
Wish list for CBS ghosts season 4

  • Make Patience a recurring antagonist for at least 2-3 episodes before that story gets resolved and she gets regulated to a background character.
  • Patience character to be 50% good religious farm girl, 50% crazy witch. She also needs to have a wicked(ly cool) ghost power
  • More of Isaac loving dinosaurs
  • More solo development for Isaac
  • More of Isaac and Hetty's awesome friendship
  • No Nigel for a while. I do not like him. He did a lot of things in his and Isaac's relationship that are textbook abusive partner behavior.
  • I think it is about time for Jay's restaurant to start up, and I would like that to actually become pretty successful/profitable. Mostly because I would like Sam and Jay to have a bit more disposable income to do things around the manor, and I know the B&B is unlikely to become super busy next season (unless the show is ending , which I really do not want).
  • The difference in treatment between the above ground ghosts and basement ghosts to be addressed. I know after season 3 that they aren't going to move them all up stairs. But it would be nice if Sam and Jay could like furbish the basement , and then more Basement ghosts than just Nancy got invited to come upstairs for games or discussion.
  • Just to be clear I still want Nancy to keep making her frequent visits up stairs and hang out with the man 8. I just also would not mind seeing Stuart or another nameless basement ghost standing or walking by in the background on the occasion.

Questions I have about Patience the puritan, and

Can she still see? She has been in the dirt, away from sunlight or electricity for over a century? So would it hurt her to be back in the light? Or would being a ghost render her unaffected by such sever changes?

What were her relationships like with Thor and Sass. Some people have pointed out that while Isaac was the one to let go of her hand, all three men kept walking without her. So does she want vengeance on them next.

On the flip side of that what were the three older ghosts relationships like her. Thor is still with Flower when Isaac and Sass tell the group about Patience and he never comments on her. But I imagine having to leave someone behind messed with his PTSD over what his old crew did to him, and that he does miss her/feel guilt. It is hard to say what Sass feels about her. Telling the story it seemed like he was annoyed/upset about her being gone now, but then his comment to flower "She might be feral. Do not engage" implies he is afraid of her. As for Isaac... well he was visibly fighting the urge to cry when he had to confirm what happened. So we know she was important to him.

On that note is Isaac being the one who let go of her hand the only reason she has singled in on him for revenge. It has been a hot minute since I took a history class, but generally when I read about Puritan villages the stories take place before revolutionary war. So I am guessing Patience died in between Sass and Isaac. We also know that a big part of Isaac's ark is that he has only in the last few years started to really understand his own romantic/sexual feelings. It is cannon that Isaac used to court women because that was what he thought he was supposed to do. The show already covered Beatrice ... are we sure she was the only women.

I am wondering if maybe the show will go the route, that Isaac and Patience used to be a couple after he died. That like Beatrice Patience eventually caught on that Isaac did not really feel romantic for her. But unlike Beatrice who accepted this and they lived as very close friends, could Patience believe he let go her on purpose? That getting her lost in the dirt was his way of breaking up with her? Drama

Flower says Patience was married to a man named Josiah, and talked about him a lot, along with butter turning, Isaac, and revenge? Was Josiah abusive to her? Does feelings about her treatment by him mix into her feelings for any of her old ghost friends.

Flower calls Patience her friend. Does Patience see Flower as her friend. Would she accept help from Flower if Flower saw her again and offered it.

What is Patience ghost power. Please make her one of the secondary ghosts who knows theirs. (Can we eventually see Stephanie and Nancy's too).

Purtian women were mostly homemakers, sometimes educated, very work oriented (again Flower mentioned Patience talked a lot about butter turning, This implies she was possibly a dairymaid on her husband's farm), up tight, and extremely religious. What balance between that and "Scary witch" will Pateince be? Note I am assuming that Patience was accused of witchcraft and put to death.

How long will it take her to move out of the ground and into the house/shed/some above ground structure on the property? How often will we see her once things settle?


What do you guys genuinely think are the ghosts’ unfinished business?

Unfinished business is a tricky thing in this show, because I am not entirely sure it is how all the ghosts will "get sucked off"

Sass, Bjorn and Alberta all finished what was pretty heavily set up to be their unfinished business. Sass became a story teller for the main 8. Bjorn discovered what happened to his father, and has even met and started a relationship with Thor. Alberta has been proven to have been murdered and solved who did it. Yet all of them are still here.

