
† MCL and ELDARYA Trash †

@anilcia / anilcia.tumblr.com

Way too much fandoms 🤦🏻‍♀️🌸

Eurovision PSA

Just a reminder that Poland (the country) doesn't want you to vote for Poland during Eurovision 2023.

The whole fuckery that happened can be summarized shortly as:

  • The "jury" way of voting in our country has been introduced three days before the competition.
  • The song chosen by the jury was not what people chose in popular vote (the difference was staggering and supposedly as high as 35k : 8k votes)
  • The mother of Blanka's supposed "boyfriend" was the head of the jury
  • Her dance choreographer was also on the jury
  • She won only by the jury vote as you can imagine
  • Her song was promoted left and right
  • We wanted the song disqualified but nobody listened to us

What we wanted to go through is here:

So yeah, don't vote Poland, thank you

Wilbur Soot

Why does Wilbur not have a cat yet?

Please explain to me



Honestly I wouldn't be so annoyed about this whole "american song contest" thing if it were an isolated incident. In fact, if done right this could be a great way to uplift immigrants and indigenous peoples and celebrate cultural diversity in the US!

It's because this is yet another example of a general trend: things that are distinctly not us-american being adapted specifically for the US. Americans are constantly being catered to, and this is one of the few things that is a) wildly popular and b) not american and not for americans.


American song contest leaves a bad taste in my mouth because it reminds me of the eurovision movie, that barely included any europeans safe for a few cameos here and there. Watching a movie about a festival that is meant to celebrate european unity and diversity that was written, produced, and directed by americans, with american actors who don't understand the cultural significance of this event, felt like mockery, and not the fun kind.

It reminds me of Honig im Kopf and Intouchables and the office and the good doctor being remade for American audiences rather than synchronized, the way every other country does it.

It reminds me of how The Voice is actually a Dutch concept but the only ones who don't call it "The Voice of (Country's Name)" are the Americans because OBVIOUSLY it's about the US, and how they probably think they invented the format. And hey, did you know that American Idol is an adaptation of the British show pop idol?

It reminds me of Americans getting pissed that a white choir sang Vuelie in Frozen, because "this song was inspired by native americans!!" No it wasn't. Those are Saami people singing a Saami song, it's called a Joik. And how the Northuldra, while being inspired by the Saami, didn't look like the Saami at all but more like a phantasy version of the Inuit?

It reminds of how someone reposted a political cartoon about the issues the Aboriginal people face (with the Aboriginal flag on it!!) and tagged it "usa" and "native american".

It reminds of how anytime politcs are trending on here, it's always american politics, and the way I know more about us politics and american queer history and american black history than I know about my own country, because the information is so much harder to find.

It reminds me of how people tried to tell Chinese people that it's pronounced ShAng-Chi, not ShUng-Chi, because obviously the American Way to pronounce a non-english name is the right one.

It reminds me of American movies and shows trying to sell me a location as something it very clearly isn't (for example slapping a logo on the Elbphilharmonie and calling it an office building, or filming in one city and pretending it's another one when it's OBVIOUS that it's not), and how at times they will cast actors to who can't even properly speak the language of whatever foreign country they're supposed to be from.

It reminds me of when the Americans wanted to put a statue of Ronald Reagan in Berlin for his "tear down this wall!!" speech, even though it received little media attention at the time and the wall DIDN'T fall because he made some speech. And when Berlin said no, they put it on their embassy's ground because they just had to have their statue.

It reminds me of the countless times I've seen Americans on this website assume everyone else is also American, because "anyone with an ø in their name must be a white supremacist" and "why do you call yourself Indian and not indigenous".


This is why people say they wouldn't be making such a fuss about it if it were actually an American contest, meaning the US competing with Canada, Mexico, Brazil etc. Because then it WOULDN'T be yet another thing specifically for US americans.

And yes, I know that the American people aren't to blame for this. That the esc decided to export the format, and Americans didn't necessarily ask for an esc. But somehow that makes it worse? Because that makes it feel like it's pretty much just a cash grab.


