


Im still doing requests for the thing!!! I LOVE fan art and requests. I will aventully get to the requests, it depends how busy I am! And you guessed it, my birthdays coming up! 24 of December! Im so excited! Thank you all so much!!! You have no idea how much this means to me!!! Thank you!!!!!! A blog to Ask, Request, Inspire and Enjoy. Just remember I wont be on 24/7 so...I might fall asleep. I like doing art so if you want to I might be able to do commissions for free just find my post on it in my blog! Thanks, Enjoy! Snow Dragon!

A couple of reverse TBHK and then a little idea I was thinking about


I am cotton candy and caramel apple I've been told


I love corndogs. Probably all of these pfft


Woah I haven’t been on here in… years I don’t think. Maybe I reposted a few times but-

A lot of good and a lot of bad memories here. I miss everyone here.

I have an Instagram, shouldn’t take anyone too long to find. Im more active there.

This is the place that started it all- people taught me a lot here.

I sound like I’m writing a goodbye speech don’t I??? Probably should’ve done that a long time ago.

I’m sorry to everyone I abandoned. I thought everyone pushed me away. In reality, I’m the one who pushed everyone away.

I have a habit of doing that, unfortunately. I think I’m doing the right thing, but then I still regret it years later.

Lots of shit has happened. I improved in art, home life sucked then got better. I made new friends in other places, even a few irl. Surprising right???


So I guess this is goodbye here??? Who knows I may pop up every now and then. Unlikely but still. If you’d like to find me, I keep the same name almost everywhere. I’m actually completing a challenge for once, on the last one infact!!! It was supposed to be finished last October, but it’s better than abandoning it.

I’m making a comic as well. 3 to be precise. A 3 part series, a Oneshot and a long one. I have this actually planned out now. Character designs and story is being fully fleshed out eventually. Who knows, maybe they’ll take off one day, and you’ll all see them. Maybe one day I’ll be known, and I’ll be sure to tell tales of my time here. I’ve already done so, to many people. Good and bad.

To the people who might read this, I’m sorry. That’s not good enough but it might be all I can convey in this text. I’m not gonna send some sappy drawing like I used to. Instead, I think I’ll share some memories.

From then to now. 3rd of April 2018 is when all this started. Over 4 years ago. Now look at me, look how far we’ve come :D

Thank you all for everything.

This is Snowy, 26th of July 2022.

A long awaited Goodbye for now!!! ^w^


I am working on a (kinda) top secret project…

I’m working on a comic thing and I’m in really reeeeaaaallllyyy early stages of it. (Please DO NOT come to me asking for the other one it’s also partly why it’s not continuing over pressure) Here is a small traditional drawn bit of it. I also have some character designs for it as well to so…I guess…please don’t hate them…

Well there’s that bit…




Hornet, Teddy and Spiral (I told you these characters were important)

And I’m still working on a the rest… enjoy!!!

Just for reference for myself, I need the names haha

Anonymous asked:

Hello! do you have any tips on how you do your character/creature designs? I love all your designs so much their all so cool especially your jackalope/rabbit oc! Love them^^ I would love to hear how you come up with the designs! (I’m planning to make a game and big spooky animal creatures are a big aspect n I wanna do it as best as I can so uh yeah like I said you got any tips?👀✨)

I have been making a BUNCH of tutorials and tips about this and many other topics so check them out!

Yeah! My biggest tip is understanding Splice vs Blend techniques, <- I go into a LOT of detail on getting a cohesive creature here.

It's pretty clear visually here, but splicing is cutting and pasting animal parts together with no or minimum blending at the edges. Classic and real life genetic chimeras are splices of two organisms, and their boundary is very clear. It looks really unnatural. Hybrid animals and mixed breeds shuffle traits all over, so learn from nature to make things natural.

and then consider what traits you add and ask "how did this manage to evolve?" why do they have glowing eyes? Is it for communication? intimidation? warning of poison content?

What adaptions did they develop to best take advantage of their niche/biome? What was the process like? What did the intermediate stages look like and how did they function?

Make something cohesive, give thought to "how is it going to hold up its own weight?" how does it fight? Even rabbits have tools for fighting, and they're built for running and fleeing above all else.

How does it communicate? How would its body adapt to that?

These are all important aspects of Worldbuilding

Don't forget that animals will have instincts and behaviors, while sentient creatures will have Culture. A HUGE thing I see is people giving sentient creatures normal paws but somehow using and building tools? You gotta adapt that sort of stuff dude. They dont needs hands if you can come up with an alternate method of fine motor skills (prehensile trunk, tail, tentacles, weird teeth, an extra set of limbs just for manipulating things, etc) if your creature physically cannot hold and build a knife, they have no business wielding it.