Isaac with Flower have also had things happen that could be argued were maybe part of their unfinished business. Flower learned that Ira used the money they stole to start a charitable business, that he named after her. Sam published Isaac's biography, and he is now more known to history. But given that Flower and Issac have less singular wants I can believe they had more to their agenda's.


CBS ghosts predictions for season 4

Patience is going to throw Issac down into the same hole they were in 130+ yeas ago and threaten him that now he has to spend the same amount of time stuck in the ground that she did.... He will actually only be in the hole for like a day. Nancy will (eventually) confess to the above ground ghosts about what happend. Thor or Sass will guess were Patience took Issac, and Hetty will go get him.

Patience will be super angry/feral. For the first so many episodes of the season she will stay in the ground or live in the woods on the property, and will be an antagonist. Like she will only make pop up cameo's or be referenced, but she is going to cause issues with guests, pull pranks on the other ghosts, and everyone will be afraid of her to an extent.

At some point (at first I wanted to guess the mid season finale, but it could be before) we will get closure between Patience and Issac. She will have him cornered somewhere. Maybe she will be crying, she will definitely be yelling. Patience was Isaac's best friend before Hetty died. How could he leave her like that? Did he even care? Or was he just like the puritan church officials who abused her before? (Side note Patience definitely knew George in the Farnsby house when she was alive. He used to accuse her of not being a virtuous enough lady, and they did not get along).

Isaac will have tried to tell her before that it was just an accident, that when underground he had tried to reach back and grab her again, called out hoping she could follow his voice, but she had run off and never heard him. At her new words though he will stop making those excuses and tell her that Yes, she had been a dear friend. Yes he dose care about her. He fought in many battles that did not go the way he wanted, and lost many troops, but losing her underground was his biggest regret. He knows he cannot take back her last century. But he wants badly for the rest of her afterlife to be better. Then will ask her to please stop all of this and come back to the manor. She can live like a civilized person again.

They will make up to the extent that Patience will agree to stop trying to seek revenge on him and terrorizing his friends. I do not expect them to go back to being close friends, or for Patience to join the main cast. Most likely she will move into the shed (maybe Jenkins becomes her new bestie. They bond over having dark and depressing senses of humor) or she will fall for and bunk with Crash (anybody still remember crash). But she will continue to make cameo's in season 3 part B, this time not as an antagonist.

Also we will possibly get Patience's ghost power before Hetty's. I hope she was tried as a witch and got some form of witch craft power (she can make things levitate or start smoking or something) in the afterlife.


Bluey's episode "Surprise" and a discussion on the surprise

One of the first things I did when I woke up this morning was watch the Bluey episode "Surprise". I had three thoughts for most of it 1.) Yeah two kids and two different games is gonna get chaotic. 2.) I feel sorry for Bandit. All my man wanted to do was watch the race. Poor guy will definitely wake up tomorrow covered in bruises. 3.) This feels like a generic episode... why air it after "The Sign"? Like what makes it the better season finale. Then I got to the end.

Spoilers below the line


Pokemon Teams for adult Owl House Characters.

So last year one of the big things I liked to do on Tumblr was take characters from Fantasy cartoons, think about, and design pokemon teams for them. With how big The Owl House cast is I was able to spend so much time coming up with teams for and got multiple lists. While scrolling through my posts I found that I had never actually posted my adult characters poke list. Luckily I still have the pokemon I picked, also I have started making collages of pokemon teams and adding them to the lists for visuals. Time to make and post my late list.

Rules for my lists

1.) Six pokemon is my max for a character... actually though for this list since many of the adult characters kinda got their screen time/story lines shafted I did 6 for the most important three, and gave remaining adults 2-5 depending on how much we saw of them and their personalities. If viewers can think of other pokemon that suit the smaller teams feel free to put them in the comments.

2.) I do not give any trainers legendary pokemon. They are in my opinion to powerful to own. Mythical pokemon very rarely appear on my lists (None will appear on this one). I also purposely try to avoid giving trainers fully evolved teams, as a personal preference. Even for adult characters I like to imagine their Pokemon potentially growing and evolving with them.

