
Not All Who Are Lost Have Wandered

@audioexistentialism / audioexistentialism.tumblr.com

Music, gaming, nerd references, and other random stuff. 33. Alleged Dangerous Socialist. Polyamorous.

im gonna be real i do think we need to spend more time as a society encouraging adults to play pretend in structured ways bc what i’m getting from a variety of sources is we all like to make fake shit and pretend to be people we are not

No fr adults would be a lot healthier if their need for play was more easily satisfied. Play is a fundamental human need that does not go away when we exit childhood but it’s treated as childish and frivolous. No bitch that’s how we process our experiences and knowledge and practice emotions of all kinds in a safe space!! Learn how to play again!


what bugs me about it is every other animal on earth engages in play behaviors all the time. for their entire lives. yet for humans for some reason play isn’t considered normal once you’re a certain age? come on bro. crows are rolling down peoples windshields and sheep are jumping on trampolines. go have fun too

1) it's because of capitalism and its protestant work ethic

2) tabletop role-playing games


The trick is that conservatism (and the fascism it is rapidly evolving into) is based on a belief system that naturalizes hierarchy. So when they "think it's snowflake behavior" to want a "1-bedroom apartment without roommates" what they really believe is that some people fundamentally deserve to suffer the countless pains and indignities of poverty no matter how much they work and that their being deserving of that suffering is self-evident because they're suffering it. It justifies itself, in their cruel and circular logic.


Have I mentioned that fuck landlords recently? Because fuck landlords.


If you know someone who speaks dismissively of people working service or retail jobs, please remind them that they are bad.


“I want this service to exist because I love it and use it all the time, but I think the people providing me with this service should suffer and struggle.” <–  If that’s been your opinion, please reflect on what kind of person that makes you, and perhaps change said opinion.


So within two days of each other, Fox News writes an article comparing aromanticism and asexuality to pedophilia, and then Matt Walsh releases a video saying asexuality is a mental illness and asexuals are tricking teenagers into having depression.

Not sure what’s going on right now over in Conservative World, but it’s a hell of wild U-turn for them to suddenly switch from “Oh no! The left is sexualizing our children!” to “Oh no! The left is asexualizing our children!”

It’s a reminder, I guess, that they’re coming for all of us. The fash and the white supremacists will not make nice distinctions between the queers when they put us up against the wall. There is no gatekeeping, no label-policing, no purity-purging and no assimilation that any of us can do that will save us. They want us dead, and while they’ll start with whoever is most vulnerable at any given time, they’ll get around to all of us eventually.

Queer solidarity means all of us because the fash are coming for all of us.

Anything less than complete solidarity with all Queer people is Appeasement at best and aiding and abetting fascists actively building fascism at worst. Anti LGBTQIA+ laws being passed in nearly every conservative state in the US are textbook fascist tactics, and fear mongering about Queer people corrupting or harming women and children is the social wedge issue modern fascists are using to garner public support and seize power.

It's terrifying, and I don't have any magic solutions for it. All I can say is that absolute solidarity and anti-fascism are incredibly vital.


Hogwarts Legacy update!

We've confirmed the plot: there's an uprising among the race of hook-nosed bankers who control the economy. (Note that the more evil they are, the bigger their noses are. There's a good one who has a big nose but he used to be evil when he was younger.) They're "rebelling" because they want their stolen cultural artefacts to be returned to them and want to not be oppressed anymore, which for some reason means they also want to massacre their oppressors' entire race, because of course marginalised people asking for liberation actually secretly want to kill you. As part of this sinister cabal's nefarious plot for white—I mean, wizard—extinction, they want to kidnap a child, because that's what hook-nosed bankers like to do, right? And their leader is willing to do anything for material gain, up to and including teaming up with fascists who hate his race.

You guys know that conspiracy theorists think Jews funded the Holocaust, right? They claim we did it so we could milk it for reparation money afterwards. And did you know they think we kidnap children? Or that we actually want supremacy rather than equality, and plan to subjugate the rest of the world for our own gain? Presumably you've at least heard the claim that we control the banks. And you know this is all very popular with the alt right, don't you? Have you also heard that this game's original head developer was an alt right YouTuber?

Don't act like this is a fucking coincidence.

No, JKR wasn't involved in the game, and it's actively intended to be trans-positive. Yes, she gets money from it, and will likely donate some of that to anti-trans causes. But even if you pirate the game so she doesn't make any money off of it, you're still going to be be playing the fucking Protocols of the Elders of Gringotts.


I came across this and I'm not jewish but I've seen some on Twitter say that this "goblin artefact" is in fact a Shofar. In case anybody is still doubting that the goblins in HP are pretty much a caricature of jewish people.


fucking hell

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