
Seige's Sin Bin

@seigesinbin / seigesinbin.tumblr.com

Minors/Ageless/Blank Blogs DNI || 37 year old lady || Blog Navigation || Requests: Closed || Banner Art by Pand4nn


Latest Fic: Waiting on a Hero - All Might x Fem!Reader.  3 Parts

If your age is not in your blog description or an easily accessibly About Me post then you will be blocked.  Blank blogs will also be blocked henceforth.

Rules - The rules for my blog, please give these a look if you have any questions.  Chances are I answered it here.

About Me - A few common questions that get asked around these parts

Requests - A set of will write and won’t write for Requests!

AO3 - HeroAssociation

Main blog - SeigePhoenix

Ko-Fi - Drop a tip if you want

Masterlist - Compilation of all my fics

Upcoming: Tsukauchi fic, Bokuto/Kuroo fic, MidnightEraser fluff


I made Jareth in my BG3 game. I refuse to say how long it took me in the CC, but I am absolutely pleased with how he came out. ❤️❤️

For my other playthroughs I have been the short one. The one craning their neck to look at people. NOT ANYMORE!!! HAHAHAHAHA

Jareth said tiddies out. And I reloaded that save 5 times so I could get my kiss from Shadowheart.


I hope to have this smut written by Halloween. Though it won't be posted on this blog. It'll be over on my main since I post all my Skyrim shit there. Also got an original smut piece that I hope to get done with too. Dark content abounds in the original work. Probably the Skyrim one but right now that one involves a very pissed off and damp werewolf and an amused Dragonborn.


Suwa Rei NSFW Alphabet

This is the rest of them under a cut!

N – No

Anything that involves hurting you.  He’s paranoid about accidentally hurting you during sex because he knows how strong he is. He will immediately shoot down any kink that involves pain, not even spanking.  It practically revolts him to think about hurting you or anyone he cares about.

Gunplay is a maybe.  If it’s a prop then he’d be more open to the idea.


Suwa Rei NSFW Alphabet

I’m thinking about doing Kazuki next.  Though I’m partial to Kyutaro.  Which do you think?

I – Intimacy

It took him forever to trust you, so intimacy is extremely important to Rei.  He doesn’t let others in easily.  He’s surprisingly tender and shows his love and care in actions rather than words.  You will feel cherished while with him.  Body worship? Your body is his temple.

J – Jack Off

Rei doesn’t jack off that much.  If the stress gets too much, he’ll do it but otherwise?  He’d rather sleep than masturbate.  Plus, it’s way too difficult to find any privacy in his home these days.

K – Kink

Body worship and lingerie. He will adore any lingerie you put on for him and will worship your skin over the silk, satin, or lace.  Hope you don’t mind a little tear here and there because he will rip it off your body with his teeth.  Just to dive in and make you see stars.  He can spend forever between your thighs.  Every kiss along your skin will send butterflies dancing in your stomach, especially when he turns those eyes up to you.  He loves having you watch him as he worships your skin.

L – Location

Definitely not his house.  His two favorite locations are the bedroom, preferably against the door, and the bathroom. He likes the way your voice echoes in the bathroom, but that’s also why he doesn’t want to do it in his house.

M – Motivation

Soft kisses along his neck will get his attention.  Cosplay is a secret desire of his and his hands will be all over you if you decide to indulge him in it.  Otherwise, Rei will need a bit more bluntness.  He’s not good at reading emotions in others that don’t involve business transactions.


Suwa Rei NSFW Alphabet

I’ve got the whole alphabet done, I’m just breaking it into chunks,

D – Dirty Secret

Seeing you dressed up in a skimpy cosplay outfit from his favorite game or anime.  That’s what he absolutely wants to see but he doesn’t want to bring it up in case you think it’s weird or something.  There will be plenty of subtle hints that he’d enjoy it so hopefully you pick up on this little secret of his.  He’d be putty in your hands if you did this for him.

