learning, optimism and expansion.

Pros Seek your inner wisdom during this time. This is a perfect time to really think about the decisions you’re going to make that lead you towards success. Remember to remain humble as luck could be approaching you often during this time. Cons Some may not feel optimistic at all and some may. Do not overindulge or push your luck too far. Life-changing or even life-ending events can happen during this planetary retrograde. Don’t push yourself way too far and do not go over your limits.

Saturn Retrograde Saturn stays retrograde for a longer period of time. Unlike faster moving planets, slower moving planets like Saturn can help us step back and see things clearly. Saturn is the Planet of Karma so you will face a lot of realizations that you may have ignored in the past. Anything can come back to you and Saturn will make sure of that.

Pros Take a look back at all the failures you’ve experienced and all of the let-downs you’ve been through. Learn from it and grow from it. Come face to face with your fears during this time. Work on whatever you believe is holding you back. Face your fears and learn to accept life for what it is. Cons Do not ignore the reality you’ve been faced with. Learn to take responsibility for yourself! Avoid starting any new business projects or continuing something else. This is a time to analyze and reassess so use it wisely.

Uranus Retrograde Uranus stays retrograde for about 5 months, but it’s effects are strongly felt. You should expect the unexpected during a Uranus retrograde. You may start to feel like you want to risk it all and become rebellious. Life-changing things can happen during this time.

Pros Free yourself and learn to accept change. This is a time for new beginnings that seem to appear out of nowhere. Expect yourself to go through some changes as well whether it be communicating or even in your personality. Your way of thought and perceiving things can change, so use it for the best. Cons You might feel like the world is out to get you. You may feel isolated and alone during this time. You could feel like you are far different from anyone else.

Neptune Retrograde Things aren’t always what they seem when Neptune goes retrograde. During this time, the truth begins to surface, but deception follows. The fog begins to surface to the ground during this retrograde.

Pros During this time, you should dig deep. Your dreams become larger than life and you should follow them and listen to your intuition. Strongly listen to your intuition during this time. Cons Remember to keep a good, realistic view. Keep in mind that things aren’t what they seem during this time so avoid confusion and drifting out of reality.

Pluto Retrograde Pluto retrograde means constant wrestling with inner conflicts. It is important to trust your instincts during this time because they never lie and you know what’s best for yourself. Be prepared to get rid of the old and ring in the new.

Pros Trust your instincts during this time. Not everyone is out to get you and most importantly you have to trust yourself. Learn how to forgive yourself and others as well because through this you will find peace and resolution. Cons Avoid convincing yourself that everyone is bad news. Avoid holding grudges and learn to let go. You’re going to be faced with your own realities during this time and you shouldn’t turn your back on yourself.

This post is a continuation from this post: Retrograde in Astrology.


✧ Venus Retrograde in Gemini

In only a few days, on May 13, Venus -the planet of love, beauty, relationships, desires, pleasure, style, values, aesthetics, money, arts and sweet foods- will go in retrograde until June 25. This will be a perfect time to step back and have a good hard look at those aspects of your life and hold on taking any major decision in any of Venus’ attributes.

Venus retrogrades can bring a lot of chaotic and confusing events in our lives.  It will overall be a hard time for relationships of any kind (love, friendship, business partnership, etc), and it will be especially hard for Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius. People with rising Aries, Taurus, Gemini Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius and Venus in Taurus, Gemini or Libra will also be particularly affected. 

During this retrograde, you might feel less loved than usual, less artsy, less pretty, worth less and so on. But don’t worry, you’re still amazing, it’s just the retrograde talking!

Gemini is the sign where this retrograde is happening, and this will cause its fair share of chaotic emotions and miscommunications. To the point where some relationships and contracts will break. But that’s okay: some things have to end, simply because they are not serving us anymore and transformation is part of life. Venus retrogrades only happen every 8 years in the sign of Gemini, which makes it highly significant for Gemini placements.


✧ Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn

For 2 days now, Jupiter, the planet growth, knowledge, spirituality and all things lucky has started its retrograde until September 12th.

Jupiter retrogrades is a lot less scary than any other retrograde as it has a very positive and optimistic influence. The signs most affected by it will be Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo, Libra and Aquarius.

During this retrograde, you might feel less motivated but that’s exactly what Jupiter is here to help you with!

Capricorn is the sign where this retrograde is happening, and this will carry Jupiter’s expansive influence into our career, the way we achieve our goals, how ambitions we are and how we approach our duties. There is also a strongly spiritual and philosophical aspect to this retrograde which gives you an opportunity to re-evaluate your belief system and to reconnect with yourself on that level. You will have a chance to assess where you are lacking or slacking and to remedy it and also to re-evaluate your relationship to the figures of authority in your life. By the time Jupiter goes direct again, you should have come to terms with these issues, cleared the static of stagnation, and have seen exponential growth in your inner world, making you ready to leap right into success’ arms!

Synastry House Overlays-Sun Placements

Synastry is the compatibility between two birth charts. Compatibility is much more than our sun signs, it’s also about where they land in our chart and how it affects us and how you affect them.

First House-

Having someone’s Sun in your first house can make house person feel like their life has lighten up, the house person is proud of Sun person that they want to show them off. There is just something about the Sun person that makes House person so energetic. Sun person really likes the house person over all including their style and appearance, they hype up the house person and can give them a inflated ego and encourages spontaneity. Both people have the same level of energy and behavior style, and with that can come some level of competitiveness between the two. And even with the competition, these two can bring out the best in each other. This is a common synastry for marriage. 

Second House-

This synastry overlay can be beneficial for house person, as the Sun person can give the house person fuel to become successful. Even with that energy from the Sun person, the house partner can still get a feeling like the house person wants something even though the Sun partner wants to help house explore their creativity and with achieving both of their goals. There is risk of becoming financially dependent on one another as both partners can be generous with each other. This isn’t necessarily a romantic synastry, but it can work. If there are negative aspects, there may be a more focus on material things and there could be resentment for material gain on either partner.

Third House-

Up late all night with nothing but talking. Having someone’s sun in the third house over lay brings stimulating conversations. There’s a similar intellectual interests and both partners could talk about trivia things all day and never get bored of each other. A strong mental connection comes with this over lay, unless badly aspected there is not many miscommunication between the two. Sun person makes the house person feel understood and appreciated and gets their gears going with debates. The Sun partner sees the house person as someone with good common sense and finds them to have some brilliance to them. They see the house person doing certain things right and they can find them a little predictable but they’re comfortable with that. A good synastry for writing partners. Romantic relationships are achievable with this overlay. 

Fourth House-

There is an instant connection when someone’s sun lands in another person’s fourth house. Sun person reminds the house person of someone they know or comfortable with and ends up providing some sort of safe place for the Sun person to be able to talk freely about deep family issues and such. These two can feel like they’ve known each other their whole lives, even just having met, there is a deep sense of familiarity that can’t be ignored. Sun person can feel like they are meant to be together and can become protective of the house person. The house person can feel the same way and just from being around the sun person they feel a sense of security. The feeling of home is what these two people feel like. This is a very strong overlay for marriage/long-term relationships, there may even be a strong desire to move in together quickly and build a home. 

Fifth House-

A very active, fun-having, and very social overlay. Having someone’s sun in the fifth house can push each other to have more fun than the other, hanging out all night whether its with just each other or at social events both partners will enjoy. They enjoy playing and hanging out each other and there is a genuine care feeling for one another. There is a risk of burn out or feeling frustrated with each other if other aspects don’t normally work out. Sun partner see house as a source of enjoyment and pleasure and they can wear rose-colored glasses and over look the house partner’s flaws. ’Beauty’ is what the house person thinks is when they see the Sun person, and the Sun person adores all the praise and admiration from house and has so much love for them. Both are able to enjoy each other romantically and sexually. A strong romantic and marital overlay, couple may even talk about having children together.

