
Pit of Clai

@claiborneart / claiborneart.tumblr.com

I draw comics and sometimes other things. -  occasional nsfw content [nudity, violence/gore] currently reading: ORV [LN ch. 61 | WT ep. 187]

compared to the water, it feels almost warm to the touch.

When you lick it you taste salt¹, and a faint, familiar aftertaste that you can't quite place.

Your tongue sticks to it slightly, as you pull away.

now then,

What do you do?

1 - the water tasted completely fresh, in case you were now wondering.

>>lick it again!

You lick it again-- it tastes the same as before. No matter how long you stick your tongue there, it does not get actually stuck to the pillar.

>>check our pockets--anything useful in there?

You attempt to check your pockets-- you realize that not only do you not have anything in there, you do not, in fact, actually have any pockets.

>>try to break off a piece of the pillar!

You smack your oar into the pillar until a shard breaks off. It feels like a good shape and weight in your hand. You set it in the boat with you.

now then,


compared to the water, it feels almost warm to the touch.

When you lick it you taste salt¹, and a faint, familiar aftertaste that you can't quite place.

Your tongue sticks to it slightly, as you pull away.

now then,

What do you do?

1 - the water tasted completely fresh, in case you were now wondering.

>>lick it again!

You lick it again-- it tastes the same as before. No matter how long you stick your tongue there, it does not get actually stuck to the pillar.

>>check our pockets--anything useful in there?

You attempt to check your pockets-- you realize that not only do you not have anything in there, you do not, in fact, actually have any pockets.

>>try to break off a piece of the pillar!

You smack your oar into the pillar until a shard breaks off. It feels like a good shape and weight in your hand. You set it in the boat with you.

now then,


compared to the water, it feels almost warm to the touch.

When you lick it you taste salt¹, and a faint, familiar aftertaste that you can't quite place.

Your tongue sticks to it slightly, as you pull away.

now then,

What do you do?

1 - the water tasted completely fresh, in case you were now wondering.

>>lick it again!

You lick it again-- it tastes the same as before. No matter how long you stick your tongue there, it does not get actually stuck to the pillar.

>>check our pockets--anything useful in there?

You attempt to check your pockets-- you realize that not only do you not have anything in there, you do not, in fact, actually have any pockets.


compared to the water, it feels almost warm to the touch.

When you lick it you taste salt¹, and a faint, familiar aftertaste that you can't quite place.

Your tongue sticks to it slightly, as you pull away.

now then,

What do you do?

1 - the water tasted completely fresh, in case you were now wondering.


The boat rocks slightly as you step in, sending out gentle ripples across the waters.

You sit, and take the oar in your hand.

You can see the horizon stretch out away from you, in every direction.

You feel the future open up, from the freedom and agency you've gained just now.

So, Kind Friends, let me ask you:

What do you do?


You take a drink.

If the water is cold to the touch, it is a strike of liquid ice as it flows down your throat.

As it settles in your stomach, you feel your head clear, a fog you hadn't noticed creeping in now gone. (how long has it been, since you last felt this aware and present? years? longer?)

You feel wide awake and refreshed.

The water drips from your lips as you straighten up again.


The Door is not there to go back through. (are you surprised? Or did you expect it to be so, even before you turned?)

The cold still waters stretch around you in every direction.

Below, at the water's edge, you spot a boat.


The ground looks like ice but feels sturdy and easy to walk on.

When you look over the side, you can see the water appears deep and still.

When you look closer, you think you see lights in the water, far below you.

You cautiously dip a hand into the water.

Brrr! Wow, that's cold!

At least it feels like normal water.

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