3.) For character with really close relationships (rivalry, friendship, family, romance) I sometimes like to give them similar pokemon, branch evolution, a special type, or parallel pokemon to show that relationship. So that is taken into account in these lists

4.) This list is compiled from what I know based on the anime and pokedex research I did myself. I might not match the games or manga

5.) These are of course my own opinions. If you have differentiating ideas than mine, or think a character is more suited to different typing's feel free to tell me. I actually love reading those comments

Now that that is out of the way teams below.


Future Career Headcannons for the Characters from Revolutionary Girl Utena, after they escape Ohtori

Anthy Himemiya: Work in/ own a flower shop. Utena suggests this to Anthy herself in the show after Anthy tells her that she only wishes for a future where she can keep tending to her flowers. Anthy smiles at the suggestion.... IF not that... well I got the idea for this after reading a fanfic where Anthy is a veterinary. That would make a good second option for Anthy since animals, like flowers, where her comforts during her imprisonment as the Rose Bride. Also of course she would find Utena, and they could be together without Akio and the games getting in their way,

Utena Tenjô: A Securtiy Gaurd. So in the show Utena is very Chivalrous and wants to protect people "to be like a Noble Prince". Her intentions come from a good place and are not necessarily bad in of themselves. An active job, where she could protect/help people would be good for her. But she also has difficulty sometimes understanding the complexity of others problems, and is prone to being manipulated. I decided against suggesting "Police Officer" because then she could be manipulated again, by a more corrupted Chief/Head of Squadron. I think a security guard would be a better job for her because there is more structure and a clearer (necessary) objective. Observing a surrounding putting a stop to any fight/trouble that break out suits Utena more than investigative questioning or arresting bad guys does.


What if the Owl house Character's Where pokemon trainers Visual teams part 2: Background characters

So I did Pokemon team collages for the Hexsquad and posted it a couple days ago... as a test to see if TOH fandom was still liking/rebloging content. I was thrilled to find out yes. In addition to a fresh stream of likes I got some people asking where Vee was, and what pokemon she would have. Not to worry; Vee is on this list, as well as 7 other important characters, whom I think would make great pokemon trainers

Quick pause to admit that I was only able to come up with partial teams for the second half of this list, and I welcome suggestions on good pokemon to round out their teams... (I think Viney should have a Pinsir, so she can train it alongside Skara and Heracross. But I am struggling to come up with a reason as to why Viney would want a Pinsir).

Here is the link for a post I made last year that goes into more detail on why I think these teams best fit these characters



You guys ever think about how Luxa probably has her mothers last name because even if as a child she was referred to by her fathers name she changed it when her parents were killed because Vikus was her caretaker and she wanted his last name and honestly last names aren't all that important in the Underland but it mattered to her and honestly she kinda regretted it because she wanted to have the same last name as henry because they were cousins but then she meets Howard and truly meets howard and he becomes the big brother henry never was and he cares for her and looks out for her and then he reveals that though his siblings go by their fathers last name, his mother wanted her firstborn, him, to have her last name as a tribute to her siblings and York agreed(because hes an A++++ husband) and suddenly Luxa feels honored and so absolutely pleased that she changed her name when she was younger because not only does she now share a last name with Vikus but she also shares a last name with her older brother and almost nothing has made her this happy and she reveals this to howard and he just stares at her for a very long time then slams into her and hugs her tight because all his life hes been mocked, by others yes but also by his siblings, for not sharing their name and hes never felt ashamed not really because he shared it with his mother and uncle and aunt and that was enough but now he learns he shares it with luxa too and vikus and luxa is happy and honored even to have the same name as him and yeah.

Have a happy one

Oooh and of course hazard takes her name because a) its his dads and b) he is also a part of the sibling trio and then nerissa also changes her last name and yesss

okay so Royalty at the level of Kings, Queens, Princes, Princess's actually do not/ very rarely use last names, and, at least before the early 20th century (300 Years after Sandwich left England, and set out to colonize the Underland), Royals typically did not have last names. They would just refer to the selves as "Title" "First name" of "Kingdom". To give a more specific example let me borrow a name I have heard suggested for Luxa's father: "King Lucian of Regalia". All this is to basically say that Luxa's paternal side of the family would not have a last name for her to have changed.