Sixth House-

There is a submissive feel when it comes to someone’s sun in the other person’s sixth house overlay, and no not what you think as in sexually. This is more of a boss/assistant type of relationship. The sun person gets weird feeling about how the house person goes about handling their daily tasks and tries to show them how to do things in a better way of handling them. Even though there is a chance for either partners to become the more submissive one, it’s usually the Sun person who becomes the submissive one. The house partner can micro-manage parts of the relationship even if they are enjoying the relationship with the sun. Having this overlay isn’t bad for a romance, but it is the best to have for a work relationship. If this is a work relationship, the house person could have hate towards the Sun person if they are a bad boss. 

Seventh House-

Seventh house Sun overlay makes an opposite attraction between partners. The Sun person is opposite the house person’s ascendant, and if it’s not badly aspected, these opposites complement each other. The Sun person feels like there is a lot in common with the house person and can become very supportive of them, while the house person sense more that there is truly something deep going on between each other. There is a deep movement of feelings within each other that these people are meant to be together, like a lost part of you has been missing and this person makes you feel whole and united as one person not just simply a pair. A very yin and yang type of relationship. The danger of this synastry is that the two people can become so lost in each other, losing balance, that there is a loss of personal identity and there could be rebellion against each other trying to find themselves again. A very strong commitment synastry for marriage. 

Eighth House-

If there is an eighth house over lay with the Sun in synastry, this is not a good synastry for faint-hearted people. A fear to be together that it almost feels bewitching. There is a deep mystery for the Sun person who is so captivated by the house person and even though the house partner can make the Sun person feel so unsettling, like something is telling them that the house partner is disturbing or too mysterious, the Sun person has a hard time trying to gain the will to leave. The house person awakens something in the Sun partner, something that not even the Sun person knew about, and wants to try to transform the Sun partner for the better, not everyone one surrounding the situation is going to be pleased by this. For the house partner, there is such a strong need for the Sun person that if the Sun partner wanted to leave, the house person may refuse to let go. There is an emotional dependency with these two people that it is scary for both partners.

Ninth House-

Similar world views and philosophies on a wide variety of subjects, novelty subjects and even deep religion views, there’s an expansion of knowledge and ideas when someone’s Sun is in another’s ninth house. The house partner stimulates new creativity in the Sun person with their own knowledge, while the Sun person helps the house partner open up to a whole new view of the world. There is a rise in adventurous attitude, a want to try new things with each other, even if there is a bit of risk to it, both partners feel like they have a whole new zest of energy they get from each other. This is a great synastry for educated friends and traveling synastry, even marriage.

Tenth House-

With having the Sun in the tenth house in synastry, this can be great for a couple who work together or even a political relationship. Each person admires the other’s looks and talents, and being with each other just feels more confident in the relationship. There is a chance that each other are able to help one another in their jobs. The Sun person helps the house be inspired with their career or creative work while the house person helps with lighten the work burden fears and limitations of the Sun partner. Even though this is not a very romantic overlay, one or both partners can look up to the other in awe and admiration.

Eleventh House-

These two can talk for days and share pretty similar ideas and can seem like they have a two-of-a-kind friendship. Even as lovers, they are both that and best friends, having the Sun in the eleventh house in overlays brings much support from both partners. The Sun partner shines and inspires the house person to go out and reach goals and become somewhat of a social asset for them, while the Sun partner feels comfortable around the house person and can feel at ease knowing they are with someone who can create this non-judgemental space for them. Even though this is not a deep emotional relationship synastry, still is a good aspect to have.

Twelfth House-

A mysterious house synastry with someone’s Sun in another’s twelfth house. There’s a mystical feeling about the house person, the Sun partner sees something in the house person may not realize, even if it’s against better judgement there’s a strong attraction. The Sun is just totally fantizied by the house partner. The house person can help the Sun discover hidden talents as well as help them use them depending on their intentions, sometimes they aren’t well. This is not a very public synastry for relationships, but both are comfortable enough to confide in each other about things they wouldn’t normally mention to anyone else. There may be a chance of intuitive connection between the two, this synastry has been considered a karmic connection from a past life that still needs healing. If this person came into your life at a certain point, it’s possible one or both needed some healing or helped in some way.


Astrology: The Sun, Houses and Relationships

Where and how the love of your life lights up your life: how to compare your Sun sign with someone else’s.

Where another person’s Sun falls in your own natal chart (energy blueprint) will tell you where that person is most likely to light up your life.

Their Sun in Your 1st house –

This overlay extends an instant approval of the person. We feel that the person will be very much like us, with a similar approach to life. There is a sense that we can easily express who we are around this person, in the most natural, uninhibited way.

Their Sun in Your 2nd house –

There is a feeling that the Sun person is instrumental towards you obtaining what you want. There is also the possibility that the Sun person wants to “acquire” or “own” the house person. Values play a central part in this relationship.

Their Sun in Your 3rd house –

The Sun person will bring out the talker in the house person! The house person senses that the Sun person can teach him something significant. There should be a general harmony. A link such as this will protect a relationship; keeping it free from the usual hassles and misunderstandings.

Their Sun in Your 4th house –

The Sun person will instantly feel like one of “your people”. It’s as if this person’s energy can connect with your very soul. In many ways the energy of the Sun person makes you feel at home with yourself and this person has the potential to bring great energy to your domestic/family situation.

Their Sun in Your 5th house –

No matter what type of relationship this is, you will immediately feel pleasure associated with this person. A sense of fun and beauty is often attributed to those whose Sun falls into your 5th house. This person’s solar energy draws out the desire for you to give love.

Their Sun in Your 6th house –

With this overlay, the Sun person’s ego needs are placed in the background – in the name of service. The house person may feel that the Sun person “owes” them a service and indeed this may be true. The Sun person will want to serve and care for the house person.

Their Sun in Your 7th house –

This overlay will evoke a deep and potentially transforming response for both the Sun and house person. In relating to others we are not seeking a carbon copy of ourselves; rather we are seeking that which complements us through polarity. It is as if two missing pieces of a puzzle are united.

Their Sun in Your 8th house –

The Sun person will touch the buried parts of the house person in profound ways, and forces the house person to confront his own dark side. If this is a romantic relationship, the house person will be powerfully attracted to the Sun person – perhaps obsessively so. The house person will always perceive the Sun person as something of an enigma.

Their Sun in Your 9th house –

There can be a deep intellectual and spiritual bond based on sharing a similar framework of philosophy and values. There is a fundamental accord and this overlay will produce a result between the Sun and house person that can continue to broaden their horizons.

Their Sun in Your 10th house –

The Sun person recognizes and respects the leadership qualities of the house person and will genuinely admire him. The house person may be elevated somehow by the Sun person. Perhaps their status helps the house person come into his own leadership role.

Their Sun in Your 11th house –

The Sun person senses that the house person will share his humanitarian interests and a deep friendship may ensue. The house person is able to accept the Sun person as the individual he is and the Sun person may help the house person bring out some of his own unique individuality.

Their Sun in Your 12th house –

There can be misunderstandings and confusion in this relationship and fear of the unknown might prevent such a union from lasting. If the fear and confusion of introspection can be transcended, the Sun person is capable of shining a light on the house person’s unconscious processes in order to help him evolve spiritually.

Much love to all… go in peace my friends 💕💕


Random astrological observations

Extroversion or introversion is not only influenced by the planetary elements, but also the house positions. Someone with a lot of fire and air in their chart can still be pretty introverted if they have multiple personal planets falling in earth/water houses, especially the 12th house.

Sagittarius suns often appear happy and bubbly, but deep down they can be very negative or even mean-spirited (obviously this doesn’t apply to all of them). If you want true positivity, get yourself a sag moon.

7th house overlays in synastry are ideal for any kinds of long-term relationships, not only romantic but also friendships. You’ll make natural partners to one another.

8th house overlays can also create long relationships wit a deep connection. On the flip side, it can be hard to leave those relationships, even if it would be the best thing to do.

Whether they admit it or not, Leo placements tend to crave recognition and admiration in some aspect of their lives. Which aspect it is, that’s determined by the planets located in the sign of Leo. For example, I’m a Leo Mercury, and I want to be seen as intelligent and be admired for my writing skills. A Leo Venus, on the other hand, would want to be recognized by their style and/or artistic talents.

