
Basically an un-used account lol


ya won't find much here anymore, but I am active on Reddit -> u/timothybrave

when i was a kid, i would imagine that my pens and pencils were starships in a galaxy at constant war and play out battles and skirmishes between them. i had a bunch of lore in my head for the different factions (grouped by color) and the story got ridiculously involved, culminating in a climax that involved me stealing every single piece of stationary in the house and arranging them on the living room floor for a massive invasion of Earth.


gay culture is sitting in a chair and immediately finding a way to get your feet off the floor


Alternate title: Millennials are so humble about their lacking skills that they eschew pride in order to learn skills that their parents thought were unnecessary to teach.

alternate alternate title: Boomers Fail So Hard As Parents They’ve Left Their Adult Children ‘Helpless’


i need a girly name. something you’d expect from someone SUPER stuck up and dramatic. like. someone who just has an overwhelming aura of ‘if i am not the centre of attention, i will die right now’ but with a bejewelled crown on




Wait one fucking second! Uber drivers don’t get to demand FUCK ALL! They’re the ones destroying taxi companies by undercutting them. Undercutting by not having things like benefits and a living wage. Fucking hypocrites.

You’re confusing Uber drivers with Uber as a whole. 

And workers always have the right to demand better working conditions.

Additionally: hi, I drive Uber and Lyft part time to help pay my bills. I’m a disabled artist. You want to say that again to my face?


Regardless of other factors, do you believe asexual people have the right to be part of this community because of their asexual identity?

Yes: 94.2%, 1838 respondents. No: 5.8%, 113 respondents.

Regardless of other factors, do you believe aromantic people have the right to be part of this community because of their aromantic identity?

Yes: 92.2%, 1771 respondents No: 7.8%, 149 respondents

Meaning of the letter “A” when appearing in LGBT[…]+ acronyms:

  • Asexual: 95.4% of respondents, 1936 total
  • Aromantic: 80.7% of respondents, 1639 total
  • Agender: 66.7% of respondents, 1353 total
  • Ally: 13.9% of respondents, 282 total.

I’m just posting this here for my aces and aros who are feeling down on themselves and defeated tonight. Remember that nine out of ten people support you and that the current loudest voices are not those of the majority.


Time for discourse bich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or maybe just an unpopular opinion idk)

Nevermore’s single redeeming factor is the lyrics, Everything else is just really hard to listen to

The Mix? Garbage. The Guitars sound similar to first wave Black Metal recorded on amps that are only $50, the Bass is doing Way too much for what it’s supposed to be doing, which is fill the low end, and anyone can tell you that a Choir and Piano, Classical instrumentation, Do NOT go well with Rock Bass and Drums, which, by the way, get Muddier the longer the song goes on.

And the Vocals Could have been good, but the Performance is as Dead as Pyrrha and sounds as Flat as Weiss. As I said, the Lyrics to me are the only Redeeming factor.

Do I want to like it? Absolutely. But it’s hard when you’ve listened to high-quality, professionally Mixed and Mastered Rock music for at least Half of your life.


… Was a friend

I think I reblog this every time it comes up. I make paper stars and sometimes it does make me feel better

i never knew how to make paper stars, so i looked up for tutorials on youtube.

when i’m lonenly, which is translated to most of the time, i make them; green, yellow, pink, blue, white, purple.

and, believe me, it’s kind of a relief to make them. not only for the colors and cute shape, but also for the fact that the time i spend makin them i am entertained and don’t have to think about my loneliness anymore.

i learnt how to make them like two months ago, by the way. and i have made over 300. 

it’s awesome. 

I’ve been wanting to see this story again.

This is for everyone. Guys, girls, both, neither, and more.

When you’re upset, make a star. When you’re stressed, make a star. I make them in school when the teacher yells at our class for being lazy or dumb. I make them at home when I’m in my room, wishing someone would notice my feelings and give me comfort. I’ve always made them with whatever I had around, and write a number on each and every one because its therapeutic. I can see how far I’ve come and how many times I haven’t given up.

Right now I’m at around four-hundred and seventy, and it really puts everything into a perspective.

Thats four hundred and seventy times that I could’ve given up. I’ve gotten pretty close on some of them - scarily close, but every one of those stars is a reminder to keep pushing forward, because I wake up every day and on my dresser is a box full of stars, and when I’m happy I think of how far I’ve come.