E – Experience

The boy has absolutely no experience prior to you because he never trusted anyone to get that close. He knows the rudimentary facts but teaching him will be the best experience.  Rei Suwa is an eager student.

F – Favorite Position

He likes positions that allow him to go as deep as he can without hurting you.  He will not be comfortable with any position that has you on top.  His instincts can’t turn off that you are too vulnerable in that position and he wants to protect you.  Perhaps with enough time and trust he will allow you to be on top.  When that day happens, it will blow his mind.

Suggest a position that allows him to hold you up and watch as his mind goes into overdrive.  He’ll be addicted, but the only downside is he can’t cum on his favorite spot.

G – Goofy

He’s not very goofy intentionally.  He can make a throwaway remark that may have you laughing but he’s not the type to actually joke during sex.  Rei prefers intimacy with sex.

H – Hair

He’s not the most well maintained down there.  Rei is just lazy and doesn’t want to expend the energy to shave.  If it truly bothers you, he’ll do his best to groom down there. Otherwise, he’d rather leave it as is.


Rei Suwa NSFW Alphabet

Guess the bitch is back!  First thing I’ve written in almost a year (or maybe it has been a year, I’m not sure actually).

A – Aftercare

Honestly, it’s never occurred to Rei that aftercare is even a thing.  He’ll be content with just rolling over and going back to sleep, after putting back on his sweats.  It will take some time and patience to teach Rei about aftercare.

The flipside is the first time he receives it, his mind will stutter to a stop.  He’s never been used to getting affection let alone someone concerning themselves with him.  Rei won’t know what to do at first but with patience, he’ll grow to trust and accept your affection and attention.

B – Body Part

Rei sees his body as a streamlined machine meant for killing and little else.  He doesn’t have a favorite part of him because it all works together to make him efficient in his work.

On his partner?  Rei likes their lips.  Not especially for anything sexy (though that is definitely a bonus to him) but the way you smile at him.  Gentle, loving, mischievous, and just happy to see him.  All for no ulterior motives or expecting anything in return.  Your smile was the first thing he noticed when you met and it continues to be his favorite part of you.

C – Cum

Okay, hear me out. His cum is extremely bitter because of his diet.  He loves junk food and it reflects in the way his cum tastes.  If you bring it to his attention, he won’t be inclined to change his diet, he’ll just suggest you not swallow anymore.

The consistency is thick and it isn’t a lot when he does cum.  His favorite spot is your ass or your stomach.  He likes watching it slide down your skin.  He will not cum on your face because he’s too paranoid about it getting everywhere.


NSFW Alphabet

I lost the original and I have no patience to go and find it again. So here it is! Another NSFW Alphabet prompt list. Send in your favorite character and some letters

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also yours)

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

D = Dirty Secret (Spicy secret they don't want you to know)

E = Experience (Level of experience they have)

F = Favorite Position (How do they like to get freaky with it)

G = Goofy (Are they prone to laughter (not at you) during sex?)

H = Hair (Do they maintain or let it grow?)

I = Intimacy (How are they while having sex?)

J = Jack Off (How do they get themselves off? How often, what they use in the spank bank)

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)

L = Location (Where do they like to get freaky with you?)

M = Motivation (How to get those wheels spinning)

N = NO (Some lines just aren't going to be crossed and these are theirs)

O = Oral (Do they like giving or receiving better? Are they any good at it?)

P = Pace (Are they quick and rough? Slow and sensual?)

Q = Quickie (How they feel about them.)

R = Risk (Are they open to experiment? And how far are they willing to go)

S = Stamina (How long can they last? That includes how long in one session and if they're a one and done or not)

T = Toy (Do they mind using them on you? On themselves? And just what toys are they okay with?)

U = Unfair (Are they a big tease?)

V = Volume (How loud can they get? Do they like to hear you?)

W = Wild Card (Random spicy headcanon)

X = X-Ray (What is going on in those pants/shirt/skirt?)