Having multiple Pluto aspects in synastry can indicate the Pluto person having a strong transformative effect in the other’s life. My Pluto aspects all of my dad’s planets, and having your first child indeed transforms your life in a lot of ways.

Contrary to popular belief, Aries Venusians aren’t always commitment-phobes; in fact, a lot of them desire a long-term relationship. However, they wont’t hesitate to leave a relationship if it isn’t doing any good for them.

The beauty of a Pisces Venus is very cute and innocent.

The house where Neptune is located in your chart shows the area in your life where you’re most likely to be deceived. That doesn’t mean you are definitely going to be deceived, but you do tend to view things related to said house in an idealistic way, to the point it feels like a betrayal when you finally face the harsh reality. 


saturn in synastry

house overlays

i want to preface this with no relationship is doomed because of saturn aspects or overlays. saturn is the planet of discipline, restriction, responsibility, structure, gained wisdom, and rigidity. it is often believed that it is the paternal energy of the chart. while saturn overlays are generally challenging due to saturn’s nature, there are positives to each and every house overlay and i hope that comes through here! i also want to note that saturn is a social planet. because of this, you are likely to encounter many people that have the same saturn sign as you and thus many times people’s saturn will fall in the same house as your saturn. x

1st: The Saturn person affects how the house person acts in general, but especially in public settings. The Saturn person makes a strong impression here, with the house person perhaps questioning their identity or feeling insecure about their identity around the Saturn person. The house person is inexplicably drawn to the strong presence of Saturn, but may also feel restrained frequently. There’s a general desire to impress Saturn.

2nd: The Saturn person influences the house persons spending habits, style, and comfort zone. There’s a strong possibility that the house person feels restrained by Saturn, perhaps being ashamed of how they spend their money, dress, or like to spend their downtime. They may try much harder in Saturn’s presence, working harder on these subjects to please Saturn. There’s a chance for rigidity in physical encounters or strong submissive (house person) and dominance (saturn) themes. 

3rd: The house person is likely to question their words in regards to the Saturn person more. While in social settings together, texting, or talking one-on-one, the house person may stumble over their words or be less inclined to speak their mind readily. There is a sense that the Saturn person is a master with their words and a desire to not disappoint them. Communication between the two is taken very seriously and honesty is prioritized (sometimes above feelings). 

4th: The house person here can feel judged for their inner world, which can be especially difficult. Saturn is being exposed to the house persons safe space and with their general rigidity, the house person can feel a certain sense of rejection. Saturn here can add a level of stability to the house persons life, though. Saturn could help to ground the house person positively. On the flip side, they may stifle some of the more raw and sensitive parts of the house person. 

5th: The struggle here can be within lightheartedness. We have the house of lightheartedness and creativity meeting the planet of restriction, structure, and control. The house person is likely to resist the energy of the Saturn person often. The house person is likely to take offense to signs of Saturn’s disapproval in their land of fun - whatever that looks like. There can be open conflict. However, Saturn’s judgment aside, Saturn can help the house person gain further mastery over their interests by encouraging practice and diligence. Saturn may feel here like a parent to impress.

6th: Saturn is a bit omnipresent in domestic life together here. Saturn may be nit-picky over the house person’s habits, hygiene, and or schedule. Saturn may have a tendency to be naggy. There’s also potential for the Saturn person to alter how the house person goes about their daily routine; perhaps the house person will adapt Saturn’s seemingly tried and true methods. The house person may have to willing to defend their personal habits as just that - personal. 

7th: The challenge of this overlay is largely based on how the house person is. Do they naturally embody Saturnian traits or seek these traits out of partner? If yes, this overlay will not be as tense. However, if the house person is not naturally very Saturnian or someone who seeks out the heavier more serious Saturn-esque partners, this can be a bit more difficult. The pair are likely to encounter many issues in how they approach the relationship and Saturn can weigh heavy. However, while challenging, this overlay can be a huge indicator of longevity in one on one relationships. The pair are likely to be rather loyal to each other and pulled to remain together. Much growth and wisdom can be gained from one another.

8th: Similar to the fourth house, this overlay can be an especially raw one. The eighth house is another core part of our rich inner world, one we arguably protect more than our 4th house, and Saturn can make us feel rather exposed here. The Saturn person is likely to make the house person feel under scrutiny/watch over their secrets, inner world, and fantasies. There may be a constant fear of deep exposure. Opening up to Saturn can be rather difficult, but bring true intimacy. 

9th: The house person is likely to openly rebel from Saturn’s energy when this overlay occurs. When it comes to philosophy, spirituality, travel, and free thought, the house person is likely to find Saturn way too conservative and there can be a great deal of disagreement. Ultimately, Saturn pushes the house person to provide more evidence and make their arguments more airtight, even if it’s aggravating to the house person. 

10th: Saturn is associated with the 10th house, so the house person may take Saturn’s presence the easiest here. The house person is already striving for success in this area and Saturn can help mobilize this. However, since the house person is likely to be very hard on themselves in this area of life, Saturn needs to be careful not to add extra pressure that isn’t needed. The two can work well to reach success and can be competitive with each other. The need to impress can be especially pronounced. 

11th: Similar to the 9th house, this house person can get intellectually frustrated by Saturn’s presence, but there is a charming push-and-pull that leads to true growth. Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, the associated sign of the 11th house, so like the 10th house, the house person is likely to handle the presence relatively well. Saturn may be critical of friendships and may bring the house person to be more selective in friendships and in general. 

12th: The Saturn presence here can be quickly internalized and shot into the subconscious of the house person. Therefore, Saturn’s criticism and judgmental opinions can be especially hurtful and touch a deep part of the house person. Here, the Saturn person may help to bring 12th house themes to the surface and force conversation about deep seated needs and desires, but it won’t be easy and similar to the 8th house, the fear of emotional judgment is heightened. Saturn needs to watch their judgment here. There’s a karmic lesson to be had in which both parties will need to fully understand the steady growth and strength of Saturn AND the intuitive healing of the 12th house. 


Synastry Overlays Series (Moon) 🌑

Moon in the 1st house overlay: The in your face Duo

🐺🦅Bondax - all I see(Darius remix)

🐺Foals - red sock pugie

🦅Foals - Blue blood

Moon in the first house overlay can feel rather restless and or exposed in the presence of the house person-as is everything is taken as is and seen as is which can either cause abrasive behavior on the part of the house or moon person in response to the highly upon emotional presence. The moon finds themselves very forward and emotionally direct unlike they’d be with anyone else-capable of expressing emotions that for the most part they’d normally keep to themselves! The house person often absorbs the feelings of the moon often easily able to read and decipher the moons feelings before they do. The connection here is very Arian in nature with the house person taking on mars and the moon person acting out more Arian traits leading to a highly potent emotional desire for physical interaction between the two! The moon find the house person irresistible and the house person In turn deeply desires to nurture the childlike youth in the moon person! This is a dynamic and highly emotionally aroused pair.

Moon in the 2nd house overlay: Sensuality lounge

🐢🐍Cabu - crazy(feat. Love mansuy)

🐢Little dragon - little man(Tycho remix)

🐍Little dragon - cat rider

Moon in the 2nd house overlay can feel like a suede sofa, with dim lit lights-topped of with soft linen and skin to skin. The moon person often becomes more of a Tauren moon in a sense when in the presence of the house person! Becoming Patient and deeply sensual towards the house person, wanting to induce pleasure in every sense of the word be it through touch or even though food-they greatly seek to please and care for the house person in any way they can to create that subtle comfort. The house person often embodies venus here and find the way the moon person expresses their emotions to be both stubborn but deeply beautiful-they admire the tenacity of the moon person and often find themselves feeling more complete when the moon person is there. The love that grows between these two can take time to manifest but once it does they are inseparable and nothing can tear them apart! This points to sexual loyalty as often these natives only crave one another sexually and tend to need deep touch to feel connected through sex! Often this is a pair that can become co dependent but never bore of one another.

