
@cosysuho / cosysuho.tumblr.com


【TRANS】 [FROM. CHEN] Have our EXO-Ls been well?

Hello~ It’s EXO Chen!! Have our EXO-Ls been well? I heard good news today so with a happy heart I’m writing this~!! ㅎㅎ What could that news be~ Thanks to our EXO-Ls this Lotto album of EXO’s got first place on the charts~ and we became triple million sellers!!♡ When I first heard the news I was proud and felt excited about the upcoming comeback ㅎㅎㅎ It isn’t an easy thing to accomplish but our EXO-Ls gave this kind of good thing to EXO More than “As expected, EXO,” the words “As expected, EXO-L!!” are what I want to say to everyone. I am so thankful for this deep present that was given to EXO who’s facing a comeback ahead, and also thank you that we’re able to happily wrap up the rest of 2016♡ We will work hard for the Lotto comeback stages!! And will work hard for the rest of the concert tour!! We will repay you through more~ various activities!! Our EXO-Ls, exercise and be healthy for what’s left of the summer And let’s make good memories with EXO for the remainder of 2016!!! Then I’ll find you at the Lotto comeback stages~! Goo~~~~~dbye~~~ EXO-L♡
trans: helena @ fychen ϟ please take out with full credit!

we can’t even say that exo is #1 anymore because future!exo will always be there to snatch that 1 from current!exo…exo is so powerful they can only get to the top by crushing themselves


The only hard thing about Chinese is knowing all the different characters,there're so many (p.s I speak Chinese as my second language and I'm really bad at it) T_T


yeah that’s what i usually ask my friend, like isn’t it so difficult both to memorise and to write (stroke order and all that)?? idk i’d be frustrated to not even be able to guess what a word means/how it’s pronounced haha. also aren’t the tones pretty difficult too? swedish is a partly tonal language but it’s more like a pitch accent, while i think chinese has like 4 different??? and it can change meaning and everything 🤔  puh i’m glad i’m not studying it but it has to be so rewarding if you manage to learn it!!

Anonymous asked:

(Same lil anon as before) i read ur ask abt being fluent in 3 languages: english ofc, chinese bc i have a classmates from china in my course and i would like to talk to her in chinese and the 3rd italian bc im italian and i like italian literature

hi lil lang anon 🇨🇳🇮🇹 chinese is such a cool language tbh, I’ve got a friend who studies it and it sounds really beautiful imo! too bad it’s so difficult to learn hah 😅 i wish you good luck if you ever do! 🌹

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