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

1 character (from any Fandom I'm in) + 3 Letter prompts. I need something to climb out of this slump.


NSFW Alphabet

I lost the original and I have no patience to go and find it again. So here it is! Another NSFW Alphabet prompt list. Send in your favorite character and some letters

A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)

B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also yours)

C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)

D = Dirty Secret (Spicy secret they don't want you to know)

E = Experience (Level of experience they have)

F = Favorite Position (How do they like to get freaky with it)

G = Goofy (Are they prone to laughter (not at you) during sex?)

H = Hair (Do they maintain or let it grow?)

I = Intimacy (How are they while having sex?)

J = Jack Off (How do they get themselves off? How often, what they use in the spank bank)

K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)

L = Location (Where do they like to get freaky with you?)

M = Motivation (How to get those wheels spinning)

N = NO (Some lines just aren't going to be crossed and these are theirs)

O = Oral (Do they like giving or receiving better? Are they any good at it?)

P = Pace (Are they quick and rough? Slow and sensual?)

Q = Quickie (How they feel about them.)

R = Risk (Are they open to experiment? And how far are they willing to go)

S = Stamina (How long can they last? That includes how long in one session and if they're a one and done or not)

T = Toy (Do they mind using them on you? On themselves? And just what toys are they okay with?)

U = Unfair (Are they a big tease?)

V = Volume (How loud can they get? Do they like to hear you?)

W = Wild Card (Random spicy headcanon)

X = X-Ray (What is going on in those pants/shirt/skirt?)

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)

1 character (from any Fandom I'm in) + 3 Letter prompts. I need something to climb out of this slump.

Anonymous asked:

Where are all the posts from your old fics from your old blog? Did you delete them? On my knees begging to read bakugou's best birthday again 😩

I haven't written for Bakugou in years. I did delete a good bit of my old stuff because I was harassed and didn't want to deal with the added stress. Mostly fic involving the main cast. If you wanna send some more details about the fic, cause I know I wrote 2 Bakugou birthday fic, I can try and find it in my laptop or Google Docs. I haven't touched those!


Guess who has a new hyperfixation!? XD guess I'm bringing the smut blog back to life soon.


Are you fucking kidding me? If you are not 18 then please kindly fuck right off. Maybe go back to school to learn to fucking read.


I may not be writing but I do check Tumblr. I will check out anyone who follows me. If you don't have an age or are a blank blog, you get blocked.


Yeah. This is something a lot of you were probably expecting. But.

I can't do it anymore.

I don't find any happiness in writing fanfic for BNHA, JJK, or Haikyuu anymore. The thought of writing makes me anxious. I'm burned out and done. Time to put the torch down for now.

I'm keeping the blog open for anyone to take a gander but I don't know when I'll come back. I will hold absolutely nothing against anyone if they want to leave. Hopefully you'll find the content you want. I still read and enjoy the Fandoms, but I just have absolutely no motivation to write anymore.

I'm gonna focus on my OCs for now. My D&D characters for sure. I've always wanted to write out the story of my most infamous duo. So I'll see you guys again. I never fully leave my fandoms, I just go a little quiet until the hyperfixation comes back.

So it's not good-bye. It's just.

See You Later

In Good Hands

Ship: Viktor Vektor x Female!V Content Warning: Female V, female pronouns, fingering, massage, banter Length: 1.7k A/N: I know it’s been a while since I wrote anything and I apologize!  I am coming back from the dead for a gift for a friend!  @shaken-veil​ deserves all the love today!  I hope you enjoy this!!

Vik watched over V as she studied the tablet in front of her.  Her shoulders tensed at whatever was scrolling by on the feed.  Her eyes were narrowed in irritation and he had no doubt someone was doing something stupid.  That someone being named Johnny Silverhand.  Ever since they got the chip out of V’s head and Silverhand his own body, V had seemed high strung.  Vik joked to himself that he could tap her shoulder and she’d practically explode.

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