Moon in the 3rd house overlay: To be or not to be?

🐝🐞Night Tales - Move you

🐝bonobo - Kerala

🐞George maple - vacant space

Moon in the third house overlay can feel like a whirlwind affair! These lovers often fly back and forth between feelings faster than the moon has the capability of cycling. The moon person becomes more like a Gemini moon-fast paced, childlike, curious and wordy but also turbulent when around the house person! The house person who becomes mercury often feels energized around the moon person on an emotional level as well as mental! Both bounce of one another like a spark jumping from emotion to emotion and feeling to feeling! Moments of random break ups as well as random get together and commitment only to brake it off down the line is common ground as these two often seem to have a hard time getting a grip on wether they love or hate each other. Their is a massive amount of love that grows here despite its restlessness and often the house person begins to budge first-as they become deeply attached to the moon person! The moon person often takes a little while to give in as they tend to be frightened of commuting to the house person due to the actual depth and sincerity they feel for the house person. This pair is either talking each-others heads off or making out feverishly even if their in their 70s! They’re that cute but odd couple.

Moon in the 4th house overlay: Mommy and Daddy

🧤🧣 Lane 8 Ft Policia - No Captain

🧤Troye Sivan - The good side

🧣The neighborhood - wiped out.

Moon in the 4th house overlay is very deep! For both parties involved it feels like a 2nd home in the form of one person. The moon person takes on a cancer moon persona becoming highly sentimental and even receptive to the smallest nuances in the house person. The house person often taking on the moon traits finds themselves drowning in the house person as if they can’t seem to separate feelings that are theirs or the moons! A deep desire to protect one another is heavily visible here! Both also have a deep level of possessiveness and responsibility to one another that just seems to come naturally! The moon person often loves to nurture the house person or finds themselves doing so instinctually whilst the house person finds themselves being more childlike and even more moody than they’d normally be when the moon person is around ! The two can keep their feelings private and out of the sight of the public but when they’re home it can be SOOOO romantic! They tend to stay home a lot and cuddle ALL THE TIME! And you can tell when a couple has this as they tend to be very close to each other when they’re walking.

Moon in the 5th house overlay: Wild ‘n’ Free

🍒🌺 Cautious Clay - Cold War( Nick Am Remix)

🍒Flume feat. Chet faker - left alone(gravez x Ta-Ku Re-remix)

🌺What’s so not - Jaguar

Moon in the 5th house overlay feels like a night ride in New York, the black shades and pale red lipstick-hands loosely interlocked. This is a passionate place for the moon as often the moon person takes on a Leo moon type demeanor! Turning into a giddy school kid around the house person! The moon can be both emotionally captivated and aroused by the way the house person expresses themselves! There is a aloof nature to this connection In synastry unlike the composite that I’ve noticed in which the house person is often the sun but has a very aloof almost unmoved demeanor about the moon person and the moon person who seems to be fawned and even in a state of constant infatuation seems to LOVE this HOOT to cool dynamic! The house person despite this chill demeanor is often entranced by the moon person! Wanting to have the moon in every way imaginable often wanting the moon at times to an overwhelming access which causes the house person to be more emotionally apprehensive about expressing how they really feel! This being and fixed house and Leo’s house at that passions run wild and this can be a couple that can seem like a constant dark club aesthetic! In some cases this connection can show an immense love for one another but it also shows that love and sex don’t just go hand and hand-they In a sense can get blurred if the two of you don’t pace yourselves. This is A hot position for moon

Moon in the 6th house overlay: A Martyr romance

🐊🦈Night Tales - Back 2 me

🐊Megan - inside ft Carly Landy

🦈Drake - connect

This overlay gets a mixed bag of reviews! Some say it can cause a feeling of lost due to one or the other feeling used whilst some say it can lead to emotional blockage due to the nature of Virgo I beg to differ on these fronts as the 6th house is still a sensual earth house. The moon person particularly can become far more grounded and responsible and even reserved in the presence of the house person-wanting to uphold to the house persons standards, often doing the best they can to be of service and even of tender care of the house person! The house person often feels this deep and genuine care from the moon person and often embodying Chiron/mercury the house person often quietly seeks to please the moon person through gestures and actions-making sacrifices and decisions they normally wouldn’t for anyone else. The house person grows to need the moon person and vice versa and in some cases this is amazing but if taken to far it can lead to unhealthy co dependency! They tend to naturally do things for each other without trying and if anything they are constantly touching! Like a lot aha! This is the outwardly quiet couple that is always playfully touching on each other easily distracted by the world around them but none more than how they distract each other.

Moon in the 7th house overlay: Rumor has it

🎋🌾Tentado - one stop shop(feat. JANEVA)

🎋Jessie ware - midnight

🌾Jessie ware - no to love

Moon in the 7th house can actually have a rather somber energy! Not necessarily malefic or bad but mainly that this can seem like a rather serious and vintage era relationship! The moon person in question takes on libra traits-often becoming more balanced in thought, thinking about the big picture and even becoming a bit more submissive in terms of disagreements with their beloved house person. The house person takes on venus/Juno traits often becoming a bit more of a relaxed yet- sensual version of themselves! Often the house person finds the moon person to be their perfect fit-like a missing piece finally rested into their lap, because of this the house person can find themselves constantly at the beck and call to their beloved moon wanting to spend all the moments they can like an endless play. The two tend to spend a great deal of time with one another and easily fit one another into their lives-albeit things can get very intense once they move in together. This is the charming couple that you can’t really read-they’re so detached from you and a bit intimidating.

Moon in the 8th house overlay: Mr and Mrs. Oblvion

🦂🦉The neighborhood - a little death.

🦂Delilah - insecure

🦉Delilah - Breathe

Moon in the 8th house is honestly everything people write home about! It’s unforgettable-it’s a blackout-it’s a tsunami-it’s death. The moon person no Matter how airy or even how fiery their natal moon is it will be dunked into the overwhelming force of the 8th house, thereby they get a taste of the Scorpio moon energy whilst in the space of the house person! The moon person can find themselves feeling darker feelings and desires for the moon be it lust, rage, Love, hate all at once. The moon person craves the moon in a primal and at times even frightening way so much so that it can easily overwhelm them causing them to instinctually run or hide from the house person out of fear of being overtaken by this energy. The house person on the other hand finds themselves deeply and almost prolifically drawn to the moon person! Wanting and craving them in an almost insatiable sense. The house person has more power since they represent Pluto so they can if they choose control how much they let the feeling over take them but in the case that they allow themselves to let their walls down and be vulnerable they themselves will be overtaken by the sheer intensity presented between these two! 8th house synastry often points to a past life meeting and moon in the 8th shows a love that’s existed through many lifetimes so much so that the two of you come into this life fearful of the intimacy you’re capable of! In the case of family or platonically this points to a close and intimate bond not necessarily of sexual nature. This couple will always have their walls up but if they allow the walls to come down they will honestly be so obsessed with one another that the world around them seems to fade out. This is that couple that you don’t just see, but feel-they can feel like a dark force it’ll be suffocating for an outsider.

Moon in the 9th house overlay: The never ending Trip

🦒🦔Darius - Hot hands

🦒Neon Indian - polish girl

🦔Neon Indian - hex girlfriend

Moon in the 9th house overlay feels like a beach party, or a cold night in London. These two can literally go the distance for one another emotionally and physically! It’s the pursuit of happiness that matters most to these two and they bring out this desire in one another on a daily level. The moon person takes on jolly Sagittarius moons traits often wanting to keep on the move emotionally in any way they can! They often find themselves feeling warm and safe as well as understood by the house person who seems to view philosophy from the same view point as the moon person so long as aspects permit. The house person feels grand around the moon person often wanting to feed them affection till the earth itself stops spinning to witness the sight. The two are so bubbly together and act like kids who’ve gotten a new toy! They tend to know each other in and out and easily explore things that they would normally shy away from whilst alone. They quite literally bring out the best in each other. This is the couple thats is always traveling somewhere or going on road trips! They are usually vlogging and have dogs that are energetic little shit balls.