If you cant draw them crafting something, don't draw them using it unless they got it from someone else.

But don't get too carried away with fancy digits you forget the primary purpose of limbs: locomotion and weight bearing.

Here is an unfortunate dragon where I picked my favorite traits and put them together. I also added vestigial arms for some reason and now I have to explain why they're like that. The same goes for any other Just Cause trait you wanna slap on. His name is Dinkus

he's got some problems and you can kinda feel it just looking at him, but it will help you way more to name them. Every part of your creature should influence every other part. A horse has a strong neck and strong haunches because its a domino effect. Let's make this guy hefty

Though a biped would be Possible, it would just look like a t-rex, so I brought the wings down and reverted them to load-bearing legs. But because they used to be wings with long fingers, I'm having her walk on her knuckles because shortening the bat fingers takes a Long time and if evolution finds a shortcut, it will exploit it. But that's a flightless creature so is it really a dragon?

There's dinkus turned in the other direction. I wanted them to fly and so all their adaptions are for that. I also wanted that funky head and made up a reason for it to be that way. You might automatically have this small dragon hunting lizards and rats and such, but if you consider their physiology for a moment, their diet, you just expanded your world and filled out the vulture niche without even trying.


While you cant worldbuild too much, you can infodump too much. So once you have everything built, you need to ask yourself what is appropriate for your project. If it's a dramatic story, you do not need to pause the battle to describe how the buzzard-dragons that are waiting to feast evolved. Just show them off, in writing or visually, and let the audience infer how they evolved and what their behavior is like form their anatomy.

Some people (me) want to engage in the worldbuilding details and get into the nitty gritty of biology/textiles/trade/politics/culture/etc but most audiences are here to be entertained. If you have dragons instead of vultures, a few people will go THAT'S SO COOL but most of them won't even notice... consciously.

Worldbuilding makes a world more believable and immersive. By having dragons eat the dead of war, you remind the reader that this is Not earth, but rather a place that is so whole and complete you know who is going to clean up the roadkilled jackalope stinking up the cobblestone.


If you want to create a national geographic journal (which is what I'm doing) and your audience wants it too? (or if you dont care what your audience wants you do this for YOU) Go for it! roll around in details. daydream and doodle new ones. Go crazy go stupid go have fun

OH YEAH! And the biggest tip of all is study nature!

Try to guess what developed and why. How stuff is used, and then you can turn around and put both form and function into your own creatures.

Almost forgot: I clean, document, photograph, and assemble animal skeletons/skulls as a hobby. soooooo that helps me study Real Good.

Play games, make up challenges, and then make it harder

Studying what exists is the best way to create what doesn't. Study work you like, study my work and see what choices I made and ask yourself "why did he use THAT trait?"

Speaking of my work

I believe that in a perfect world, knowledge, especially art knowledge, should be free.

But it's not a perfect world and sadly I need money, so if you found this useful please consider pledging to my patreon or kofi!


There’s literally nothing funnier than this in the world

If you guys missed this, basically this subreddit full of idiots who make dumb day trading decisions because it makes them laugh decided to buy stock in GameStop (a dying company) and enough of them did it that it created indication of a bullish up swing so stock traders bought tons of stock. Now everyone who shorted stock in GameStop (because it’s a dying company) are getting reamed and losing millions. Fucking clown shoes economy lmao


I’m so fuckin done with child protection services over him Australia. There discriminative and awful to children with special needs. They’re not trained in ways to deal with it and they treat them like shit. I’m sorry I just needed to vent this out.


At Target this lady told her son he couldn’t have a Wonder Woman doll because “that’s for girls” and then bought her daughter the same one. It got me thinking about how often I see people bar young boys from appreciating girls/women as protagonists and heroes, and my own experience with it as a kid.


Some rando: You should think about stopping your prescription

Me: My pills make me not want to die tho

They: You shouldn’t want to die, that’s not normal

Me: Yeah that’s why I’m taking my pills

Again: But you aren’t the *real* you when you’re on your pills

Me: I’m the alive version of me

An actual doctor, once: “Relying On A Chemical Crutch For A Hormonal Imbalance Denies The Fortitude Of The Human Soul”

Me: Cool so like I’m agnostic


They: “But you might be on pills the rest of your life!”

Me: “So?”

