
Look with hope into the future


Side blog of niebinarek. Solarpunk, zero waste on a budget, mutualism, sustainability and accessibility. Anti-consummerism and anti-fascism.

Someone said "Are you really so stupid to think that Africa has the same technological advances as us? If they did they would probably have clean water and not live in houses made of sticks and mud. Get over yourself and stop being so ignorant."..... Below is a tiny collection of images of the Africa they refuse to show you..


I’m sorry you’ve been made to believe that the whole of Africa is poor, I really am..

Reblogging for those of you who think Africa is only what the media and movies portrays it to be

This fucks me up because it’s scary to think that we can be showed something all our lives and not even know it’s a lie

And that my friend is the power of propaganda, indoctrination, and media

Are these pictures of South Africa or of Africa as a whole? 

@the-collecting-turnip From top to bottom:

1. Port Elizabeth (South Africa)

2. Unknown

3. Nairobi (Kenya)

4. Pretoria (South Africa)

5. Aburi Botanical Gardens (Ghana)

6. Cape Town (South Africa)

7. Pretoria (South Africa)

8. Harare (Zimbabwe)

9. Windhoek (Namibia)

10. Windhoek (Namibia)

To @kushandwizdom this is a rather unfair portrayal of Africa as a whole since half of these are literally just South Africa.  So Instead to add to this post and better dispel the myth of Africa as the vast wasteland of poverty most people think, I found a much more mixed collection of pics from various countries.

Luanda, Angola

Agadir, Morocco

Lagos, Nigeria

Cairo, Egypt

Port Louis, Mauritius

Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire

Algiers, Algeria

Tripoli, Libya

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tunis, Tunisia

So, there, a much better case demonstrating the various major cities around Africa showing it isn’t some technologically backwards continent, but actually pretty up-and-coming in the world of commerce.


I once was talking to my Ethiopian manager about ignorant people asking her dumb shit about her life before she moved to the states…

the worst story she told me about was when she told a fellow student (at a fairly prestigious university) about a concert she went to back home. The other student responded with “omg you have music there!?” 🤦🏾‍♀️


Rebloging, because we need to see these pictures. 

As for stupid questions: “do you have grocery stores in Ecuador?”


These are great!

A redneck neighbor once asked my mom (in the 80s) if they had cars in Peru. Sigh.

This is the product of poor world history in school & little current affairs coverage outside Western Europe, except for catastrophes, so all we see are the war torn, poverty stricken, disaster-affected parts on the news. And racism, of course.

I bet most Americans who think that African countries are just completely poverty stricken have no idea what the US looks like in its poorest areas, not everywhere in the US is nice suburbs or unrealistically large apartments on tv

Los Angeles, California

Hartford, Connecticut

New Orleans, Louisiana

Camden, New Jersey

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

McDowell County, West Virginia

Flint, Michigan

Washington, D.C.


Do you see the world as it is, or as someone told you it is?


Sorry to go off-book here

But here is a Google sheet of Covid-19 resources for undocumented folks, a population I’m tremendously worried about regarding all this. My sister-in-law, who works in domestic violence prevention and resources, shared this, so I trust it’s legit.

Spanish version the works, according to the sheet it should be up by 3/23.

My audience is tiny, so if some of y’all don’t mind sharing, I’d be grateful.


Important: Sudden Loss of Smell May Be A Symptom of COVID-19!

A recent study found that a sudden loss of or diminished ability to smell and taste may be a symptom of COVID-19, and what’s more, it may show up before any other symptoms.

What’s even more exciting is that this symptom has been showing up in otherwise asymptomatic carriers! This is great news, because spreading the word can help infected people stay separated before they infect others!

Bottom line: If you suddenly stop being able to smell or taste as well as usual, self-quarantine immediately!

Okay, so.

First of all, acute anosmia (sudden loss of sense of smell) is a symptom of head colds. However, with head colds you know why; your sinuses get clogged then you lose your sense of smell.

This, which appears to have good evidence behind it, is you suddenly, apparently randomly, stop being able to smell stuff. They’re saying 30% of positive tests in South Korea are presenting with this as the only symptom.  Bang, there’s your hidden carriers spreading this disease.

Which means that if you suddenly lose your sense of smell and haven’t recently started new medication (esp. antidepressants), you don’t have a stuffed nose…you should quarantine yourself. Even if you don’t have any other symptoms. The current recommendation is seven days.

Even if you feel completely fine otherwise. They aren’t testing people, but…

To make things worse, we don’t know if some of these people may suffer from permanent anosmia. I hope not; my husband has chronic hyposmia (reduced sense of smell) and it’s quite, quite annoying.


healthy people, do you understand that many US state governments are officially gearing up to murder disabled people on your behalf?

i wish i were exaggerating.

New York state, for example, has implemented a policy that they will take ventilators away from people who needed them BEFORE COVID if they come to the hospital.

please read that again. if you needed a ventilator to breathe before this pandemic, they will take it away from you if you seek medical care.

a committee who never meets the patient will then decide who gets the ventilators based on 'likelihood of survival' and this will be reassessed every 48 hours. if you don't meet their standards, they extubate you and you die.

there's a word for deliberately leaving people without lifesaving medical care. the word is 'murder.' no matter how bad it gets, i can't seek medical care. do you understand how that feels? my choices are: die at home, or face 'fatal extubation.'

healthy people, are you happy to survive by murdering others? if not, you must stand up and tell your state government not to do this on your behalf.

Is there a source for this?

it comes from a very long document, the New York state ventilator allocation plan.

this twitter thread summarizes some of the relevant parts.


not sure the original poster knows their post has been taken from mastodon, but here’s another one of theirs you might like to share too:

“I made a Ko-fi. Do you like my posts? Have I done anything for you or anyone you care about that you found particularly valuable? Do you also think it would be neat for me to get my legal name and gender marker in order? Do you love when I can afford food and transit and want to be a part of that? Feel free to send me money here.”

“When I decided to hit Bush with the shoe, it was a natural reaction, to the killing of a million of my people, the orphaning of five million children, resulting in tens of thousands of handicapped persons, tens of thousands of prisoners in American jails in Iraq, and the everyday scandals caused by the American occupation: rape, Abu Ghraib prison, bringing down roofs on people’s heads with Apache helicopters and F16 planes. Despite all this, Bush was saying the Iraqi people are happy, and the Americans liberated the Iraqi people.”

Muntadhar al-Zaidi


Australian comedian Tim Minchin with a ‘snow globe’ he recently got from Greenpeace. It contains ash from the fires currently destroying New South Wales.


I hope you were all able to get out there for Black Friday and neurotically encumber yourselves with temporary pacifiers that reinforce your comatose lifestyle of compulsory procrastination, escapism, and distraction.

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