Moon in the 10th house overlay: Pitch Black Love

🥀🌹Pomo - start over again(feat. Andrea Cormier.

🥀jorja smith - let me down

🌹jorja smith - imperfect circle

Moon in the 10th house overlay is SOOOOOO NOIR. These two are sexy and sleak-extremely mysterious together. The moon person can become more like a Capricorn moon in a sense-serious and deeply steadfast, seeking to provide for the house person as well as protect them any way they can but also becoming slightly emotionally distant in the process. The house person is normally the one whom feels a slight onset of sadness and grief when in the presence of the moon person not necessarily in a bad way but they just feel this emotional coolness that surrounds the room when with the moon person that creates a often erotic yet icy back and forth. The two can feel like they’re caught in a run around but find themselves falling in love with one another gradually and with more force than the earlier moments as they get older. This is a unbreakable pair but they need to learn to express feelings openly and without fear otherwise they run the risk of emotional numbness! This is that couple from high school that never broke up, dressed in all back when resting bitch faces at the world but warm and often innocent smiles at one another.

Moon in the 11th house overlay: A friendly Tango

🌸🌎Alunageorge - supernatural(Pomo remix)

🌸Toro y moi - rose quartz

🌎Toro y moi - cola

Moon in the 11th house is an extremely warm and loving position for the moon! The moon person often takes on aqua moon traits, growing a slightly detached yet accepting energy about them-loving the house person for all that they are not all that they wish them to be! The moon is floored by the house person-often seeing them as both adorable and their best friend which is so important in romance. The house person sees the moon as their dream lover! Often finding themselves opening up to the moon more easily then the would anyone else! The house person trust the moon immeasurably and often develops the most sincere and protective love for them due to this close bond they share! This being a fixed house these two are often deeply connected and find it hard to give up on one another no matter how hard things get; but to their favor this position grants them a very forgiving and loving nature for one another. This is the couple you see sitting really close or even standing for that mater and whispering cute little inside jokes to one another with warm giggles and close hand holding.

Moon in the 12th house overlay: Glossy eyed Love affair

☁️🌊Leyya - The fall

☁️Lapalux - closure ft. Szjerdene

🌊szjerdene - Leila’s tale

Moon in the 12th house overlay can point to a deeply intimate past life liaison between two people not necessarily in the same instance as the 8th house but in a more spiritual sense. The moon person takes on piscean moon qualities becoming far more shy and even withdrawn then they’d normally be with anyone else! Often finding themselves to be more low energy on the physical front but also deeply emotionally receptive and intuitive to that of the house person. The house person tends to find themselves feeling laid bare and exposed in the presence of the moon person as if they’ve been figured out which can in the beginning cause discomfort but as time passes the house person begins to see the moon person a place of refuge and An intimate source of love and affection. The house person cares for the moon in An almost intangible feeling as if they can’t help but get lost in the moon. The two share a psychic link similar to a moon and Neptune aspects that grows the more they are near one another. This is normally that couple that seems like they’re in an entirely different universe from the rest of us-wrapped up in each other so firmly that everything else disappears.


Synastry House Overlay- Mars in the houses

First house-

There is a highly energized, sexual included, here with Mars first house synastry. The Mars person can invigorate the house person getting them all energized. Mars here will probably be the aggressor when it comes to sex and that makes the house partner confident and feeling sexy. The house person will see the Mars partner as a bit aggressive, someone who will not be pushed around and they can find that attractive of the Mars person. With Mars here, the Mars person helps push the house partner to be better and healthier for themselves, they also help the house learn how to stand up for themselves. 

Second house-

To have someone’s Mars in your second house in synastry can bring in a sense of self-value to the house partner as the second house is the house of value and that includes self-worth with material things, Mars cannot help but be so complementary of them. There is a mutual respect for one another’s talents but the house person can see the Mars partner as a bit aggressive when it comes to money. The Mars person is able to come up with plenty of money making ideas, and with house there is a chance the two can make profits together. House person admires all of the Mars partner’s drive, ambition, and self-confidence, even if money seems like it’s always on the mind of Mars, the house partner won’t mind and will still be generous towards them.

Third house-

Non stop blabbering is what can be expected when third house Mars synastry happens. The Mars person especially becomes a complete chatterbox when around the house person, while they are inspired by the Mars partner to speak more of what is on their mind without holding back. The conversations between these two are stimulating and constant playful debates, but there needs to be cation as there could be a lot of heated up arguments to come along as well. The house person may view the Mars partner as someone who lacks finesse and can be impulsive with speech. The Mars person however could view the house partner as someone who talks a lot but never puts anything to action.

Fourth house-

In fourth house synastry, when Mars lands in this house there could be constant talks about home or family affairs. There could be discovery in that the two of them were raised in similar ways or one of them can remind the other of a family member in some way. With Mars here, the Mars person will talk and pry themselves way too deep into the house partner’s entire past and childhood, wanting to just really know the house partner. The Mars person can also show house how to stand up for themselves to family thinking that the house partner is a bit lazy and emotionally tied to family members. The house person may not like the insensitivity and aggression about family issues that the Mars partner has. If this is a romantic situation, there could be a strong desire to have a home together and if well aspected, home projects/improvements could occur. 

Fifth house-

If this synastry is a romantic one then having someone’s Mars in another’s fifth house is a very romantic, passionate, and playful one. Here the Mars person can arouse the house partner’s sense of fun and play, there is a comfort for them to be able to have fun and express themselves easily as they inspire creativity in each other. There is a strong romantic sexual attraction here, the house person can see the Mars person as someone who is sexually demanding and impulsive. The Mars person can’t help but be impulsive, they just enjoy being around the house partner and may always be the one to advance at house when it comes to pleasure. There is just this sense of urgency for the Mars person to have fun and be romantic in some way. 

Sixth house-

Now unlike fifth house, having another person’s Mars in another’s sixth house is not the most romantic but it is very helpful and can be great for a romantic relationship. There is a need to help each other out in some way for one another, Mars may take concern over the house partner’s health and well being showing them how to do things in a healthier way. The house person can give Mars insight on how to be more productive in every day life or work place. And like every other Mars placement, the Mars partner here will make the house person feel energized and want to be active and work together. If this is a business relationship there will be guarantee that these two will be very productive together.

Seventh house-

Here in the seventh house of marriage and partnerships, the Mars person can stimulate the house partner’s desire for relationships and commitments, but this is not the house of romance so the house partner may not act in such ways. There is a high competitive energy between the two with and the Mars partner being a bit aggressive trying to partner up with the house person.The house person is very attracted to the Mars partner,that is because the Mars person represents the qualities the house person seeks in a partner. The Mars person may find the house looks highly attractive and they could also teach the house partner how to stand up for themselves with relationships. If this is romantic the chances of getting married is high,even if this is not a romantic relationship this would be a great synastry for a business partner. 

Eighth house-

Just like the first house Mars synastry, eighth house can have a highly sexual energy to come with when someone’s Mars lands in another’s eighth house. A sharing of deep secrets that no one knows and sexual desires that others may see as taboo are discussed and possibly even tried out as the Mars person can arouse the house partner’s desire for physical closeness, intimacy and sex. The house person will see the Mars person as mysterious and they are able to get them to open up and discuss said taboo things, Mars though can pry themselves into the psyche of the house partner and they may go too far and and make house uncomfortable or they could use money as a way to keep the house person attached to them. There is a chance that one or both people here can go through some type of transformation. Could be good for a relationship synastry, but if divorce is to happen the same energy that fueled the intense sex will fuel the anger behind the split.

Ninth house-

Here in ninth house synastry, when someone’s Mars lands in one’s ninth house the house person is sparked into a desire to travel and explore and learn about other cultures and higher knowledge to expand. The house person will admire the knowledge that the Mars partner has but can feel like that Mars lacks spiritual insights and can grow tired of their “Holier than tho” attitude. The Mars person challenges the house partner’s religious and philosophical beliefs because they feel like house’s views are impractical even if both their philosophies are similar. There is an encouragement from one or both to travel or become advocates for some religious, cultural, or even educational cause. Can be good for relationships that involve traveling, but there could be a lot of heated discussions about beliefs.