This is not meant to derail your last name story (I really like that). Luxa's maternal side, while high ranking diplomats and likely considered nobility, are specifically stated to not be royalty. So they could have last names. Maybe Vikus gave Luxa his last name upon taking her in because it was something that her mother used to have and could potentially help her feel connected to her mother even after her death. Maybe Henry, not fully understanding the concept (he was kinda short sighted) used to tease Luxa by saying that since she had a last name now she did not need her royal title, and that used to upset her.

I also could totally see Susannah and York giving at least 1 of their children Susannnah's last name. Hamnet did not have children prior to his self-imposed exile, and my reasoning on this has always been that he rejected marriage or parenthood, believing that it did not fit the military and battle heavy lifestyle he lead and that it would be irresponsible of him to father a child that he would always be leaving behind for battle. Susannah would know her brothers feelings on this, and possibly be sad that they mean her family name will end with her generation. So she voices this to York and they decide that, since they have agreed to have a big family, and both their family names deserve to continue on, then of course Howard can carry Susannah's last name instead.

Your reason's for Hazard are sound. As for Nerissa. She most likely would also not have a last name. But maybe sometime after Henry dies, and Luxa is her only bio family left, she decides she wants her and Luxa to share a last name too. Vikus wouldn't object. He already treats her as a bonus grandchild. She never interacted with Howard in the books (I'm going to guess they would either get along, or frequently annoy each other's by needling the other to prioritize thwir own self care more than they do...not exactly uncaring advice ), but she did welcome Hazard to Regalia and helps take care of him. So Hazard see's her as family too, and would be happy about her taking the name.


To any suicidal followers I may have: This is a sign to not kill yourself. You are loved and the world is special because you are in it. Keep holding on.


You are special and amazing , If you need to talk or some help send me a dm and I will talk to you.


So what do people actually think the background characters in the Underland chronicles look like

Just wondering. From all the (amazing) Fan art I have seen of Gregor , Lizzie, and Boots the fandom seems to have a pretty cohesive Idea on what they look like. Luxa also seems to have a pretty standard image in the fandom (Though wasn't she on the cover of the first design of MOS) with the only differentiation being how far along she is in puberty. Reminder if she was in the overland she would be in the sixth grade.

Other characters though Like really what do people think they look like. In my head Mrs. Cormaci is a plump/rounder women and I thought for years I had read that in the books until I saw fanart of her being drawn as more slim. Then I reread part of TPOB and was like Oh it never says what shape she is, I guess I just thought she was bigger because she is always cooking so much rich sounding food for charities. Then I remember seeing some one post once that what if she was Hazard's maternal grandmother. His maternal grandparents live in NYC, and Mrs.Cormaci is mentioned to have had a daughter.

Well that is bitter sweet because on one had that means that Mrs. Cormaci's daughter has been missing for years and in fact died without her mother ever knowing what happened to her (she also would not have known when her father died). Gotta then wonder if Mrs.Cormaci giving Lizzie her daughters old cloths is more than just her trying to help the Campbells while also declutter her house. But that also means Hazard has at least one Grandma who is really grand, if this relation was ever realized then maybe Hazard could come up to the overland for visits and stay with Mrs. Cormaci. Also she would probably have pictures of her daughter that she could show Hazard so he could remember what his mom looked like. Anyway I really liked this theory and wanted it to be cannon, but then i realized that since Hazard's overland features are his black hair and green eyes his overland relations probably have them to, and was like oh wow I never pictured Mrs.Cormaci having green eyes.

Another character I think about is Vikus. In my head the males in the underland Henry, Mareth, York all have short close cropped hair because they fight so much. Or in Howard's a short stack of wavy/curly locks cut just short enough to stay out of his eyes when wet. I do love the fan art I have seen of Henry with long hair though. But When It comes to Vikus , I guess since he seeks peace and is better relations, I usually imagine him with long grey hair and a long beard. to me he winds up looking kinda like men in biblical stories. Solovet however is muscled with a near shaved head. She is on the small side and slouches a bit when trying to appear as a gracious hostess and that plus her wrinkles make her seem non dangerous. When she is in planing/battle mode though she stands perfectly straight and those seemingly kindly wrinkles disappear, and she just looks completely terrifying.