I think this idea should be passed around as much as possible. Its calming and distracting from and panic I feel. It gives me something methodical to do: Fold here. Fold there. Crease that line. There you go, Create. Produce. Make something solid and focus on it. Make another if you need to. Write a number. Fill up the jar, box, drawer.

And when you’re breaking and feel everything crashing down, you can look at your stars and think:

“See? I made it through alright. I can give it another go.”

punkjackaboy Thanks babe ❤️ #sweetesthusbandever

I finally found the original! I’ve reblogged this once years ago and never found it again, I am SO HAPPY 😱😂😃👏👍

I love this comic so much. And the stars … I love making these things. It’s a good way to keep your hands busy and your mind quiet when you’re in a lot of pain inside. Also, they’re really flippin’ cute.

i actually make these and it’s super helpful


@pipesflowforeverandever look it’s Ginger and Francine


Shout out to Jewish butches… Butches with thick curly hair and dark thick eyebrows and big noses. Shout out to Jewish butches that aren’t skinny, white or cis and have a really hard time relating to the Jewish women they see in the media that all seem to be conventionally pretty by goyische beauty standards.


I might have asked this a while back but I cant remember... What are some tips for someone pretty new to Pharah? I'm not very good at her yet, I've had a couple lucky ults that's gotten me POTG, but I'm honestly not that great at controlling her boops ;0;


Pharah tips:

Divebomb your counters.

What I mean by that is, don’t be afraid to go toe to toe with your counters (Widowmaker, Soldier: 76, McCree, etc) to get in their faces.

  • With McCree I get in his face, and if he flash bangs I jump jet immediately (to finish him with directs if possible), or wait until he uses his flash bang then I go in.
  • With Soldier: 76 I like to get right on top of him, and if he pulls out his healing, I normally knock him away from it (with concussive blast) so I can easily kill him.
  • With Widowmaker I simply get right in her face, so it makes it harder for her to aim and easier for me to take her out quickly.
  • With Ashe I had the biggest problem with her in the beginning honestly. Just like Widowmaker, you have to get in her face to close that distance between you and her, giving her little to no room to take those shots at you. Now when she ults bringing out Bob, I tend to be there to boop him out of the way of my team if possible.

Predicting enemy movement.

You want to be able to lead your rockets/ directs as much as you can to their target! If you may have trouble with this, just take a look at how your enemies are moving and study it.

  • Going into VS Ai is very helpful as well to practice this.
  • Setting up a custom match where you have bots on the enemy team and have their primary fire off is also a good way to practice (even I do this sometimes still).

Dominate the sky.

If there’s a Pharah on the enemy that is trying to one up you, again do not be afraid to take her on. I personally love my Pharah 1v1 battles so much, however some people don’t (all about personal preferences I’d much rather take her on then have her raining justice down on my team). I fight enemy Pharah’s by being super aggressive and giving them no space to move by being in their face. It’s also all about those TWO direct hits, however that means the same for you! Soo yes imo Pharah can counter another Pharah.

Fuel Management.

(Pay attention to your fuel)

I’m going to be honest with you, I’ve had my fair share of moments where I didn’t pay attention to my fuel and I’ve died off of edges… It’s very important to keep your eye on your fuel when you’re in the sky or hovering over places that have no ground! I stay in the sky for awhile by managing my fuel and timing when to use jump jet accordingly (if anything you want to TAP your fuel instead of holding it in).

Concussive blast (ways to use it).

For me there are two ways to use to ability:

  1. I use it for booping enemies off the edge for those environmental kills, away from my teammates or off of the high ground.
  2. I boop/ blast myself into the enemy which is diveboming them or setting up for a quick barrage.

When to ult/ when not to.

I love pulling off sneaky barrages, which is me going behind the enemy and ulting at the most perfect time. Sometimes in the heat of the moment I love concussion blasting right into the enemy and ulting!

Granted if they don’t have:

  • D.Va that is in mech
  • Genji that already used his deflect
  • Zenyatta who has his ult/ already used it

Then you are in luck! If there’s a Zen on the enemy team who has his ult and you know it, go for him or signal it out to your teammates. I usually like to get them to use their ult by just getting those direct hits off on them (Forcing the ult our of them), or I will try to kill him off first before ulting.

