
idk don't ask


I can't believe I'm back on this godforsaken site

Can we just appreciate the armor? Contrary to a lot of tv shows/movies, it doesn't have the shape of her chest


Don’t trust morning you. Morning you is a dick. Morning you would sell your loved ones if it got them 5 minutes of extra sleep


maybe morning me wouldn’t be such a dick if that flaky bitch evening me had gone to bed instead of tumblring til butts oclock int he morning


Well evening me might have fallen asleep at a reasonable hour if that dumbass afternoon me hadn’t lain down for a “little nap” that lasted four hours.


okay y'all say at my school there was hypothetically a student organized walkout about gun control and i hypothetically participated and now the school administration is hypothetically giving the students who participated detention…




I’d fite them.

I’ll destroy them.

In five years no college or employer is going to know or care that you got suspended and had to catch up or that you got detention, those records are so meaningless it’s unfair that youth in high school are TRAINED to worry about the most minute aspects of their life during a period in which they can create so much difference for themselves and the world.

Walk out

Get detention

Get suspended

Make a goddamn statement

And when you’re 70 years old you can tell your grandkids, nieces, nephews, students, the cashier who really just wants you to leave the store, that you fucking changed this world for the better


Why I'd Be Kicked Out of The Scooby Gang

Shaggy: Zoinks
Scooby: Ruh-roh
Daphne: Jeepers
Velma: Jinkies
Me: Well fuck
ik I've already reblogged this but I mean can you blame me

Lane was very excited to see Tiana and Naveen again. :)

What was that about Tiana not having any fans?

Little Miss Lane seems to adore her.




how do u actually save bees?

  • Plant bee-friendly flowers
  • Support your local beekeepers
  • Set up bee hotels for solitary bees
  • If you see a lethargic bee feed it sugar water
  • Spread awareness of the importance off bees

+Don’t eat honey✌🏻


That will not help save the bees at all. They need the excess honey removed from their hives. That’s the beekeepers entire livelihood.

Seriously refusing to eat honey is one of those well-meaning but ultimately terrible ideas. The bees make way too much honey and need it out in order to thrive (not being funny but that was literally a side effect in Bee Movie). Plus that’s the only way for the beekeepers to make the money they need to keep the bees healthy. Do not stop eating honey because somebody on Tumblr told you too.

excess honey, if not removed, can ferment and poison the bees. even if it doesn’t, it attracts animals and other insects which can hurt the bees or even damage the hive. why vegans think letting bees stew in their own drippings is ‘cruelty-free’ is beyond me. >:[

the fact that we find honey yummy and nutritious is part of why we keep bees, true, but the truth is we mostly keep them to pollinate our crops. the vegetable crops you seem to imagine would still magically sustain us if we stopped cultivating bees.

and when you get right down to it… domestic bees aren’t confined in any way. if they wanted to fly away, they could, and would. they come back to the wood frame hives humans build because those are nice places to nest.

so pretending domestic bees have it worse than wild bees is just the most childish kind of anthropomorphizing.

If anything, man-made hives are MORE suitable for bees to live in because we have mathematically determined their optimal living space and conditions, and can control them better in our hives. We also can treat them for diseases and pests much easier than we could if they were living in, say, a tree.

Tl;dr for all of this: eating honey saves the bees from themselves, and keeping them in man-made hives is good for them.


Plus, buying honey supports bee owners, which helps them maintain the hives, and if they get more money they can buy more hives, which means more bees!


One of the most interesting things I’ve ever seen.

This is fucking wild. 

These niggas dedicated their life to pussy to the point where they stop eating and turn into zombies with their mouth fused to her pussy. 

I’ve seen women on Instagram that made me want to do the same thing. 


So basically, a male Angler fishs servical instinct is the deep sea equivalent of a hood nigga who need a place to stay? Copy


oh my god two words in that just UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE

All hope is lost so quickly I can’t stop laughing.

danish tv is the best thing ever

“Okay :(”

He went straight to Acceptance. He didn’t even go through the five stages of grief. He just started at Acceptance.

I can translate for anyone wondering what he’s saying. The dialogue roughly goes something like

“Hopefully the owner of the car behind me will next time consider if-oh shit. Okay.”


thanks for the context omg

Source: youtube.com
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