Tenth house-

When a couple comes into tenth house Mars synastry, there is a strong desire to be public here as this is the house of public relations and status. Both partners here have similar career goals and if they are working together in politics or other public careers, they could elevate their social status with their partner around. The Mars person helps the house partner reach their career goals and offers plenty of assistance to get to them, they enjoy talking up the house partner acting as a PR person for them or a promoter. The house persons appreciates and admires Mars’ talent to talk people up and gets a new sense of confidence and drive for their career, they could even look up to the Mars partner as a role model.

Eleventh house-

There could be a lot of group activities or get togethers with eleventh house Mars synastry, there could be even a set of friends the two people here share. The house person accepts Mars as they are and can be like a muse for the Mars partner giving them plenty of creative ideas and put them into action acting as a group leader for whatever activity the house person came up with. The Mars person can sometimes always be the one to dominate and be alpha to whatever Mars and the house partner are doing. The house person is pushed by the Mars partner to be more aggressive and social as the Mars sees house as someone whose is eccentric and intellectually otherworldly. This can be great for a relationship synastry for a brings a great closeness to any relationship. 

Twelfth house-

Anything in the twelfth house can be tricky when it comes to synastry as the twelfth house is the house of soulmates and enemies, with Mars here the house partner’s walls manage to come down and helps house open up and tell secrets to the Mars partner that they never told others before. The house partner is able to give Mars some kind of healing that is on a deep level and help the house partner over come their self sabotage habits and fears. The Mars person can go deep into the mind of the house partner and could trigger old trauma and fears and they could play a little on the negatives of those fears without realizing it. If this is a romantic relationship, there could be some past life karma that needs healing. There could even be a chance that this is a secret affair. 


Synastry House Overlay- Mercury Placements

First house-

With someone’s Mercury in another’s first house can bring communications about their interests and interactions with the world to come easily. Mercury person can with ease, express themselves to the house partner. House will understand what Mercury has to say and can also understand the unspoken intentions. When ever house person is around Mercury partner, they tend to get more investigative. Mercury can stimulate the house partner and help them with ideas for self-expression, all while house person motivates Mercury to put other ideas into action. Mercury person opinions have an influence on house partner and also may give feedback on house’s mannerism. 

Second house-

A great professional synastry here in the second house as both partners can come up with quite an amount of money generating ideas together. Mercury here inspires the house partner mentally in better or new ways of handling business activities. The two can help each other utilize talents in each other and enjoy each other talking about the things and goals they want. Other than that, there may be a hard time seeing eye to eye and conversations may feel a little stale. Mercury may feel like house person just doesn’t get them and the house person may feel all that the Mercury person does is talk mainly about is money or possessions. 

Third house-

There is a comfort here with one’s Mercury in another’s third house, not an exciting one but enough to make conversations seem like they would never end. The house person can feel more freely to communicate, if normally shy, when around the Mercury partner. Mercury with house partner around getting their gears going naturally is a real chatter box, being able to just let it all out with them. Conversations between the two will be like lightening, fast and quick-witted for they are both intellectually inspired with each other. This synastry is good for relationships and teaching relations as well. 

Fourth house-

Fourth house mercury synastry brings comfort for both partners here, Mercury person can express their selves daily and feel like they fit into the house partner’s life perfectly. The house person feels comfortable with Mercury partner and their mind, attitude, and overall way the go about their life. Both partners here can talk about home and family issues easily with each other better than with anyone else, there may be even some discoveries in similarities in childhood or even familiar people within families. Mercury person reminds the house partner of something familiar they can’t figure out and will feel like family matters are less dramatic with Mercury around as they are able to help mediate and move people through whatever problems.

Fifth house-

Boredom doesn’t exist here in synastry for Mercury in the fifth house, jokes for days and a constant back and fourth with playful banter and humorous chat for these two. House person can feel invigorated and looking forward to seeing or just even talking to the Mercury partner, can almost seem like Mercury is sunshine for the house partner. Mercury just makes things seem light and easy and that gives the house person motivation to plan and engage in activities for fun. Mercury feels inspired and creative when they have the house person around. Being able to feel like they can truly express their creative nature, Mercury enjoys the house partner overall company. This can be a romantic synastry depending on the rest of the chart.

Sixth house-

Sixth house is another comfortable house for Mercury to be in, it’s not a romantic connection but it brings stability to any relationship. Mercury person here will try to be helpful to the house partner, with their mind feeling stable around the house person they are able to focus and communicate in a practical way. House person may get the impression that the Mercury partner is reliable and a steady companion to have around, they may even try to help Mercury become more organised and manage their time better. This is a good synastry for work related relationships. If this is a couple, they may enjoy doing house chores together.

Seventh house-

Whether this is a romantic relationship or a business relationship, there is an ease or comfort for both people here. Both partners here are willing to listen to one another as they believe that there should be a balance in conversations. Being able to talk about just anything comes so easy for these two. Mercury person may feel like the house partner will accept the way Mercury thinks, they also maybe able to help house with business matters. House feels comfortable with Mercury’s presence around, they manage to make the relationship feel breezy for the house partner. 

Eighth house-

Having anything in the eight house can bring a deep feelings to either people here. Mercury has the power to cut deep into the house person’s psyche and can end up being the one whose more dominating in conversations having the fear that they maybe taken advantage of somehow. The house person understands and knows that the Mercury partner means business and doesn’t take the word of Mercury lightly. House person may even be too careful and give calculated responses to the Mercury partner to not upset them. Mercury is able to help house partner open up and the two may even be able to share subjects together and discuss things they normally wouldn’t with anyone else. This is also a good synastry for business as the house person could employ the Mercury partner’s ideas into business. 

Ninth house-

Ninth house synastry can have Mercury person talk a lot about travel, culture and philosophical subjects with house partner. Mercury here can give the house person a greater perspective on life and energize them to explore the world and all of it’s mysteries. These is a similarity between the two partners on the world views and philosophies. The house person large thinking is invigorated and inspired, overall the house partner is just impressed with Mercury’s vast knowledge and is open to learning more from them. A great synastry for a student-teacher relationship.

Tenth house-

Mercury in someone’s tenth house can bring talks of goals and life directions with such ease. Mercury will probably be the one to mainly talk about work and goals, here they can also help give the house partner ideas on how to attract business or help in their career, they will also sort of act like a public relations advocate for the house person. There is a mutual respect here for both partners, house person can feel like their public image gets a boost or some help when Mercury partner is around and Mercury here can spread the word about house’s skills and talents helping land opportunities. A great public relationship or professional synastry.

Eleventh house-

Open and easily chatty is what it feels like to have mercury in eleventh house Synastry. Mercury person feels like house just “gets it” and drawn to be open towards house partner and house sees Mercury as a natural companion and acceptive of how the house person thinks. The both of them will have similar interests and stimulate creativity in each other. House person welcomes the Mercury partner’s style and feels pleasent to have Mercury around as Mercury can also help spread the ideas of house around to others. There wouldn’t be much surprise that both may have many mutual friends or even work together on projects. A great synastry for best or close friendships and can be good for a basis in a relationship.

Twelfth house-

Mercury in someone’s twelfth house can bring confusion and some awkwardness as well as exploring of the house person’s unknown subconscious and bringing it to light. Mercury person understands house partner’s thoughts and can sense what they are feeling. There is almost a psychic connection here. Mercury can always sense when the house partner is getting overwhelmed. House person may not like how easily the Mercury partner can read them, like they can see right through them. Always being picked apart by Mercury partner can cause house to close up, even though Mercury person just wants them to open up and talk. The house person can bring out the intuitive insights of the Mercury partner, there may also be a mutual interest in art, music, and psychology.


Venus overlays in synastry

Venus in partner’s 1st House

Very fast attraction. The House person has the qualities the Venus person likes, whether it’s the apperance, manners or style(how they generally present themselves). It’s the placement for “love at first sight”.