Anti wolf heck collar

“The purpose of the collar is to protect the dog wearing it when it has to fight the wolves. The collar base protects the dog’s throat and carotid arteries, while the spikes are intended to deter bites to the neck or even injure wolves trying to do so.”

“And what do you get from serving humans that you do not get from running free?” sneered the wolf.

“Free food, unconditional love and tactical upgrades,” replied the herding dog.

I see your anti-wolf dogs and raise you Spanish War Dogs.


I see your Spanish war dogs and raise you the Tibetan Mastiff, which was actually bred to fight tigers and has fur so thick that it doesn’t need armor

They’re also what I like to describe as ‘fuck you’ big

you want a fuck you dog ok i see your tibetan mastiffs, and raise you the caucasian shepherd dog 


they were bred to hunt bears, and they are fuck you dogs.

All I see are Good Pupps. 


All I see are Fereldans trying to one up each other on their knowledge of dog breeds


Hi Tumblr

Just wanted to say that the president of Poland Andrzej Duda just signed smthg called "Karta Rodziny", which basically states that the only true family and marriage is that of heterosexual people, further doubling down on refusing marriage equality and adoption. It will "save children from alien and harmful LGBT ideology" by baning public institutions of mentioning the "LGBT ideology".

The things happening over in america are horrendous, but also making way for changes for the better. They're making the whole world have a discussion about racism still woven into our societies.

But please. It's pride month. My country, my people need this to be on the lips of the world.

Spread the news

Anonymous asked:

thank you for being ‘loud’ about the state of politics in your country. I didn’t know much about polish government and the like, but your reblogs made me start becoming more educated and interested in being up to date with current events there. tumblr is so heavily focused on, like, 3 countries, and seeing other news is necessary. keep spreading awareness! :)

Thank you so  much for your support and concern.

Here in Poland wehave an actual problem with homophobia and transphobia. Last year on one of our pride parades in the Białystok people in parade were attacked by bystanders (like kicks, throwing bottles and other things in general it ws horrible) and this year we have a presidential election and our actual president is catholic, right-wing and homophobic. And, also has a big chance to win election again. 

After his words about LGBT, ideology and everything, he asked other president candidate (the only openly gay candidate) and his mother who reacted strongly on his words to palace, but they declined until Duda apologize for his words, but he didn’t and don’t want to say sorry after his hurting words. 

Most of our media are not really helping, because most of popular and public media are right-wing and, in general, we have strong catholic propaganda in Poland.

Even Warsaw Rise’s veterans criticed his words and demand change, but he literally  don’t care at all LOL. Like. Even war veterans (and their families) who fought for polish independency during occupation told you you are shit and you are like “haha and what I can do what I want bye”.

In our country there is few millions of LGBT people, how even he could be such a dick I can’t understand. We had suicides commited by kids only becuase they faced homo- and transphobia and they did nothing, only ignored the problem, because we “need pdychological help and not equal rights” whatever this even means. And psychological help is so expensive that a lot of normal people couldn’t afford regular therapy anyway. 

We can’t marry each other, there are no civil partnerships even, there would be illegal to talk about LGBT in schools, we can’t even get a single sorry after calling us not humans but an idology. 

I’m tired.

(its okay to reblog!)


It’s pride month and i want you guys to know that in Poland the president just signed a document that bans showing any lgbt portrayal in media and bans sex ex in schools and yes you can be jailed if you break these laws

Poland is currently the most conservative country in europe with young generations still seemingly living in medieval times so this is not going to change anytime soon as conservatives are in majority in my country

Not to mention how negative polish people are to current BLM protests all over the world, with racism and antisemitism being widely accepted by the government and ruling party

Please keep us in your thoughts, as we are fighting for better future in Poland



Current president of Poland Andrzej Duda has just released a dehumanizing Family Charter ahead of the election on 28th June. It includes a section about “protecting children from the foreign LGBT ideology” which allows to ban mentions of “LGBT propaganda” in public institutions.