Dulcet and Nerissa are other cases. Dulcet is described as being shy and very pretty. But as someone who works in childcare I can say with certainty that her hair is most likely a mess, her simple cloths likely have stains and crayon markings all over them. This girl is a beautiful mess. Then we have Neressa whom everyone knows is a mess. Since she is constantly described as wide eyed, tired, frail, to thin, and wearing her long hair a loose pony tail. But I don't often see it acknowledged that she canonically wears multiple layers of cloths at once or that her cloths never match.

I said most of the men in the underland would have short hair, could Hamnet have grown his hair out longer in the jungle, to try and make himself look different from how he did as a solider. Likewise I also imagine his lizard skin cloths being frayed and raggedy at the edges, much different from whatever military uniforms regalians wear. Anything to help hims see something different when he looks into the water. Can we talk about how when Gregor first meets Howard he describes him as tall and really strong, Then during his time with the plague Howard looses like 20 pounds and has scars wear ever he had bumps. Howard likely could not even fit into his old cloths after getting better.

What do Gregor's parents look like. We know they are both thin and tired. His dad's hair has gone completely white. Grace's cannot be to far behind with how hard she works and being in a state of constant worry for her family. Do fans still Agree with the theory that Grace is white and the Dad is black?

Also one more thing. Why does everyone think any of the underlanders that haven't completely greyed over have silver-blond hair. Like I know Luxa has that shade. Luxa would also probably be blonde if she has been born i t he overland. But it only specified that a silver tint was part of what distinguished the underlanders. Personally I always thought they could have any hair color (examples I imagine Howard being brunette and Mareth having black hair) but that it would always be paler than an overland counter part.

Like I know and respect that the characters descriptions are vague on purpose, and that the fun is that we can imagine them looking in so many different ways. But like really how do people imagine their favorites look. What little we get implies that the characters do not fall into the young adult novels trope of making them all look super hot. They are scared, beat up, anxious, and some are wearing cloths that do not fit them, some are missing body parts. To me that makes them infinetly more fun to imagine than most YA novel characters

So seriously if you have any strong clear/headcannons as to what you think certain human characters look like, please share them int he comments.


What if the 2003 Teen Titans were pokemon trainers Part II Titans East and other characters

When I made part one I acknowledged that the show was 20 years old and some laptop problems on my end resulted in it being posted months after my previous posts and about 2 months after the aniversary of the shows pilot so I understood if it did not get many views. I said I still wanted to make it because these lists are a lot of fun to make, and 2003 Teen Titans was one of my favorite shows growing up. I guess I am not the only one who still remmberes it fondly, because I got multiple likes and a couple reblogs in just a couple weeks (Thank you!). So here is my promised part 2. If you haven't seen Pat I (which has the main titans and Terra's teams) then I will link it at the end of this post.

A few things to go over before you see my lists. I am not giving any character more than three pokemon. These teens all have super powers (or in some of them's case, gadgets and martial arts abilities that rival super powers) and they go on missions and handle all bad guys/foes as a group, So I do not think any of them would have a need for six pokemon. Secondly I am basing my lists off pokemon that I think would work best for the 2003 version, since that is the version I grew up with. But the pokemon I chose could also work for the Teen titans go versions too, if anyone who see this perfers that version. Lastly I like to gove characters that have particularly significant/close relationships I like to give them both paralle or similar pokemon to show that. The titans are a pretty close knit team, so I wanted for them I decided to do a team mascot pokemon. the main/core titans all got a shiny pokemon. For titans East I wound up giving each of them a fairy type (for half of them it just happened, and once I saw that I rolled with it for the othet half). Okay that should be everything, so moving on to my teams below


Hearing about the Hunger games continuation and thinking about all the Story continuations/prologues I wish we could get for The Underland Chronicles

Gregor's dad

I want To know what Gregor's dad (Who I want a name for... Steve, Lee, Heidi... What is his name? ) first trip to the underland was like. How was he found and brought to Regalia? We know he met Vikus and Luxa's Parents, SO what did he think of them? The Books say he stayed in Regila for two weeks (During which time he was very worried about his pregnant wife, children, and mother) and that he took a BB gun from the Museum. So I am guessing he knew about the war with the rats, but his family was in hell and he felt he had to get back soon. What happened during his capture.