Venus in partner’s 2nd House

A need to be physical, a lot of touching between these two. The Venus person brings out the House person’s possessive side. The Venus person is something the House person wants to have(could be  avery superficial placement, the house person might treat Venus like an object). They buy eachother a lot of gifts.

Venus in partner’s 3rd House:

The house person will be very verbally sweet to the Venus person. The Venus will inspire them to be kinder in their words, more lovely and could even help them start writing/express their creative side through talking. Love letters, messages that make the other smile throughout the day.

Venus in partner’s 4th House:

Venus reminds them of home. A very family-oriented placement. The Venus partner has the kind of love the house person needs in order to feel nurtured, comforted. Venus too finds the House person very caring and protective. The type of relationship to prefer at home dates.

Venus in partner’s 5th House

A very exciting and full of pleasure kind of love. The house person views the Venus as someone they would need in order to satisfy their need for play/fun. Venus will be attracted to the 5th House’s creativity and artistry. This relationship either doesn’t last long or never loses its “spark”. 

Venus in partner’s 6th House

Venus brings beauty and pleasure into the House person’s daily life. They could make little gestures that would “make their day”, their presence adds harmony. A very “giving” type of love, they will always be by the other’s side and support eachother.

Venus in partner’s 7th House

Dependency, a strong need to please the other, adjust their love in the way the other person wants them to. The couple that’s always together, always calls the other to tell them what they’re up to. A real “marriage” placement, because of how willing both parties are to always work things out. 

Venus in partner’s 8th House

Very secretive and sexual. In this relationship sex and intimacy is a big factor.There could be possessiveness, jealousy and obsession with the partner(especially coming from the House person’s side). The Venus person is attracted to the house person’s dark side and mystery.  

Venus in partner’s 9th House

Their love could’ve started spontaneously or they might’ve met while on vacation. The House person’s adventurous and curious side is brought out in this relationship by the venus person.This love could be a lesson/growth experience. 

Venus in partner’s 10th House

The House person sees Venus as someone they’re proud to have and show off. This could also be a very superficial placement, because the House person could use Venus’s love in order to benefit in some way. Nonetheless it’s great for having a future together.

Venus in partner’s 11th House

Could’ve met through friends or in some type of group. It might’ve started as a friendship. Not the most showy relationship, they could be mistaken for friends.Their dates could be very casual, even with other people around them. Very easygoing for both parties.

Venus in partner’s 12th House

Possibly a very private relationship, closed off from other people, secretive. There is a “healing” between them, Venus loves the House person’s sensitivity, hidden side and that’s what connects them the most. The House person opens up fast and this relationship could be beneficial to them, because they feel that someone finally loves the side which they themselves don’t fully understand or love. 


Synastry House Overlays

The First House

Sun in Partner’s 1st House: you make me feel confident

This is a very optimal placement to have in Synastry. The two just get each other here. The Sun person admires and is attracted to the house person’s appearance and attitude. They like the way the house person operates, how they present themselves is really in alignment with the Sun’s ego and personality. The Sun is the brightest part of someone, so when this comes into in another person’s 1st house a spotlight is put on the house person. The house person feels really seen and noticed, they bask in the attention. In turn, the house person is warmed by the Sun’s admiration, making them feel a lot stronger and confident in the Sun’s presence. The two just have a lot in common with one another, they feel very safe to be themselves, the energy flows naturally between them. Overtime the two really grow one another’s self-esteem and confidence, making them feel powerful together. This is very much so a “let me upgrade you” kind of energy. 

Moon in Partner’s 1st House: you make me feel emotional

This aspects creates a real sense of familiarity between a pair in Synastry. A very, very great piece of Synastry to have. The Ascendant/First house of a person is someone’s main focus, it’s how they naturally function, how they instinctively act/feel. This house is how we are, and what we naturally project. Now the Moon is the inner most part of someone, their emotional needs and nature. The moon is who someone is on the inside, it’s more than how we are it’s who we are. So when someone’s moon comes into the first house of another, the moon gets to see who they are on the inside/their emotional needs reflected back to them by the house person. This creates a feeling of understanding. These two have finally found that person who just really empathizes them. A lot of the time conversations between these two have them consistently saying, “YES!” back and forth because they both know exactly how the other feels.  The house person’s actions is in great alignment with the moon person’s core. The moon can instinctively feel the house person’s actions and feelings making it very easy to decipher the needs of the house person and respond quickly, usually without a second thought and vice versa. The two can feel very comfortable and at home around one another. The bond between the two flows very easily as well as naturally. The moon person can make the house person feel very emotionally and physically safe. The house person is naturally very trusting of the moon, the two share a very similar approach to life so they instinctively move in-sync with one another. These people are just so similar. This can be a very intuitive even telepathic connection, a usually unbreakable bond is formed here. It’s a very mutually nurturing relationship.

Mercury in Partner’s First House: you make me feel chatty

This aspect points to a very communicative connection. The Mercury person makes the house person want to express themselves, mentally stimulating the house person, often making the house person think a bit more. The two can come up with many great ideas among each other as Mercury allows the house person to express themselves and their thoughts clearly without inhibition. The First house, naturally ruled by Aries, is all about action and physically carrying out things. Mercury coming into someone’s first house in a way Martianizes the Mercury person. The house person can influence the Mercury person to physically pursue their thoughts and ideas to actualize them into a tangible reality. The Mercury individual taking on this Martian energy can often become sporadic around the house person and vice versa. The two can find themselves in high energy conversations, speaking to each other just comes natural and the concept of time easily evades this duo. Expressing ones self to another is easy and both parties feel their thoughts are mutually understood. Mercury has two energetic facets : Gemini and Virgo. The Gemini energy of the Mercury person inspires a lot of conversation and playfulness within the pair, creating a humorous atmosphere. Virgo’s influence on the Mercury person in this pairing creates a feeling of service towards the house person and vice versa. The Mercury person may suggest things to “fix” about the house person’s appearance and day-to-day habits due to Virgo’s nit-picky tendencies. The house person may also physically want to serve Mercury, run errands, help them out on the physical sphere. Mercury teaches the house person to be more analytical about things before jumping into action. The house person teaches Mercury to take more action and get out of their heads. This pairing can often make Mercury the brains of the operation and the House person the body to physically pursue things. Nonetheless, this overlay points to a very receptive and communicative pairing.

Venus in Partner’s First House: you make me feel beautiful

This overlay definitely is an indicator of physical attraction. The closer Venus is to the ascendant in this overlay intensifies the energy between the two. Venus highlights what we find attractive, what’s beautiful to us, our sensuality. The house persons physical body and looks is very appealing to the Venus person. The house person can look like the ideal mate Venus has been searching for. Here we can find what feels like a “Love at First Sight” meeting. The house person can turn into the Venus persons’s muse, embodying all the qualities Venus finds pleasurable. However, this can place a slight pressure on the house person to live up to and remain everything the Venus person likes: beautiful, charming, and pleasurable. Nobody feels like they’re all those things all the time, but with this overlay there can be this energy of having to be pleasant and alluring when in the presence of Venus. This in turn can cause the house person to feel somewhat like a trophy or a prop. The house person admires Venus as Venus clearly likes and possesses all the things the Ascendant person portrays and exemplifies. Not to mention they enjoy being Venus’ object and affection and this is a classic aspect of almost full proof mutual attraction.

Mars in Partner’s First House: you make me feel HOT

This is definitely an overlay that generates…..hEaT! Depending on how close Mars is to the house person’s Ascendant the two can actually feel physically warmer when around one another. This is one of the most natural astrological indicators of attraction in a synastry overlay. Why? Because Mars naturally rules the First house, so when these two meet they almost instantly take note of each other. Mars rules over physicality and the First house is the physical representation of the body (duhzzies, the First house is an extension of Mars’ energy)  so these two tend to react to each other on a very bodily level. There’s this incessant need to touch and get physical with one another, platonic and romantically. You can see this with individuals who like to play fight with another, or touch each other when they speak…their interactions typically always have a bit of a physical element to it. There can also be a hostile or combative energy surrounding their interactions especially upon meeting. These two can be prone to arguments as well as playful banter between them. The Mars person tends to feel really turned on by the House person and how they carry themselves and the way they present themselves to the world. The house person in turn tends to feel v sexy around the Mars person and find they express all the qualities they find attractive. The two have a tendency to get…uh….steamy with each other pretty fast. This can be a very addictive overlay due to how they feel around each other (energized, productive, attractive, sexy) causing them to feel a sense of withdrawal when they’re not around each other.