Good! That means that I have a “rest of” my life to continue living!

Thanks to the pills.

Meanwhile, no person ever: “You should think about giving up your insulin/antiretrovirals/beta blockers/anti-rejection drugs/prosthetic legs/daily multivitamin, because using those your whole life is bad for some reason”

Oh no, they do that too.

I have a kidney transplant. A woman once told me she didn’t believe in organ transplants and that people should just die when they’re meant to. 

Sounds like a great set-up for a murder

People who are fully healthy, fit and neurotypical seem to think they are that way because they’re doing something right that the rest of us haven’t thought of, and not just because they got lucky

furthermore, neurotypical/healthy people are literally 100% dependent on the same chemicals and hormones as those of us on medication, it’s just that their own bodies are capable of supplying them without aid. if a neurotypical suddenly lost all their serotonin, they would ALSO be severely depressed. 

needing medication to find the equilibrium that healthy/NT people can supply themselves with doesn’t make you weak or a failure. honestly, let’s just be grateful that such medication exists rather than shaming ourselves for needing it.




The Directions Tree was something that was also called a Spirit Tree, a tree of huge spiritual and cultural importance to Australian Indigenous people. When a child is born, the afterbirth/placenta is taken by the child's parents and mixed with earth and a single seed, which is then planted. The tree and the child grow up alongside each other, and the two of them are spiritually connected. Its a place where the individual can go and reconnect with themselves and the land; a place they can go to seek direction and guidance throughout their life.

After the child has grown up and grown old and eventually passed away, their tree becomes a place that their family and friends can go to connect with that person's spirit - where later generations can go to remember and connect with their ancestor. Its a place of enormous spiritual significance to the Djapwarrung people.

The Directions Tree pictured above was one of the last - if not the last - remaining Directions Trees in Victoria. All others have been destroyed. She was somewhere between 300 to 350 years old.

She was destroyed on 26 October 2020 -- against staunch opposition from the Djapwarrung community, who were not consulted at any stage in the planning process and who's concerns and objections were ignored for over three years.

There were protectors onsite on the day of the destruction, and they were violently removed. Their campsite -- which was an officially registered Embassy, and which has been their home for nearly three years -- was blockaded off and destroyed, and they were not allowed to go in and get their belongings, or their wallets and ID, and any of their other important items.

Children were violently separated from parents -- parents who tried to get through the police line to get to their crying children were told "you can get them later." One protector's arm was dislocated by police. One young man was grabbed by the hair and dragged away, even though he was not resisting arrest in any way.

It's now been nearly a week since the Directions Tree's destruction. Police and hired Security Guards are still blocading access to the campsites and the Embassy, despite the fact that we've managed to get an injunction preventing any more destruction from happening between now and November 19. The trunk and branches of the Directions Tree have been taken away by VicRoads and we dont know where she is.

Here's an article about the destruction of the Tree and the arrest of the protectors. Note: Eastern Maar Coorporation are the Registered Aboriginal Coorpoation who greenlit this destruction and who were bought off long ago, and nothing they say should be given any weight.

There are still multiple trees that need protection. Grandfather Trees, Birthing/Grandmother Trees, scar trees, and a host of other culturally important trees and landscape that we are trying to save.

Please donate to help support protectors.

Funds will be used for food/water/shelterfor protectors, and to pay for fines issued to people who were arrested/charged for trying to protect the area, and pay for other requirements that mean that these peopls can keep protecting the sacred land and trees.

Please raise awareness of this issue -- spread this post, talk about it on other platforms, etc.

Heres a link to an email form that will email various MPs and ask them to protect what's left. Please remember to change the subject line -- often, politician offices will set up rules to direct mass emails straight to the trash, but changing the subject line and/or body of the email will circumvent this. Feel free to delete the pre-filled message body and replace it with your own message instead, if you like.

Genocide is still happening to Australia's indigenous people, and its happening today. The destruction of the Directions Tree was a deliberate, targetted attack. They hoped to break us and defeat us with this destruction. They hoped that by destroying her, we would give up and let them destroy the rest of the area.

But she was a Spirit Tree, and her spirit has gone into all of us who've spent the last several years trying to protect her. We are not done fighting. We've got more to protect, and we will not yield.

The 700-900 year old Grandfather trees still need us, the Birthing Trees who have sheltered 50 generations of Djapwarrung babies still need us. They murdered the Directions Tree, but that's just fired us up even more.

Stand with the Djabwarrung, and help us save these remaining sacred trees.

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