I don't really want to know about his torturous time with the rats, but I would like some on how he was able to keep both hope and his humanity, the interesting relationship he is hinted to have had with Ripred in book 3 (He says Ripred used to feed him sometimes. He also was not scared of Ripred, Even though he was a rat and was "pretending" to attack his son). And lastly I want to know what coming home felt like for him and why, unlike his wife, the experiences did not make him fear or hate the underland.


Speeking of Ripred I want All of his backstory, being a pup and growing up with his litter mates. Going into battle and finding out he is a Rager. How this made him famous all around the Underland, but also made him hated by enemies, and feared by allies, unless they needed him. What was going on when He tried to "Take over the fount with an army of Lobsters"? Seriously the Rat's don't even want The Fount. It is surrounded by rapids and sea monsters! What did was your interest Buddy?

Also I want to see his Mate, their family, and how their loss first broke him then made him change his stance on the war. Him building his relationship with the human side. Going up to the Overland to visit Libraries. His view of his relationships with Gregor and Lizzie and how it feels to him to being taking care of kids again after so long.


Up Next is Hamnet. Solovet and Vikus son, the beloved twin brother to the wife of the King/Queen, Brother in Law to the King (recently reread has me thinking they had more of a business relationship than a familiar one), the Regalian Army's most skilled soldier, and for a long time he was Solovet's heir to becoming captain of the Army, because everyone thought he was just like his mother. This is what everyone thought, but they thought wrong. Unlike Solovet Hamnet felt guilt. Guilt that drove him to speak against his mother in a war meeting to which she locked him in the dungeon for a month. When he was finally let out he went back to being obedient to her and buried his grief down, let it eat away at him, until one last horrible act (As a solider) destroyed him.

But give me Hamnet's complete story. Show him being a ruthless soldier and a fearsome killer on the field of battle, then coming home to be a loyal son, good friend, loving brother, and doting Uncle; becasue that is how many soldiers have to be. Show me him not being Okay but doing his best to hide that because that is all he could do. Then show me when everything went to far, and when he decided to leave Regalia, everything he knew and loved and run to a place that he and all his allies feared, for good reasons. Show me him missing his former friends and family. But also show me him meeting Frill and her deciding to take a chance and help him, him also taking chance and letting her (The books generally imply he wanted to leave his old life but did not expect to make anew one). Give me him learning about life in the jungle. How the animals there do not attack each other and instead employ a method of survival where first you hide, then you try to give a warning, then run. fight last. Show me him finding an overland women lost in the jungle and helping her. With the pair eventually forming a relationship and going on to have a child. Why did she never return to the Overland? Hamnet is a good father to Hazard, but you cannot tell me that he wasn't terrified during the entire pregnancy. Anything about Hamnet has to end where he ended. Having to once again fight in a pointless battle on behalf of Reglia, that the city once again brought on itself and got nothing out of. Our tragic beauty


Speaking again of Tragic Beauties I want Ares to. What kind of Stuff did he get up to to earn the reputation of a reckless, rule breaking, ...thrill seeker?...strength tester? To where he bonded with Henry to be able to get away with more. What were things like in the time HE and Henry were together. I don't think it was all bad. The Books clearly state that what hurt Luxa, Ares, Aurora, Nerissa the most was that they had loved Henry and could remember good things about him. Things that no longer felt the same after he betrayed them, and things they struggled with only becoming memories in the wake of his death. But the also show me his side of his and Gregor's bond, of him coming to love Gregor like he once loved Henry, and how their friendship helped him move on from the Trauma Henry put him through.


This last one will never happen because its not really Susanna Collins style, but since none of this will happen, I want more Nerissa. What is it like for her loving her family and people so much, but knowing with her frailty and the Kingdom consistently being on the brink of war she cannot protect them. Show me what her visions are like for her. Note whatever we learned about Sandwhich I do believe Nerissa is an actual visionary. Her Visions of a bad and mysterious fate happening to Henry, Hamnet living for 10 years and building a diverse family, and Gregor being secretly being hidden away in the dungeon by Solovet...all came through.