- playboi


Venus / Moon / Mars synastry  (conjunction, square)

Venus conjunct Moon synastry is considered a true love aspect. If at a tight orb the love will be mutual and likely emotionally fulfilling.  Both parties tend to be very sweet to each other. It can be sickening to outsiders sometimes. They very much understand each other’s emotional and security needs. They enjoy doting and spoiling one another with back rubs and gifts. They are each other’s side kick and best friend. They care for each other deeply, and selflessly. The Moon finds beauty and warmth from the Venus. The Venus feels greatly understood and nurtured in return. Long walks, hand in hand and cuddling. They look into each other’s eyes and feel their spirits lift. Simply being in one another’s presence heals pain. It feels as though they are wearing a favorite comfortable sweater. They are a classic and romantic pairing. In non-romantic relationships this aspect will still be good to have.  They joke around and behave goofy.  Venus feels like being romantic with the Moon. The Moon draws out their creative and organic self.  They are allowed to be themselves in this relationship. They hardly will notice other people when they’re with each other. If one of them do give anyone outside of the relationship more attention than the other party will feel left out in the cold. There can be jealousy but generally they want to make each other as happy as possible.  Going about their individual daily routines won’t normally clash too much. Always look to the rest of the chart to determine.

Venus square Moon indicates a rather strong emotional and sexual connection. Instead of the conjunction and softer contacts which show mutual understanding and good feelings. The square creates friction and a restless energy. Venus square Moon in synastry shows two people who usually are very much in love, or attracted to one another but are very different in how they each express their emotions and go about romantic gestures. Frequent likely arguments can become the couples natural form of foreplay.. Such paring indicates an off and on again relationship. Similar in some basic ways but different in other important ways. They argue about little petty things. This can even be the case in the early stages of the relationship, but since there’s a strong attraction both parties will try to ignore the irritation or awkwardness felt sometimes. This aspect will generally play out when they couple is out socializing together or having company over to their home. They can have differences when it comes to raising their children, or have conflicting views on marriage and children. Such as one person may want kids and a big family while the person person although aren’t entirely turned off by the idea, is not completely sure that is something they want. They may want to travel and never considered children. Their moods generally two don’t match up well. One person will want to have sex and the other seems to be caught up in something else they’re doing. When the two do sync up, there is emotionally driven sex. 

Venus conjunct Mars is considered to be a marriage and major sexual attraction aspect. Especially when it is at a tight orb. This particular aspect’s potency depends on other mars and venus contacts going on in the synastry charts. When Venus conjunct Mars, there is an immense sexual chemistry between two people. Venus is the feminine and Mars is the masculine, so together they have found their ideal match. They view each other as the mate they always wanted. Mars is compelled to touch and flirt with Venus. They really like to touch one another, especially early on in relationships. They may feel like they haven’t been as fulfilled in the bedroom before they met each other. Mars is usually the initiator and behaves like Venus’s knight in shining armor. They feel compelled to win Venus over. Venus in return feels completely in her feminine energy, but being chased after by Mars. Mars really make them feel like a woman. Not only is there simply a sexual/romantic attraction, there is mutual respect. Both parties do not mind going out of their way for one another. In fact they may want to team up and tackle projects together. People  see the couple as an ideal match. They physically look good together and are charming. This is a good long-term aspect because when two people are sexually compatible it makes them less likely to wander outside of the relationship.  Candle lit love making and passion are all the name of the game. If there are any negative contacts connected to this one, then beware of jealousy.  You don’t need to be around each other 24/7. Give each other some room to breathe or this can turn platonic.

Venus square Mars there is either an immediate repulsion or attraction towards one another. In many cases it is both. The way that the Mars person advances on the Venus person can make them flat out uncomfortable.  However that is where the tricky-ness occurs with this aspect. There is a fine line between dislike and like. Love and hate. They irritate the hell out of each other sometimes, which ironically fuels the attraction. Venus see’s Mars as aggressive or inconsiderate. Mars sees Venus as soft and beautiful physically, but Venus is overly sensitive or does not react how the Mars wants when they pursue. Mar’s wants to dominate and conquer Venus, so they can come off as desperate or overbearing.  It can take longer then the conjunction/opposition for these two to form a relationship of any kind because of how much they drive each other crazy. They can be be that couple who has some fiery, epic arguments. Screaming at each other in a very public place. All because one of them said/did something the other person didn’t approve of. Other people will take notice of the tension between them, especially in the beginning. Some issues this contact also ensures is sexual disharmony. They are attracted and horny, just at different times. When they do have sex it’ll be aggressive and passionate. Think of Brad and Angelina in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Loud make up sex isn’t uncommon.  

Moon conjunct Mars in synastry is a baby maker aspect. This is because of the impassioned physical responses from both parties. There is a great deal of libido responses when around each other, making them more fertile. The moon persons emotions are drawn outward, making them feel vulnerable initially in front of Mars. the mars can go into fits when the moon becomes overly sensitive or emotional. At the same time there is a lot of understanding about what both people are attracted to in an intimate relationship. The moon in the beginning is intimidated by the mars yet finds their domination and strength to be very sexy. It causes much steam. The kind which burns underneath the skin. This attraction is primal and instinctive. This aspect puts both people in heat.  They want to engage in sexual activities or mate. The sex is likely to happen quickly. Mars does the chasing and wants the Moon person SO badly. Both planets feel primal and primitive traits of animal and man. There can be an animalistic quality to the sex. It is common for the Moon person to want to have the Mars children.  The female in this contact can become more fertile like those mentioned above. Mars makes the moon feel safe and protected. Mars is indeed protective of the moon. They go into total warrior mode when anyone messes with their lover. Although they may respond heatedly to each other, any outsiders should beware trying to pull that nonsense. This is another good long-term contact to have if there’s other positive aspects. Similar to the Venus/Mars conjunct, there is great sexual relief and satisfaction.

Moon square Mars in compatibility normally brings on irritation at first interaction. They feel this irritation which lends to sexual emotions. Moon square Mars causes friction naturally on its own, that just puts people on edge. There can be an attraction, with other supporting aspects. So when there is a romantic attraction involved, these people will seriously annoy the hell out of each other, but they do love each other. Their interactions in the initial beginning of the relationship will be emotionally hot and perhaps feisty. There can also be interactions to do with manipulation. The Mars person can physically manipulate or be more aggressive which makes the Moon cower back. Overtime the Moon will fight back which is where the square energy really comes in. The Mars can pick and poke at the Moon so the Moon eventually will begin having outbursts. They can feel like the Mars is emotionally abusive in some extreme situations.  Normally however it can just simply be the Mars teases the Moon, and finds them to be overly sensitive.  They sometimes wish the Moon was not so sensitive. There can be a lot of sex in beginning of relationship because of the level of friction aroused when around each other. In the beginning this can be kind of sexy to have. It’s definitely an aspect which brings pure emotional responding to each other, especially in the heat of the moment.  Both parties need to watch out for manipulating each other to get what they want. It’s not about each other’s individual selfish needs, it’s the needs of both parties that matter. This aspect can drain two people over time and other people around them.  Each other’s parent’s can definitely be a stress. The Moon persons mother can interfere in the relationship perhaps and Mars gets angered by this. Or vice versa. Regardless of the fighting and heated moments, there is obviously love for each other even if they are at war. The War is always started by petty things said and done too, so try not to be completely immature with this aspect. It can tend to make people act in childish ways simply because the other person drives them nuts.  

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