Blame this guy named tony for this ok😭


i feel the need to reblog bc i just scrolled past this kind of post and my life is hell lol so hi



Polish MPs are voting on prison for teachers, doctors or psychologists for talking to children and young people about sex education. Then the Sejm (Polish Parliament) will deal with the law, which will force women to give birth to seriously damaged and terminally ill fetuses. These are cruel, inhuman laws. I can’t express how angry and outraged I am. Poland is regressing beyond the Dark Ages; this is a direct result of the unholy coalition: a super-conservative government and the most bigoted, prejudiced, controlling and greedy branch of the Catholic Church in Europe. I signed all possible petitions. Doubt that the opposition will amount to much. Catholic Mordor is in power.


#when is chris evans not steve rogers though


I have


no idea


what you’re


talking about


i do believe this is my fifth time reblogging this

apart form sebastian though he goes from this to this


seb’s the weird cousin

This is amazing oml

Seb’s the fanboy they grew to connect with the audience


@snowyseba This explains everything!

I’ve only seen this post in screenshots on pinterest. I love it.

I think you missed the other fanboy…

Love this

Everybody says Seb isn’t like Bucky… but he IS. He’s Bucky without a mask on. Bucky’s always wearing some sort of mask. Even around Steve. Seb is what Bucky would be like if he’d had the chance to just ~be~.


Um we’re forgetting someone…


Not to forget our “Wizard”:


I’ve found it. I’ve found the perfect post.

it’s on my dash jdnckdmd

these dorks lmaoo

I love everyone omg they’re all so amazing???


Don’t forget

Chris looks so hot in that first gif set


Omg I found THE original post! Holy shit I’ve only ever seen screenshots of this!

This post pops up on my dash every few months and I will never not reblog it.


This is too good to not reblog

Everybody see this, this is the quality trash I came to Tumblr in the first place.

This post is ALMOST perfect, but we’re forgetting someone:

Marvel has a farm wher they harvest actors [confirmed]

And we all know Stan Lee is the farmer




i saw this post earlier about therapists and it reminded me of my old therapist paul, who in my opinion is one of the greatest men alive and who did not put up with my bullshit for even one second

anyway i go in to see paul one week in the summer of 2016, and i’m doing my usual bullshit which consists of me talking shit about myself, and paul is staring at me, and then he cuts me off and says that he’s got a new tool for helping people recognize when they’re using negative language, and gets up and goes over to his desk

and i’m like alright hit me with that sweet sweet self-help article my man, because i’m a linguistic learner and whenever paul’s like here i have a tool for you to use it’s pretty much always an article or a book or something

paul opens a drawer, takes something out, and turns back around. i stare.

i say, paul.

is that a nerf gun.

yeah, says paul.

i say, are you gonna shoot me with a nerf gun in this professional setting.

he happily informs me that that’s really up to me, isn’t it. and sits back down. and gestures, like, go ahead, what were you saying?

and i squint suspiciously and start back up about how i’m having too much anxiety to leave the house to run errands, like it was a miracle to even get here, like i’ve forgone getting groceries for the past week and that’s so stupid, what a stupid issue, i’m an idiot, how could i–

a foam dart hits me in the leg.

i go, hey! because my therapist just shot me in the leg. paul blinks at me placidly and raises an eyebrow. i squint again.

i say, slowly, it’s– not a stupid issue, i’m not stupid, but it’s frustrating me and i don’t want it to be a problem i’m having.

no dart this time. okay. sweet.

so the rest of the hour passes with me intermittently getting nailed with tiny foam darts and then swearing and then fixing my language and, wouldn’t you know it, i start liking myself a little more by the end of the session, which is mildly infuriating because paul can tell and he’s very smug about it 

anyway i leave his office and the lady having the next appointment walks in and i hear what’s all over the floor? and paul very seriously says cognitive behavioral therapy tools.

The “I won’t hesitate, bitch” vine but @ friends who don’t love themselves

“Perhaps the saddest thing of all, Is that you made me feel like I wasn’t good enough. And worse yet, is that I let you”

— Excerpt from a book I’ll Never Write, Perhaps the Saddest Thing

“I loved you in all the ways I could never love myself”

— maybe that’s why it was so hard to let go //

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