Knowing that I have another question: Did she know suspect that Sandwhich was a fraud? Nerissa spends more time in the Prophecy room, analysis them than any other character. Many of the "misunderstood translations" are later "explained" by Nerissa. She got Gregor and the other questors off death row by replacing Boots with the Bane as the aforementioned "Baby" in the prohpecy and telling everyone: "they actually did complete the prophecy, you are are safe from the imaginary threats Sandwhich illueded to. Let them go and let's get back what's actually going wrong." When Greogor sobs about not understanding what the point of the journey to the jungle was (It had no point) and how him fulfilling the prophecy did not make everything better, Nerissa twist the prophecy to being about a war for the cure and reminds Gregor that because of what they discovered in the Jungle the council was forced to give the Gnawers the cure instead. Lastly she loves the one Prophecy that suggest hope for peace, even though its title is the only suggestion of it. On the day of the surrender she knowing her cousin will want to make the wrong choice about how to end this. So when she see's Ripred marked himself with an X (If Gregor and Luxa knew he did it himself there was no way Nerissa did not, she was always smarter than the pair of then) she decided to lend him a hand in getting everyone to believe he is the peacemaker, and they need to have peace. I really love the theory that Nerissa had realized what Sandwhich and the prophecies were and spent the books studying them, so she could try and mitigate the damages they caused.


One more list of "What if the Owl house character's were pokemon trainers" #3

Okay so The Owl house was the first ever cartoon I did pokemon teams for. Month's ago I made two post's on it: one for notable back ground characters, and one for our main 5. I thoght about doing one for adults... but the adult character, except for Eda and Lilith, did not get a lot of chances to be explored all the way through. I wasn't sure how to do full teams with them, and ended up did not do any for the adults. earlier this week I was board and looking back at my list for notable back ground characters; and I noticed that I hadn't included Viney. Okay she didn't get the screen time she deserved, but she is a great character and I feel she at least deserves a four pokemon team (Like I gave the Edric and Emira). All that being said I do not feel Viney and a four pokemon team are enough for a stand alone post. So I decided to add Jerbo and give him three. It still was not enough. Okay, So I will do Viney and Jerbo's smaller teams then the full teams I thought of for the Clawthorne sisters. I have also been working on smaller teams for notable (if underdeveloped) adult characters, and if I see this one still do pretty well I will post a fourth post


What if the Teen Titans were pokemon trainers

Doing this summary again. So basically pokemon is something I loved as a kid/teen, then I outgrew it around the time Black&White came out. Now I am back into it and am having a lot of fun imagining pokemon teams for characters from other cartoons I like now/liked as a kid. I have done a bunch of posts for Disney cartoons, and a couple od cartoon network ones (No Nick ones.. yet). Teen titans was one of my favorite shows growing up and I have been wanting to do pokemon teams for a while. So here are teams for the Main group of Titans, Titans East, and 3 anti hero’s. Now I used the 2003 version of Teen Titans, since that was the one I watched every week as a kid but if anyone really likes Teen titans Go you could probably still use most of these pokemon for that show too (Change out a certain one of Raven’s for a Ponyta, and maybe another certain of Robin’s for I don’t know farfetch.)

Now one thing important about the 2003 version is that when describing the dynamic between the titans the writers (using Robin’s name/voice) summed them up as “We are not five hero’s. We are one Awesome team". In this version the titans were all extensively trained in combat, and did everything together as a team. I do not want to take there powers away, or change their dynamic. Since they do have powers (In Robin’s case gadgets and lots and lots of martial arts experience), and already have numbers through each other; I do not think any of them would feel the need to catch a full team of six. So I am giving everyone 3 pokemon.  

The main titans will also each have a shiny pokemon, the one I think would be their top pokemon, or the one that best encompasses their emotional arcs/places on the team. I also gave each of the Titans East a fairy pokemon, mostly because I saw half of them had fairies and figured okay this can be their teams version of shines. Without further adieu, teams below


I wish we could have gotten more on the bat's and their interpersonal relationships

okay we know which bat's are bonded to which humans, what each bat looks like, and basic descriptions of their personalities

Ex. Ares: large black bat. Had two bonds: Henry and the Gregor. Was very strong, a known risk taker, broody/emo, unpopular with others, still a very good guy.

Aurora: Bright gold bat. Bonded to Queen Luxa. Patient, quiet most of the time. Soft/gentle spoken the rest. Is very brave. Can fly in a series of complicated acrobatics to where a rider has to be very skilled to stay on her. Her and Ares are very close friends.

