
crafts, WIPs and my messy desk

@cadavercrafts / cadavercrafts.tumblr.com

Use the buttons above to navigate my profile! Welcome to my blog where I do things with clay! Sometimes I get money for that, neato. If you have any questions or just want to get in touch don't be afraid to send me a message. I love messages! ♡ To my commissioners: You all get your own hashtag. If you want to look for your pics look for #commission:yourusername [Some of my sculptures depict hard gore or mild nudity] Add #gore and #nsfw to your blacklist if you are uncomfortable with this and contact me if you want me to tag a specific thing for you.

Welcome to my blog where I do things with clay!

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current project: commission: lillinettix OC art

next project: commission: Lalarin (doll) commission: Zizzy Homestuck gal commission: Jooj commission: Azaako furzbase chibi commission: kiwicartwheels anime boi


Internet Safety

Being hyper-secretive online is probably the only good kneejerk reaction boomers have put into our heads twenty years ago and now both them and the next generation look at you like you're a freak if you don't list your social security number in your carrd.

Reblogging this for my underaged followers! Why do i know i have underaged followers? Because they list it in their profiles! Don't do that!!!! D':


have you listened to the magnus archives? just seems like something that might be up your alley!! then again i may just be thinking about that because i always used to listen to it while i was sculpting/working with clay BHEHEHF


Ooh i like that suggestion because i've heard that name SO OFTEN but never really checked it out. I love to have long youtube essays or horror stories on in the background when i work but i kinda never got into podcasts for some reason. I should probably change that, thank you!


Holy shit, a sculpting tip from ME? That's right! When i have to make very thin/fragile pieces i started to cast them in resin because that's so much more sturdy and easy to work with. I use "Blue Stuff" to make the molds which is a reusable kinda rubber that gets soft when you heat it and hardens when it cools down. It's very easy to use and making these pieces out of resin gives me so much more freedom with tiny details because i don't have to worry about breakage anymore (because we all know i suck at making armatures).

So get some Blue Stuff and some resin!


Was on such a roll with these two, the character design and style is soooo fun again. If you want me to do stylized things you need to give me a really good reference because pleasant stylization is a very very hard skill and i'm not great at it. Thankfully this commissioner is an artist again so i got AMAZING references to work with!


He/him pronouns for this character please!

Now with video! This is Philas who is a character created by @wolfertinger666 who allowed me to make my own version of him. I loved what he wrote about his character so i will quote it directly: "Philas represents the boys who aren't allowed to, or don't want to change their bodies, but live and fight like hell to be a man." So i named this figure "boys will be boys"!

I tried to directly copy the original style for him at first but i really didn't do it justice and because this figure is for my own shelf i decided to chill a little with this. Since i already took so many liberties with the design i decided to have some fun with the paint too and shade him really roughly and with a very limited palette, i think it really fits the "emotion" of this piece.


Why so nervous, Glenn? I'm sure it's gonna be fine, better re-read Be Kind My Neighbor again tho to be sure...

I've sculpted several of @yugsly 's characters before and one thing that's really cool about their style is that the design is extremely consistent and actually works in 3D despite being so heavily stylized

Commissioner pretty much did the entire job for me by designing the pose and the base and everything x) i barely had any work to do! It's always fun to paint characters with a small color palette and big fat bold lines, really makes everything POP. Super happy with the boi


coughs (you have tuberculosis now)

HELLO THERE!!! I'm terrible at sculpting, of course, but I love to sculpt, and I wanted to ask - what kind of clay do you use? I see posts tagged with sculpey, but what kind, exactly? And if I may also ask, what kind of paint, finish, etc.? (Materials overall, honestly ^^; I've worked with a few different types of clay before and they're all rather crumbly and sad when it comes to the thinner bits. Are you just very careful, or is it in the material?)

I am genuinely adoring this work from you, you're such a good sculptor!!! I'm sure you hear that very often but I've genuinely never seen anything like what you're making here.


First of all thank you so much for this sweet ask and jokes on you i already had a horrible cough for weeks last month so i'm afraid of nothing anymore!

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