


They/Them 20s adult I live in the trash world lol

Was in the car with my mom, and she told me how relieved she was when I came out to her in middle school.

Cause she didn’t have to worry about me getting pregnant as a teenager.

Honestly funniest thing I heard all day long


I made wallpapers of my little guys with their lusus! Little grubs with their big parents (though Ghioro’s dad is small he has big love. Ishoda’s dad also has big love only for his son anyone else he’s a prick.) Anyways my babies I love them!

Had to reblog so I can put the last two since tumblr only allows ten pictures at a time. Silly tumblr

Anonymous asked:

Are people allowed to put your art on Toyhouse? [Obvs w/proper credit!]

Uh sure! Just letting you know I don’t have a toyhouse, so please make sure in the credit you put tumblr or something. Idk too much on how things work on toyhouse thanks for asking!

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