Nike: Silver and black stripped bat. Daughter to Queen Athena, and the second bond of Howard. Cheerful and helpful. Notably more talkative then other bat's. Boot's is the only one whom she allows to call her "Pincess Nike."

But that is really kinda all we know. Those couple facts about Nike's patentage and Ares&Aroura's friendship, plus maybe that the bats technically need Queen Athena's permission to join the humans for missions, is all we know about their relationships outside of the ones they have outside of their bonds

I do not think Nike is Queen Athena's oldest child. Her being allowed to go on the quest for the plague was explained as the prophacy specifically stating bat's needed to send a representative, and Nike also being a "back up princess incase Boot's role has been misinterpreted". So letting her go off into danger then checks out. The Marks of Secret quest checks out too as it was completely unsanctioned and none of the group had permission to be out searching for the nibbles. All of them knew and said they would be put on house arrest once the returned home.

But still if Nike is next in line for the throne why does the title "Princess" mean so little to her that she only allows a baby who is laughing at an inside joke address that way, She specifically asks others not to "hold it against me" when they try to call her "Princess Nike". Additionally after she and Howard become close and decide they want to eventually bond she starts spending a lot of time with him in the human land. Again there is nothing outright strange about that, plenty of bat's hang out in the humans land with their bonds. But Queen Athena can be noted to mostly stay in her land. The only time she came to the humans land was for the meeting in Curse of the Warmblood. If "overseeing her kingdom" and "preparing to one day rule" were part of Nikes daily life the way they are Luxa's, wouldn't it make more sense for Nike to stay in the fliers land with her mother and Howard to go visit her? Not the other way around? The humans are welcome in the fliers land just like the bat's are in there's. Howard has family connections, medical skills, and is the nicest guy ever. I would be very surprised if he was not allowed to go to any safe land anytime he wants. Nikes disregard of the "Princess" title and seeming freedom to leave her land for adventures as well as casual trips leads me to belive she has unamed older sibling in the bat's land who is on deck to rule befor her.

Gonna move on in a second, but while we are talking about unamed members of Nike's family let's talk about her father. He is not in the books and Queen Athena seemingly rules the Bat's by herself. Does the fandom believe he is dead and Athena was not required to take a second mate/King afterwards, or is he alive and the flyers are a monolithic kingdom (one ruler). Because of Athena's royal status I personally belive the monolithic kingdom. Secondly since Queen Athena is a white bat and Nike is zebra stripped, is her father a dark colored bat, or would that not be how bat genetics work? This is a question I do not know the answer to.

Now let's move on from Nike and talk about our boy Ares. Again even before bonding with Henry he was known to be reckless, disobedient, and a risk taker. While in our safer society this might make Ares seem really cool to kids/teens he was never popular in the underland. Since the underlanders are always at war, or trying to live through or recover from a crisis this possibly made Ares seem like he was kinda crazy/dangerous to be around (You all judged him wrong). After Henry betrayed everybody and Ares broke his bond to save Gregor Ares was then completly shunned by every bat and human, save Luxa and Aurora. Okay to give minor credit: Nerissa still cared about Ares, and the reason he didn't know that was he was avoiding her. While Andromeda and (I guess) Nike did not originally trust Ares after the events of the first book, they got over it and became friends with him. Gregor started visiting more, and Howard is friendly to everybody. But still for like six months Ares had no one in his life but Luxa and Aurora. When they got lost on the second quest he referred to them as his only two reasons to live. He gave up going to the doctor for medical treatment for his mite bites and made a desperate venture into enemy lands alone to search for them, only going back to his cave when he was to sick to keep going.

During all these times there is no mention of Ares having parents, siblings, or relatives of any kind. So was he an orphan who had no one? Or did he originally have family, who after the events of the first book, hated and shunned him with all the rest? And if so were they ever sorry?

Lastly let's talk about Thailiah. Poor, brave, little Thailiah who was such a young bat when she died so tragically. Her friends all tried so hard to take care of her on the quest, and when she still died they all cried and promised to hold her in their hearts forever. Did she have a mother and father back home? What did they think/feel when the "picnic crew" went missing? When Gregor brought the other pups back did her patents believe Thailiah would be with them? Who had to tell them she was never coming home?

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