These are just some of my pharah tips I currently have out, and for those of you that have asked for tips please take a look at this. 💙

If any of you have Pharah tips that you would like to add on please feel free to!


Very very important, almost as important as the gameplay itself?

The Pre-game.

Before you start playing, you need to get into a mood, right? Well, the best way to do this is listening to Music, in my opinion.

Since this is Pharah, we're gonna want something high energy, something hard-hitting, like herself. I prefer listening to metal, however, if a song Screams Pharah, it screams Pharah.

Now that you're in the mood, you can really inhabit the character, and destroy the enemy team.

Now Go, and get that Diamond Rank you deserve!


Writing an action scene-

In your head:

Trying to describe it like:

ADVICE TIME. I also plan very elaborate fight scenes in my head and it took me a long time to figure out how to write them. Obviously there’s no right or wrong way to go about writing a fight scene, but here’s my method if anyone wants to give it a shot:

1) Find some good fight scenes to reference. Note that while it should look *something* like the fight you’re going to write, you can be pretty flexible as long as you can translate the movements of the original fight into something that makes sense for your setting. For example, I once adapted elements of a bending fight in Legend of Korra into a lightsaber duel, even though the LoK fight didn’t involve swords or melee weapons, because I was able to retain the spirit of the LoK blocking in swordfight form. Turning that LoK fight into something involving guns, on the other hand, would be tricky. The reverse is also true - it’s tough to turn a gunfight into melee combat.

2) Watch the reference scenes a few times, and try to identify what about the blocking makes it cool. 

3) Watch the reference scene again, but this time watch it in slow motion or pause it every couple seconds. Make a mental note of what’s happening frame by frame. Try to break it down into smaller pieces as well as large movements - don’t just say “he swings a sword,” make a note of the micromovements that go into swinging a sword.

4) Block your fight scene without any flair or description. Just write a list of simple, one-line descriptors of what happens blow by blow. Draw on your observations of the reference fight scenes from steps 1-3. You shouldn’t copy a fight’s blocking verbatim, but you can borrow individual elements as long as the way you describe it in Step 5 brings something new to the table. (The equivalent in art would be using references. Tracing a picture and calling it yours? Bad. Plagiarism. Looking at pictures similar to the thing you want to draw and using that to figure out how it should look? Or looking at art and saying “hey the way they did x is really cool, I want to emulate that part of their style”? Good and fine.)

5) Once it’s blocked, THEN you go back in and add flourishes. Note that you shouldn’t add flourishes to every sentence. Some of them should be short & declarative. But figure out the places where you can add relevant information and flesh those out more. 

If you’re still struggling to write a fight scene, here’s a list of questions you can ask yourself about the fight scene. Use the answers to inform the blocking AND how you embellish on that blocking.

Are there lots of acrobatics? 

Is it fluid or choppy? 

Are the characters going for glancing blows or are they throwing their whole weight into the strike? If melee combat, do they have to follow through? If ranged combat, is there recoil? If it’s a heavy blow or recoil is involved, what does that feel like?

How do the characters and their weapons hold up as the fight progresses? Do they need to reload ammo? Do weapons break? Do they injure themselves? If the answer to any of those is yes, how does that change the course of the fight?

Are characters using the environment in interesting ways? 

Does the fight damage things around them? 

Are the weather or other conditions (lighting, smoke, hazards) complicating the fight?

Does the fighting style reveal something about the character, or the relationship between two characters? 

Does a fight have extra dimension because of the characters’ relationships, or the context of the fight?

What do the characters want out of the fight? Is it a no-holds-barred fight to the death, or is it a ceremonial fight with rules and norms to follow?

Is it strenuous? Do the characters tire? Do they sweat? Do they get dirty? Do any of those factors affect the fight as it goes on? How do characters deal with pain?

Are the characters used to fighting? Are they scared? Do they enjoy it? What does it physically feel like to experience those emotions while fighting? If they’re fighting to the death and they kill somebody, does that bother them? Have they done it before? Do they feel guilt or regret? If they’re numb to what’s happening, is it because they’re a hardened killer or because they’re running on adrenaline and survival instincts?

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