
The Purple Bathroom

@bathroomsforme-blog / bathroomsforme-blog.tumblr.com

Bathrooms | Art | Lifestyle

10 quick ways to reduce inflammation

1. Reduce sugar and simple carbohydrates

Avoid; white breads, sugary cakes and sugary soft drinks and all incarnations of sugar (fructose, corn syrup, brown, white, cane etc).

Replace with; wholemeal bread (brown bread) and sparkling water. Try sparkling water with a dash of lemon juice if you are missing that fizzy drink feel that soda's give you. Keep your carbohydrates as complex as possible.

2. Start drinking Green Tea

Green tea is an anti oxidant super food and due to it's amazingly high anti oxidant content, many believe it is a king anti inflammatory food. Grab some matcha tea for all round anti oxidant hit.

3. Reduce your red meat intake

So this one is controversial; some people say its fine and others say it isn't. If you're going to eat red meat try and eat organic where possible. If organic is hard to find around you or too expensive, try and go for grass fed meat.

4. Increase fatty fish intake

Basically, fatty acids. Omega 6 and 3 are needed in the foods you eat as you can't produce it yourself. Too much 6 without 3 is thought to be bad. Fish generally has a good 6 to 3 ratio. Eat more fish!

5. Eat the right amount of food

This shouldn't need an explanation. Understand how much food you need in terms of calories and stick to it. Over eating is not healthy.

6. Increase your leafy green intake

Leaves such as kale are packed with vitamin E. Good old vitamin E helps to protect against inflammatory cytokine molecules. The molecules responsible for inflammation.

7. Cut down on the smoking

Smoking is bad for you. You already know.

8. Exercise More

Exercise releases molecules that fights against pesky inflammatory cytokines.

9. Get enough sleep

Try and go to bed and wake up at a set time to set your natural circadian rhythm and reduce inflammation.

10.Try cold showering

Hey, if Tony does it ... try cold showers.

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