

@aphof5-blog / aphof5-blog.tumblr.com

When I'm not busy being foreign, I'm singing.

Every time I tell myself I’m getting over you it’s just one more lying brick on my shoulders

“The name Hitler does not offend a black South African because Hitler is not the worst thing a black South African can imagine. Every country thinks their history is the most important, and that’s especially true in the West. But if black South Africans could go back in time and kill one person, Cecil Rhodes would come up before Hitler. If people in the Congo could go back in time and kill one person, Belgium’s King Leopold would come way before Hitler. If Native Americans could go back in time and kill one person, it would probably be Christopher Columbus or Andrew Jackson. I often meet people in the West who insist that the Holocaust was the worst atrocity in human history, without question. Yes, it was horrific. But I often wonder, with African atrocities like in the Congo, how horrific were they? The thing Africans don’t have that Jewish people do have is documentation. The Nazis kept meticulous records, took pictures, made films. And that’s really what it comes down to. Holocaust victims count because Hitler counted them. Six million people killed. We can all look at that number and be rightly horrified. But when you read through the history of atrocities against Africans, there are no numbers, only guesses. It’s harder to be horrified by a guess. When Portugal and Belgium were plundering Angola and the Congo, they weren’t counting the black people they slaughtered. How many black people died harvesting rubber in the Congo? In the gold and diamond mines of the Transvaal? So in Europe and America, yes, Hitler is the Greatest Madman in History. In Africa he’s just another strongman from the history books.”

— Trevor Noah, Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood (via christymtidwell)




why do so many 40+ yr old men have the audacity to like.. flirt w/ me in all seriousness. i’m half (or less!) your age, bud. do you not have places to be? go call your kids. eat a grapefruit. stock up on viagra. decay. the options that don’t involve me are endless

I'd be happy as hell if you stayed for tea

Bon Iver




I listen to this to calm down, concentrate, provoke thought, spark creativity, and stay human🦋


I hate snakes so why do I feel like one shedding one skin after another, never feeling comfortable in the skin I'm creating for myself. I'm sick of people telling me which skin to wear


Hi. I feel like my brain might implode so I'm using this as a thought dump :-)


Pilot with a Fear of Heights

A/N: Hey I’m back with some Stenbrough this time!! I love how pure this ship is except Stan is a thot in my mind but ANYWAY. I loved writing this because i love this song. They’re in their senior year in this to match the song. 

Pairing: Stan Uris/Bill Denbrough

Based off of the song Pilot with a Fear of Heights by Felicity aka @aphof5 (follow her she’s aesthetic af and also one of my best friends and the nicest person I know). 

Warnings: Cursing, PDA (sort of? nobody really sees), kissing, Stanley getting no sleep rip, and a little bit of internal/external homophobia

Please listen to the song if you haven’t before! It’s wonderful and will also make reading this a lot better!!

Stan stood at the bridge. He stares down into the water rushing under him, the sky dark and full of stars, as it was nearing the early hours of the morning. He couldn’t stop thinking, and it kept him up. The confinements of his bedroom were simply not big enough for all the wild thoughts racing through his head. He left, not even bothering to grab a jacket. It was late September, so he didn’t really need one. Derry wasn’t cold enough for one yet, and he needed to feel the brisk air on his skin.

He worked his brain as he looked at the miniscule skyline of his hometown, thinking of everything that he’s been through. He and the other seven would be graduating this year, and they all knew they were getting out of this hell town as soon as they could. The only problem was, most of them had no idea where they were going to go. Stan was terrified he was never going to talk to his losers again, or at least not for twenty-seven years.

There was one specific loser he thought most about, though. The boy who still had a lingering stutter, the boy who convinced Stan to go to more football games than he could count, the boy who had lost his brother thanks to the beast they had faced, the boy who Stan was thinking about all night was Bill Denbrough, and it terrified him.

Stan was hoping that the thoughts and the feelings would fade, that they would turn into ghosts, like the rest of his memories of Derry did. He was the Rabi’s son, he knew that the thoughts and feelings were unnatural. There was no such luck however in the thoughts fading, as Stanley Uris’s weakness, his addiction, was Bill.

It took Stan all night and most of the early morning to come to the conclusion that he wasn’t scared of the thoughts, he was exhilarated. Bill was someone who brought out his biggest fears, but Stan felt that when he was around the boy, his fears didn’t even matter.

Stan watched as the sun rose, passing over the slowly growing town of Derry, and realized that he was running out of time. There were mere months before the lucky seven would split up, and just as the sun rose, so did Stan’s confidence. He looks at his watch, surprisingly reading that it was a bit past six in the morning. Stan knows that at precisely six-thirty every morning, Bill Denbrough wakes up, brushes his teeth, eats breakfast, and goes on a morning jog. There was still time to meet him before he went back inside to get ready for their school day, and with that thought, Stan started sprinting towards Bill’s house.

By the time Stan reaches his best friend’s house, his heart is racing, and not just from the non-stop sprinting he just did. He’s literally been thinking about Bill all night; like a pilot with a fear of heights. It wasn’t terrifying anymore though, it felt like he was freefalling. He sees Bill climbing up his porch steps, and even though there’s barely any air left in his lungs, he screams;


The boy turns around, his feet on different steps, and wrinkles his eyebrows in confusion. It was seven-fifteen in the morning, what was Stan doing at his house? Were those the same clothes he wore yesterday? Had he even gotten any sleep?

“A-Are you o-o-okay Stan? Wuh-what’s w-w-wrong?” Bill questions worriedly.

“I’m fine. Well sort of. I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you.” Stan blurts out as well as he can with his lack of oxygen.

“W-what?” Bill barely whispers, but before he can continue, Stan rambles on, not even giving Bill a real chance to react.

“I know that I’m not supposed to, but I can’t help it. I just want to feel something different than what this fucking town makes me feel. I want a new beginning, and I want one with you. When I think about you, it scares the shit out of me, but in a good way, you know? Whenever I think about you my heart just sort of… sings? It sings.” Stan rushes out, and he suddenly realizes that Bill Denbrough is blatantly staring at him.

“And I’ve realized that for me, everything has to be perfectly in order. I made my bed three times last night to try and calm myself down, but I couldn’t. I broke my routine because I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Stan continues, and he hears Bill’s Converse quickly patter over to him, but he still doesn’t stop talking. “I know you probably don’t even feel the same, with Beverly and the other girls, but I felt like I had to tell you before we all,” He’s cut off when he feels hands; Bill’s hands, on his face.

He glances up, his eyes widening considerably when he sees Bill leaning down, placing his lips on Stan’s. An intake of air, and the relaxation of his muscles as the boy’s lips work against his own before Stan finally starts kissing back. He never thought he’d see this; Bill’s lips, sitting right there on his own. After that, his eyes flutter shut, and his hands rise to Bill’s cheekbones, caressing softly. The boys pull away from each other, both of their eyelids struggling to open all the way, and suddenly they’re both taken over with blushes and giggles.

“You were thinking about me all night?”

“Like a fire that’s afraid to light.” Stan nods, and Bill just smiles before kissing him again.

Like Stan said;




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